Tuesday, March 18, 2025

I’ll not apologise for telling Easterners to Vote in Numbers-Dora Siliya


Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya has said that she will not apologize for telling people in Eastern Province to vote in large numbers like their counterparts in Southern Province.

Reacting to the allegation of championing tribalism in Eastern Province, Ms Siliya also dismissed the purported party at her house as fake news as there was never such a party at her house.

Below is the full stratement

Finished Politicians Crawl Out of Their Holes

By Dora Siliya

When Bob Sichinga also known as ‘Ba Shinono’ and William ‘Tekere’ Banda team up to exhibit ignorance I can’t help but put them right in their space, since they believe they can bully me because I am a woman.

As for William Banda, l will not dignify his comments by commenting over someone whose only political success is unleashing violence. Banda places himself as a political commodity to buy so he can vuvuzela. My dear Bob is better off avoiding to be on a war path with me. The last time he mentioned my name was when he accused me of faking COVID-19, again a bad political move, but we all got to know him as Ba Shinono.

He can’t even get his facts right about the MMD. May I remind him that President Michael Sata appointed 10 MMD MPs as deputy Ministers and recruited more to the party.

And let it be known that President Sata and I met at State House when he was President and we had a scheduled follow up meeting except he fell ill and went to Israel. I refuse to share our detailed conversation but he clearly was a far better politician than many claiming to him or know Zambian politics. He refused to make or adopt other people’s enemies as his enemies too.
And another fabricated matter doing rounds about an alleged party at my house!

I am shocked at the UPND heightened desperation. They have resorted to creating and posting fake stories on the Zambian Watchdog including a fake party at my house. Let it be known that there is no wind of change in Zambia. The earlier they accept this, the better.

On urging Easterners to copy the voting pattern that is now prevalent in Southern Province, this is my view. I am not apologizing for telling Easterners to emulate their relatives, “a bale batu” the Southerners, and vote in numbers like Dundumwezi where in 2016 there were fourty thousand votes for HH and zero votes for ECL.

I will not apologies for telling Easterners that while in the past they supported Chiluba from Luapula, Levy Mwanawasa a Lamba, and even saving PF in 2015 with Edgar Lungu. Now they too must support their son, since in the past they have supported all Zambians. I urged them not to betray the support that many Zambians, bembas Lozis, Lamba, Kaonde, Lundas, Lambas and many other tribes are giving President Lungu.

And it’s common fact that UPND which has majority Tongas as followers and has never supported the Patriotic Front under Mr Sata or President Lungu. I will not apologize for telling my headmen that how can they expect cash transfer when they are not vulnerable and wondering if they want to cheat the system.

I also went further to advise them that cash transfer, ‘Ndalama Za Mwasauka’ is nothing to be proud of and so they must do better by investing in agriculture and education of their children.

But of course it’s more sensational to misrepresent facts and play recording out of context.
The Sichingas and William Bandas must accept they have been failed Lusaka politicians with no understanding of the nuances and context of my meetings.

And I am reaching out to Chand Na Kay for a great performance at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka.
I can’t wait to meet you guys.


  1. Why should you apologise my bestie? Aren’t easterners zambians who should be encouraged to vote in numbers? Do they want you to ask them not to vote instead? Is it a crime to encourage participation in elections?

    • Dora ubufi that’s not what you said. Telling Easterners to Vote in Numbers is just what you want to hide in. You were selling us your silly petty line of thought that each politician represents his tribe or province. For you as a tribalist, Lungu in State House means Eastern Province is ruling. Atase! Your boss should reprimand you if he is a Zambian.
      You said: We shouldn’t relax that Edgar azawina since he is an Easterner but if we vote lazily, our friends in Southern Province will challenge us and we will be removed in power. So for you the battle for state house is between tribes or provinces as you want to disguise them? “Let’s not vote lazily the way we did on Rupiah. ” Rupiah was voted out because he was corrupt. Not because he was an Easterner
      Then you switched to…

    • Then you switched to inciting violence when you said this was a war. If the opposition had said something of the sort they would by now be visited by the Zambia Police. As far as we know its elections that put Lungu in State House not war like you said:
      “It’s war abale anga. It’s a war, we should make sure everyone registers as voters and vote on 12th August 2021 or else we will lose.” After elections Zambians are supposed to come together and continue sharing resources but after war that is not what happens. Lastly you told us what you really think of political positions.
      “let’s not lose this presidency because we still have a lot to do with it in our families, communities”. This presidency is but a tool to be used to enrich your families and communities not to develop Zambia…

  2. Panic has gripped PF members and time to find another candidate. The earlier the better.

    Easterners are already resolved to vote for Bally.

