Friday, October 18, 2024

Lusambo Promise Development to Kapiri Mposhi resident if they Vote for a PF MP


Copperbelt PF Mobilization Chairperson Hon Bowman Lusambo was in Kapiri Mposhi yesterday where he addressed a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents.

Mr Lusambo bemoaned lack of development under the current area Member of Parliament Stanley Kakubo but assured the residents that things will change tremendously once the people entrust leadership in the caring hands of the PF.

“No obstacle will deter the determination we have to develop, not only the entire country but Kapiri Mposhi in particular because the MP you chose has not been proactive” he said and regretted the tendency by the UPND to reject anything development oriented just because it comes from the PF.

Hon Lusambo who also received two key UPND defectors namely Nevers Zunde who was the mobilization chairman under the UPND said his Kabushi constituency will now have Kapiri Mposhi as a sister constituency and therefore donated one vehicle for mobility purposes, all in an effort to address some developmental lapses under the current leadership.
He declared that Kabushi will be an extension of Kapiri Mposhi so that developmental programes are intertwined.

And PF Central province Chairman Hon Remember Chanda Mutale said it is unfortunate that Kapiri is so underdeveloped but called on residents to make a wise choice in 2021 and ensure that President Edgar Lungu gets overwhelming votes as well as ensure that central province produces PF members of parliament.

Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents
Bowman Lusambo, addressing a mammoth rally attended by thousands of Kapiri Mposhi residents


  1. Lunacy is in PF government, so how comes development is attached to voting them?

    These quacks need to be quarantined forever!

    PF must go!

  2. Development must follow a Zambian not a particular vote. Did the minister have a permit to gather these people??????? Let us be fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. But they always say they hv taken development countrywide. So they hv not taken it to Kapiri Mposhi! Lusambo has admitted it.

  4. This guy is busy spreading corona virus…..Ba Chitalu bena bali zii.Ba Lungu nabo bali zii….if it were the opposition apa you would heard……..!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This statement put across by Lusambo is 100% correct. In fact we can see how inert all UPNDEAD MPs have been negatively impacted by the evil inertia from kleptoh².
    Instead of MPs serving and supporting progressive policies and development by PF, they have chosen to represent the feelings of the evil dark child whose theme and modus operandi is anti-development – a nigga with his herds of blind follower bewitched MPs.
    It is these ignorants of MPs that make you wanna vote for a PF party from Councilor to President. I think that is cool under the circumstances and period of walk outs. Otherwise independents could make sense as well.

  6. GDP ? , inflation ? , unemployment ?

    Forigne exchange ? , fuel shortages ?

    Load shedding ? , corruption ?………


  7. Kakubo despite being in opposition has done well now the people of kapiri should imagine how much more they can do if they form government.

  8. No wonder, we are a 3rd World Country. It is not surprising that there is no holistic plan or direction for the country except haphazard promises from cadres.

  9. Just look at these photos all packed in there like sardines or kapenta, literally talking in each others faces then the silly corrupt Health Minister Chilufya is there telling you to mask up and practice social distance surely how can you take such a careless arrogant regime seriously. Why should you promise development when a PF candidate is voted in? This is an insult to voters and their intelligence.
    If I was opposition I would also notify the Police of a rally next week in Kapiri so that I can document it when I am refused.

  10. This is very true. The opposition are occupied with trying to get to state house which means their priority is to score political points than serve people in their constituencies. The ruling party is not concerned about political issues because we know we are winning. So if they elect a pf mp he or she would concentrate on development rather than pleasing a demigod leader like hh

  11. Honorable Lusambo seems to know what he is doing despite his own weaknesses of arrogance and boosting. He only needs a technical campaign advisor. If he termed his language a little he would become as convincing as Chishimba Kambwili. That’s wat UPnd is lacking in their team. Their MPs are not not just quiet, they are not crowd pullers and not so convincing like CK

  12. We can not develop with these types of vermin like Bowman in our public offices…they are more than happy for you to remain poor so they can come to your area during campaigns with handouts and music. How Lazy Lungu tolerates this shows how desperate he is even when its clearly not adhering to any health guidelines….but that is MMD for you very arrogant people.

