Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Parliament adopts the proposal to ratify the agreement to establish the Tripartite Free Trade


Parliament has adopted a Report of the Committee on National Economy, Trade, and Labour Matters on the proposal to ratify the agreement to establish the Tripartite Free Trade Area among COMESA, East African Community and SADC.

Earlier, Chairperson for the Parliamentary Committee on National Economy, Trade and Labour Matters, Situmbeko Musokotwane said most stakeholders have supported the country’s decision to ratify the Tripartite Free Trade Area.

Dr. Musokotwane however, said there is a need for the country to deliberately put in place measures that will enable the country to actively participate in trade with other countries.

And Deputy Chief Whip Tutwa Ngulube said Zambian companies will use the Free Trade Area to expand the market for their products.

Mr. Ngulube said there are several products that are being manufactured in Zambia that can compete on the international market.

Meanwhile, Nchanga Member of Parliament Chilombo Chali who seconded the motion said despite the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement increasing market access, there is need for Zambia to find ways to protect the revenue collection.


  1. What they mean is that Zambia must be a dumping ground for junk from other countries. How can we gain from free trade when ZNS is shooting people on private parts just for selling a bag of mealie meal to DRC? Blarri styopeti

  2. Can some one help me understand how the Democrats winning in USA automatically translates into UPND magically winning zambian elections? I am baffled by this thinking. Is this one of hh political theories? Nadabwa. It seems being educated does not make you immune from f00lishness. Seek help.

    I await a response from upnd political strategists


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