Friday, March 7, 2025

Energy Minister assures Zambians again that Load shedding will end soon


Energy Minister, Mathew Nkhuwa has assured the nation that the first power generator at Kafue gorge lower power station is ready for commissioning this month-end.

This is subject to the filling up the power plant’s water reservoir with water, which will start this Sunday, November 8, 2020.

He says as a result of this exercise, there will be increased load shedding for a period of seven days.

Mr. Nkhuwa has also assured that last month’s fire accident at the power plant construction site, did not delay the works, which are scheduled to be completed by April next year.

He has explained that this multi-billion dollar power plant construction project is a clear testimony of the government’s commitment to addressing the national power deficit.

Mr. Nkhuwa said this when he led provincial ministers in touring the project site so that they can appreciate the works and be able to explain in their regions.

The minister said the government is committed to developing other such power plants, citing the Batoka and Kalungwishi power plant projects, like other ventures in the pipeline.

And project director, Wesley Lwiindi said over 90 percent of works have been done, and all is set for reservoir filling this Sunday, and commissioning by end of this month.

Mr. Lwiindi explained that the second power generator is expected to be commissioned by end of December this year, while the entire plant will be completed by next April.

Meanwhile, ZESCO managing director, Victor Mundende said the country needs to sustain such investments so that the energy sector can fully support Zambia’s socio-economic growth.

Mr. Mundende explained that ZESCO would like to embark on such projects in a consistent manner so that the company continues to be relevant to national development.

He is, however, grateful for the government’s commitment and political will in supporting the 2 point 3 billion dollars project.

Meanwhile, speaking on the sidelines of the tour, north-western province minister, Nathaniel Mubukwanu said the Kafue gorge lower power plant is critical to supporting the mining and other economic activities in his region.

Mr Mubukwanu said mining companies in North-Western province have been strained over the years to fully engage in mining activities, due to energy inefficiencies further stating that with the project finalizing, the country will be able enhance economic ven

And southern province minister, Edify Hamukale said the region is greatly benefiting from the project implementation, through skills transfer, job creation, as well as corporate social responsibility programmes by the contractor, sino hydro.

Dr Hamukale is also optimistic that the project, once complete, will enhance economic activities in the entire country.


  1. But how or why is filling the reservoir located down stream of the current power station affect generation from existing turbines at the Kafue upper power station?? This power station they are talking about was initially contracted at US$1.5 bn ,now they are saying it is US$2.3 bn,HOW DID WE REACH TO THAT HIGH COST FOR THE SAME POWER SIZE AND CAPACITY,NO ONE EXPLAINS? ONE DAY THEY SHOULD EXPLAIN!!

  2. How many times have the Zambian
    People been told this same statement that loadshedding will
    Never happen. Next we will hear is
    Zesco is exporting power to offset
    Some debt(kongole)

  3. Great development. Look how upset the devil worshipping upnd members are. How can you criticize positive developments? It is not hard to see why upnd lose elections.

  4. “He says as a result of this exercise, there will be increased load shedding for a period of seven days.”
    Lieing has become the norm with these lazy morons its like being told by the electricity company that will be switching off power to your house for 10 hours for a week as the houses down the road are connecting power…how laughable is that….these are such lazy people in other countries you never hear any of these inconveniences as they have backup power and even work with live lines. You have a power company that looks for excuses not to serve the customer ….I am sure within this period ZESCO and PF will up the export of electricity just to pocket the excess and the President is sleeping …how I miss Sata in such times. You are commissioning another hydroelectric dam that is…

  5. How van you trust this moron minister when he has never accounted for the millions he gave RSA power company for electricity that was never supplied?

  6. I truly hope the ‘soon’ becomes the ‘now’, today load shedding has ended! In this day and age, to live as people have been living in Zambia – constantly enduring load shedding, can only be described as pathetic on the part of Zesco – and all credit to Zambian people for their patience. It’s unacceptable, and people should be compensated every time Zesco fails to supply electricity. How many times, up and down the country, have people lost business, or thrown away refrigerated food etc., because of power cuts? Zesco keeps raking in the money despite their failures. Where is the trading standards authority??

  7. Zambiaisours – Its a shame Zambians do not such questions? Billions are being lost and no one is giving account…someone has the cheek to give assurances.

  8. The main issue will be affordability of this reduced load shedding……

    Are prices for the suffering Zambian consumer going to drop ????

  9. The sad thing is, Lungu’s minions have no idea how dumb they sound when they repeat his lies as if they were true.
    They lie big and small, day and night , Lying and deception have always been considered perennials of politics …

  10. Upnd members continue criticising pf government. We will see if zambians vote based on criticisms. No one knows what your policies will be. All we hear from you are accusations of corruption and how mediocre we are. Well all we will say is the people will decide in 2021. Remember you have lost elections since upnd was formed. How does a loser criticise policies of a party which has got the majority support in the country? You are very brave opening your mouth about our government. However, ba diaspora you have adopted citizenship there so why aren’t you as brave to speak up against right wing leaning parties there in Europe but quick to talk about us here? You know that the whltes there do not see you as now come here to release your frustrations on us. What a pity.

  11. Razor – Imagine without giving a proper explanation…I have never seen a company that doesnt want to meet its obligations to customers you would think power they consume is free.

  12. Tarino, you say how I miss sata? This load shedding started in 2012 just after pf came into power which is during SATAs term. The first 2 eurobonds were signed up during satas term by chikwanda. The dollar shifted from 5 to 14 during satas term. Than it came down to 10 when mutations was finance minister. The mess we are in was started by sata and no one is to blame but ourselves for voting in a mad man and his lies. I for one never voted for pf and sata but voted rupiahs mmd. I was right.

  13. Tarino, you say how I miss sata? This load shedding started in 2012 just after pf came into power which is during SATAs term. The first 2 eurobonds were signed up during satas term by chikwanda. The dollar shifted from 5 to 14 during satas term. Than it came down to 10 when mutati was finance minister. The mess we are in was started by sata and no one is to blame but ourselves for voting in a mad man and his lies. I for one never voted for pf and sata but voted rupiahs mmd. I was right.

  14. Can someone explain to me why load shedding will be increased if Kafue Gorge hydro and Kafue Lower Hydro are connected in series by river Kafue. I thought that the water from Kafue Gorge turbines will flow in Kafue Lower Reservoir while the gates and turbines are closed to facilitate the filling up of the dam. Could someone with the knowledge of hydro generation shed more light.

  15. Load shedding is long overdue and luckily people have learnt to manage and live with it. It will end soon means never ending, we have heard that several times and we have lost hope. Please bwana minister, just work and stop giving us false information. We are just managing well after all. Wake up people do not bank on such people and their words, it will never be fulfilled.

  16. Wako – When I say I miss Sata I dont mean I miss the way managed the economy with Fossil Chikwanda borrowing blindly …I miss his no nonsesnse approach to such issues do you think if his minister told him that we will loadshedding for 10 hours a day to fill up a dam… he would agree with such claptrap? The man was never inept like the current resident who is preoccupied with clinging on to power.

  17. @ Zambianaisours: Read this ” Financing for the Kafue Gorge Lower power station
    The total cost of the project is estimated at $2bn, which includes engineering, procurement and construction costs of $1.58bn, financing costs of $43m, the insurance cost of $100m and capitalised interest of $312m.

    The project is being financed by the Zambian Government and foreign financial institutions, including the Exim Bank of China. The government allocated an initial investment of $186m for the project.”

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