  13. If it isn’t already, we must make it illegal for political parties to deny development to opposition held areas. Even if it was legal ethically and morally it doesn’t add up. Pure and simple.

  14. Kalok – Do you honestly think these dullards would respect such a law even if it was enacted ….these are people who tried to push Bill 10 by any means possible and thought it was merely about numbers in Parliament. Arrogant rude people always end up in tears like Trump…a dull chap who was living in a two room shack 4 years ago is now so rich that he has money to hire bands from RSA to play at a free rally…I mean these are guys who are paid before they even get on the plane. This moron Bowman is taking down everything Sata believed in and built…I mean why should he respect the founder when he hated him with a passion.

  15. In Lungu’s government there’s only abject poverty and suffering for most families, Zambian people are being used as slaves in their own country by foreigners like the Chinese who are now Manganese Mine owners, starting from Kapiri Mposhi area that pay hard working Zambians slave wages of less than 2 dollars per day and less than 70 dollars per month. Zambian people are sick and tired of Lungu and his visionless leadership

    ”A visionless person is a purposeless person. Yes! besides that, a visionless life is equally not worth living at all. Thus, you’ve got to be a visionary, as well discover and fulfill your purpose for being here (on earth)”. Emeasoba George

  16. Have you ever wondered why the likes of gayrino come here to criticize the government all day and yet never tell you who they support or what alternative policies the people they support will effect?

  17. They set that dog loose again? And it looks dirty. We hear PF also collecting money from people attending those music concerts?
    What is Davis Mwila thinking, that Lusambo is just making PF worse by spreading corona virus.

  18. Nostra…. – Maybe ba SG Mwila is using the knowledge acquired from his 2 year Bachelor’s Degree in PM from Cavendish University …really laughable. These Zambian Politicians seem to have more time to study when they are in the ruling party


  20. @2 Madilu System
    Your question’s answer is in the passage. UPND has a policy of denying inhabitants development wherever they hold a stake (have an MP)
    so that the inhabitants see it as PF not developing that area. I think you know this.

  21. Are any of these PF dimwits listening to Joe Biden as he accepts his nomination in the US?
    You aren’t a government for only those who voted you in office! Biden is telling Americans he will be president of those who voted for his party and those who didn’t. Free lessons on democracy on your DStv Mr Lusambo. No need for enrolling at Cavendish.
    I have never heard a Zambian ruling party member address opposition members amicably. It’s only when Lusambo wants to insult opponents that he talks to them, when Dora wants to incite a following she will refer to Southern Province voters never to remind UPND that we are one.

  22. Polytricks ****** can you also cite any example of when a upnd member addressed a pf member amicably? Our president has been calling for upnd to join us during national events like independence, national prayers etc. But always shunned by your evil party members. Polytricks you are a f00l. Ulimbwa

  23. It seems like MPs in Zambia do not understand & know their roles. From the civics i learnt in G8, the function of the legislature are as follows: make laws, scruitinise govt policies & programmes, govt expenditure plans, and to ensure that the govt is responsible & accountable. It is entirely the duty of the executive & other govt institutions to develop the country. That’s the reason am not of the idea of appointing ministers from parliament. It impairs their objectivity & independence thereby failing to represent the interests of people who vote for them. The legislature must be independent from the executive.

  24. Kakubo is doing fine i remember when he went to construct a market in kapiri mposhi a group of police officers came and chased him and what kind of development are you talking about. yes in your eyes there is no development because you dont allow opposition mps to do the work in their constituences.

  25. Bakakonya ruling Zambia .All they do is go to places like this and dance instead of fixing the Kwacha .

  26. Bakakonya ruling Zambia .All they do is go to places like this and dance instead of fixing the Kwacha .That is why this man gets corona because he doesnt mask up .As a matter of fact he should be discouraging such gatherings . I do not think Kangange would give a permit to the opposition if the wanted to do the same because of COVID- 19. Lusambo is putting Zambians at risk of dying from Corona virus through his Kabova mentality .

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