    Dora and Kangaroo Zulu stop misleading yourselves.

    PF must go!

    • Who except the dumb cant see how these politicians play us? See how sly these politicians are? She is defending something else. What she originally said was something else. She was being tribal and now wants to hide in emulating regionalism as if its something different.

  3. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Unbelievable! I thought this lady tries to give the impression that she is civilized and progressive and has matured above stoneage period tribalism mindset of “wako ni wako”. Why should people vote for someone simply because he/she hails from the same tribe? Shouldn’t they be voting them on merit and their policies?
    So what happens to the other 70 tribes who don’t have a candidate running for presidency? Should they shun voting simply because they don’t have “wako ni wako”?
    And if people of Dundumwezi were tribal bigots, why should they be emulated by the Easterners or indeed anyone who is supposed to be progressive?
    Apparently these are the cream of the cream of PF brains stooping this low to think with their tribes.

  4. T he real f a k e story is the issue of zero votes, there was nothing like that, the only place we have heard of zero votes is Sesa polling station in mwansabombwe.

  5. Just let every voter vote for their tribe’s mate, period. The people from western province should vote for their son, so should the easterners, northerners, southerners and lets see how this experiment goes. Every chief need to endorse their son, there is nothing to be ashamed. If a chief has no son let them wait for the time when their son stands and they can also endorse theirs.

  6. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    And these are the sycophants who accuse Bally of being a tribalist and yet they are ones openly advocating tribalism… Bally apart from the unfortunate circumstances he came to power more than 20 years ago has never publicly uttered such sentiments (and the way he came to power was through no fault of his own… that was Ackson Sejani who is now in obscurity). Easterners and Northerners are the worst tribalists and yet they are so vocal at accusing others using their sheer numbers.

    I think it should be a requirement for an aspiring MP or president to have lived abroad for a minimum of five years to see how the world is moving beyond tribe… send them even just in Botswana for some education.

  7. No No No, that’s not what you said. You mentioned tribes. The last time you were busy raising your middle finger in parliament. Let us respect each other. No need for any tribal talk

  8. Dora Siliya is amongst the people that caused Rupiah Banda to lose elections. She was at the centre of the scheme to share Government schools under a flawed policy. When Edgar loses elections she’ll easily move on to another Party. The people that were calling Sata a lunatic today are enjoying the fruits of his toils. Guy Scott ashala imisakalala. It’s life in the marrow where it is sweetest. Let them enjoy, and unfortunately people forget easily. Zambia has an abundance of people with small brains, they can’t see the larger picture that’s why they can support what Dora Slit said. Last time she campaigned based on bedroom issues, we got to know the unpleasant details of their relationship with her former husband. It seems politics makes some lose their minds

  9. I have said here before that “ God has rejected PF and it’s leadership”.
    Nothing they do will change God, the genuine children of God have cried out to him and he has heard their cry.
    PF may try to impose themselves on the people but God has he’s thumb pressed on them PF. Let him who has ears hear!

  10. This issue has nothing to do with William Banda or Bob Sichinga. Your defence of your tribal remarks is very feeble, an apology would do, though we know you are not the type. Us the owners of PF don’t do tribal talk, you MMD guys are spoiling our good name, don’t even try to defend yourselves on straight forward issues

  11. Friendly advice, We don’t need to beat a drum. Lets just live in harmony as Zambians. You go and say A Tonga atiukila, why why why. Lets maintain our imaginary one Zambia one Nation. And advise the person who invited you to government to consider tribal balancing in his appointments of government officers, that is what made Dr Kaunda to succeed. Leading requires a sophisticated level of judgement.

  12. This woman is changing the narrative. What she said in the video and what is being said are not the same. She wasn’t encouraging Rama’s voting but tribalism.

