Friday, March 21, 2025

89 year old woman murdered by her grandchildren


Police in Muchinga Province have launched a manhunt for three suspects in connection with the murder of an 89-year-old woman of Kapashi village in Shiwang’andu District.

Muchinga Province Police Commissioner, Joel Njase said the incident occurred on November 9, 2020, at about 19:00 hours in Kapashi village.

Mr. Njase said Police visited the crime scene and findings were that the deceased was beaten by her grandchildren on suspicion that she was practicing witchcraft.

”Joseph Malonda aged 39 reported that his grandmother Mary Nsofu aged 89 was murdered by her grandchildren namely Mumbi Mulenga and Kangwa Mantala both of Kapashi village and Teddy Mulenga of Chabola village all of Shiwang’’andu District whose ages are not yet known,” said Mr Njase.

”They allegedly accused the now deceased to have been the one behind the sickness of her daughter Doris Mulenga, who resides in Chabola village and has been ill since August this year,” he explained.

Mr Njase further said it is alleged the deceased was only recused from the beatings by her granddaughters who dragged her to a nearby field to protect her from the beatings but unfortunately later died.

”The victim sustained bruises on the left eye lid and swollen back as kicks were allegedly used in the act,” he said.

He added that the body of the deceased was later deposited at Chinsali District Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem adding that no arrests have been made as the suspects are on the run.

And Mr Njase has warned that issues of individuals taking the law in their own hands on mere suspicion of witchcraft will attract the full arm of the law.


  1. The long-term cure is education to this superstition. Religion cannot help us I regret to say. These old grannies are our link to the past.

  2. @Nemwine u are damn right but in the main, witchcraft does actually exist and continues to cause havoc in some parts of the country. Remember several stories in the past where female teachers were sexually molested in their sleep and some people finding themselves sleeping outside naked without knowing how they left their bedrooms. Whilst it is difficult to detect witchcraft, we still need to devise laws that will impose very stiff penalties on those that are caught practicing it including so called witch doctors. They are also witches and they are responsible for it a proliferation.

  3. Half true,my aunt died aged 83 swearing she’d never believe in witch doctors after following people behind at night and overhearing them planning to plant false evidence.
    Who proves that one is a witch?
    The false accusations against the is sad and a tragedy.Often these accusers lead a drunken and bad life and falsely accuse others for something they should take responsibility.

  4. There’s need to revisit the Witchcraft Act as it seems to have failed to address this issue. Recently when Amos Chanda resigned he also claimed that there was a lot of witchcraft at State House so we can’t continue to ignore this issue

  5. Teacher Muzo you can’t deny that something exists but still want to punish those practicing it. That is what the Zambian law is guilty of.
    If witchcraft doesn’t exist ignore those practicing it. Don’t charge them. If it exists you will need experts in the field to testify in courts and explain how people found themselves sleeping naked outside their house.

  6. This makes very sad reading. It’s strange how recently most stories relating to deaths of elderly people have been caused by their own family members particularly grandchildren. Why this hate for grandparents??? Why not take her to the nearest Police station with evidence of her practicing the vice. The aged are frail and defenceless. Stop elder abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. KZ we waiting for you n humble to address the nation on why Zambia has defaulted on debt payments. Do honourable thing as we want to hear it from the horses mouth.

  8. Sad people in rural settings treat the elderly us witches – very sad and disgusting. Cage the three once apprehended they save as a deterrent to other would be offenders. How do you terminate a life of an 89 year old lady by inflicting pain on her body?

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