    She is a known flirt flop whose linen is in the public domain. She has too much skeletons in her cupboard to be representing people in that august House of Parliament.

    There is a clear correlation between the economy and the leadership. Need I say more.

    You are not that clever at all, twist as much as you want.

  13. Ba “Madilu system”, note that panic is actually more entrenched in the UPND which has hired a Bemba (Anthony Bwalya) and an Easterner (Richard Ngoma) to fabricate stories against an honest leadership of EC Lungu. UPND’s fear is vested in the youthful and energetic President Lungu who has delivered development to all parts of Zambia. Frankly. ever since the MMD’s era, the Western and Luapula provinces were the most neglected regions in terms of infrastructural development – this is being addressed. Besides, the construction of Kazungula Bridge by Botswana, Zambia and international funders, is inducing serious nightmares in the leadership of UPND. With regards to Hon. Dora Siliya message to people of Eastern province to vote, the Minister is merely emulating HH’s 2016 advice to…

  14. Only a person out of his mind will support what Dora Siliya said, especially about Michael Sata. Today Slit is enjoying from Sata’s toils. These are the same people that caused a RB to lose elections. They called Sata a lunatic and supporter of homos. She was at the centre of a scheme to share govt schools. Who told Slit that Sata enze kudya tute, nanga tute bamaikako fertilzer? May God have mercy on Dora Slit

  15. The problem we have is that these guys seem not to have a supervisor, I miss Mwanawasa. He would not condone indiscipline, even his own cousin George Mpombo was demoted as Minister of Energy to deputy minister Copperbelt when the country ran out of fuel, but the current ministers have a field day of doing wrong things and nobody admonishes them. The vivid failure is now pushing them to tribal talk out of desperation, that wont save you, you are late

  16. The same things Sata was against, of saying bad things and thinking later. Proper testimony here, why go attack tongas in Eastern province. I am from Eastern province, Chief Nyamphande, but I don’t support any tribal talk. This particular one was captured on video and we all saw it, why she is trying to deny is even more annoying. Lets live as one. We are one people.

  17. PF should concentrate on resolving the third term issue. If they wait till next year, then they will have problems. Am so worried about the presidential declaration form. Mwanawasa won the election after being picked in the last minute but it’s a very rare situation.

  18. I just look forward to this generation of tribaliats to be cleansed from the face of earth. I don’t think our grand children will care that much about this nonsense

  19. “I am not apologizing for telling Easterners to emulate their relatives, “a bale batu” the Southerners, and vote in numbers like Dundumwezi where in 2016 there were fourty thousand votes for HH and zero votes for ECL.”
    There’s no leadership in this statement. Dora thinks she is in parliament to push the cause of the Eastern Province. Thats what serlfish people do. They look at whats in it for me all the time. That is why Dora flops as a national leader. Lungu doesnt talk as much as Dora but he exhbits similar traits.
    This can only come from a

  20. This lady is not truthful. Why not just admit and apologise. I mean everybody saw the clip, and she wants to conveniently say that she was canvassing for votes.

  21. Her failure to apologise & her attempt at twisting what she said is even more annoying. We heard very clearly what she said, now she thinks we are f00ls ?
    We need to send a clear message to these mwankoles in the next elections

  22. Being used to a life of deceit….refusing what everybody saw and heard, and in any case why single out Tongas. Are there no other tribes standing in the next elections.

  23. I see nothing wrong with Dora encouraging Easterners to vote, aren’t they citizens with rights too? She’s only encouraging people to exercise their right, that’s it.

  24. Right on Dora. Tongas amaze me. They dont want to vote for any other tribe apart from their fellow Tongas in Southern province, but other tribes in other provinces should vote for Hichilema, a Tonga! This is hypocrisy of the highest order. Who do they think they? A special tribe in Zambia. With their pompous dull president who thinks he can rule Zambia when he is far from it. What Dora has said is the truth, and all other tribes should take note before the selfishness of Tongas engulf the country! And that will be followed by civil war because Tongas are too tribal, and a revenge rule like we witnessed when late Anderson Mazoka almost won in 2001! They promised to deal with all the Bembas and Easterners! “Its now our turn to rule’ they shouted ” you will now see! ” they said. Those…

  25. 20 SEPTEMBER 2006The Post (Lusaka)
    By David Silwamba in Kaoma
    Lusaka — MAZOKA will be watching you as you cast your vote, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) presidential candidate kleptoh² has told the electorate.

    And Tribal kleptoh² said Lozis and Tongas are inseparable and they should never allow United Liberal Party (ULP) leader Sakwiba Sikota to align them with Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata, a Bemba.

    Damn! This kid kleptoh² has been divisive from inception.

  26. Is not the upnd and Southerners game to do a Dundumwezi? Vote for a Tonga only. Only a Tonga will UPND to state house.

  27. …Only a Tonga will take UPND to State House.
    So, you think your friends in other province are not watching and copying your tribal centred politics.

  28. Because am “Tonga” you must vote for me, or now it’s” time for a Tonga” to rule Zambia. What a weired thinking. We do not have a quarter system of politics, we have a democracy for goodness sake. UPND the tribal voting partens have largely driven the chances of ruling to the dustbin. Any Tonga who embraces all tribes will lead our great nation. We cannot generally vote for a clown who does not have manners, selfish and egocentric cgaracter

  29. Let all tribes vote the Tonga way …they have shown us how to vote….zero for HH and thousands for Lungu in Eastern province. Who do Tongas think they are..they can’t vote for others but they want other tribes to vote for them.Thats nonsense guys…this time we shall play you at your game.

  30. But UPND guys are tribal. 99.99% tongas support HH. Even my workmate said he gonna punch me next coz they will be ruling. There is too much hatred in most these chaps. Most of them hate bembas and easterners which should be stopped. I don’t know who told them to hate other tribes. UPND is not a good party guys.It’s not that we are against it but wait and see.Watch how these guys talk. It seems they are already indoctrinated into hating other tribes.it’s them who can rule and change the this country.

  31. @ MOSCOW ( OP ).
    If what you are saying is correct and the reason for your tribalism. What about us who come from other tribes that have no contesting Presidents ? You want us to vote for your tribes mates ? I am sorry that is not the answer to your concern. The answer is to FIGHT TRIBALISM wherever it shows its ugly head.

  32. I am from Eastern Province, My wife is from Southern, Can Ba Dora Siliya advise us together with our children, which candidate we should vote for with the new formula for Zambian Democracy ? God forgive all Tribalists..

  33. Let us all fight tribalism from all corners of our Country. It is really BAD and unchristian. However, one thing I have to confess is that I do not remember any tribal remarks coming from HH. I need to be corrected.

  34. The video is there to see and hear what Dora said while in eastern province.In this ear of smart phones anything can be recorded on vidoe ..it’s foolish to deny or try to change what was said.It’s not new some easterners already exihbit a wako ni wako sydrome and the so called chibuya with there tribal cousins the bembas this can be seen even in there marriages,this type of tribalism has costed Zambia to be stuck in terms development.Zmbia could have been better if it was ruled by intelligent and hard working leaders but alas the back ground of most of these leaders is so dismal in terms of hard work and personal archivements.They lie on there way through to get to the top office in the land.

  35. what is your fear for easterners to vote in large numbers like in dundumwezi , and luapula also to vote in large numbers , Muchinga in large numbers northern in large numbers , n/western in large numbers Copperbelt in large numbers , Lusaka in large numbers westerns in large numbers all these are pf strong holds central also except southern province bwino ka nabeve can change and what will remain for upnd privatization inquiry . now that bill 10 is over its now time to concentrate on privatization enquiry. Ba presidio expedite ka issue ka privatization so that some people can collapse with BP

  36. Fuseli we chi.nyo cha Katete iwe! Keep your stinking tribal bigotry uko, we are sick and tired of these rat chewing baboons destroying our country.

  37. Fuseki we chi.nyo cha Katete iwe! Keep your stinking tribal bigotry uko, we are sick and tired of these rat chewing baboons destroying our country.

  38. I am an Easterner and I can assure you we will support the son of the soil as our brothers and sisters have done with their son of the soil in Southern Province. What is good for the Goose is good for the gander! Ain’t no way will HH win Eastern unless we easterners are stupid.

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