Sunday, September 8, 2024

I’ll make sure President Lungu leaves office before 2021 Elections-Garry Nkombo


Mazabuka Member of Parliament, Gary Nkombo has assured the people of Southern Province that he will work hard in seeing to it that President Lungu leaves office before 2021 General Elections.

This follows his application to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr. Patrick Matibini to restore the motion to impeach President Lungu.

Mr. Nkombo has requested the speaker to restore the motion on the Order Paper for debates in the house, saying the judicial review against the motion does not hinder the Speaker from tabling the matter.

The Mazabuka law maker was speaking in Pemba District of Southern Province during a mobilization rally which was addressed by UPND Leader, Hakainde Hichilema who urged people of the area to register as voters.


    • Gary Nkombo acting like those bulls that are made to chase after anything red in their path. First he told us he would quit politics if UPND lost the last elections. They lost. He didn’t quit so he is now chasing another red cloth. He will make sure Lungu isn’t there for the bull to challenge this time. LMAO. Why cant he imagine facing the same opponent and crushing him? Please you Zambian cartoonists just give us some Nkombo cartoon to laugh at.

  1. We know that Edgar Lungu must go but let it be at the right time. There’s no need to get excited just because you defeated Bill 10. Take it easy. You just played the role of useful idyots otherwise the tribal Party isn’t anywhere near winning elections

  2. Assuring the people of Southern Province,,,no wonder Donald Trump lost elections,,,,,you can’t win elections just in one region,,,,

  3. Cantankerous chaps. They now want another political fight in parliament. Can they ever move progressive motions. I really don’t know what people see in these chaps.

  4. What could be better than this Honorable? In fact MPs from the Opposition and Independents are worth the title ‘Honorable’.

  5. This is now chipantepante politics, what are you trying to prove when you don’t even have the numbers in parliament or are you going to use juju. Lungu is busy meeting village headmen and telling them that there is a clause in Bill 10 compelling the Government to pay village headmen an allowance and you are busy with a useless motion. If you think southern and the youth votes are more than the villagers then you are a joke. Tell the voter what you are going to do for them or just promise them anything apart from infrastructure and early inputs delivery. Lungu stories are no longer selling.

  6. How can you impeach a president with a minority in parliament?? Upnd know they are losing 2021 and these are desperate acts to dupe their fanatical and tribal support base. They thought the whole country would be having street parties for defeating Bill 10 but reality has hit that they messed up and Zambians will judge them. With the mounting pressure on hakainde to clarify his role in the plunder of national assets during privatisation, upnd is getting do ever desperate.

  7. Upnd should campaign in PF strong holds.We all know of their
    Support in southern province.
    Otherwise they will again cry in

  8. In functional democracies, this man wold have been allowed to proceed with his impeachment motion……but because Zambia is no longer a democracy it can’t be allowed…..Lungu has ruined the governance system of this country no wonder he should go…..
    Its also a pity that some brainwashed PF cadres are speaking against this noble democratic practice without shame!

    • Justine Nkumbu he’ll definately be allowed but nothing will happen looking at the numbers Opposition hold in Parley. Impeachment vote require 2/3 majority which is 112 votes out of 160 of the total Parley…

      Ofcourse PF members won’t support. They might walk out when its time to vote.

    • Siamweenda Paul in democracy it is not about meeting the 2/3 majory but doing the right thing…. Let him move the motion, have it seconded and debated then vote! The outcome does not matter …

    • Justine Nkumbu academic democracy you are right… You know its not every academic you apply literally, sometimes you apply common sense.

      Zambia is currently facing economic challenges not political challenges. It would make more sense if the opposition can pressurize the Executive representatives in Parly

    • Justine Nkumbu it’s a failed project. The problem with upnd is not PF but HE ECL and the people of eastern province. We all that upnd has acknowledged the presidency of ECL just because he came from Chawama compound. The good part is that even next year they petition after lossing.
      Upnd is a satanic party that needs extinction. You can’t have leaders that speaks ill of other people. They insulted President Sata MHSRIP through Zambian watchdog till he died. They mocked him. The rejoice when calamity falls on PF.
      What kind of a party is upnd? They want to use other tribes for them to go up. Shame

  9. When this motion of s.t.u.pidity is tabled before our parliament, PF copy your upnd counterparts and WALK OUT!!!!!!!

  10. Well done Nkombo. These are the progressive things we want to hear. That is why impeachment was put there as a tool for democratically removing a President who errs, please use it, don’t shy away from it. Very positive development, this one

  11. We say, who the hell are you parliament document forgerer and !d!0+ garry.

    The problem with some Upndead psychopaths in SP is that they have believed this careless statement from nigga nkombo. The klepto h² delusional virus has had it way to id!0+ garry’s medulla.

  12. Let us all register to vote. As we go to vote. Lets not vote on emotions. Let’s ask those standing to share their manifesto so that we vote or not vote for them based on the ideas/policies they have that affect all of us.
    1. What’s their policy on pay as you earn?
    2. What is their policy on excise tax/ duty?
    3. What’s their policy on corporate taxes?
    4. Whats their policy on Pensions ?
    5.Whats their land ownership policy ?
    6. Whats the policy on education, health?.
    7. What is their policy on agriculture and promotion of local products?
    What’s the policy on easing regulation?
    8. What is the strategy to ending smuggling,???? corruption etc
    9. What is their policy on the rule of law and ending the pathetic cardalism within their parties etc?
    I can go on.
    You can not swim to the shore with rocks double your weight tied to your legs.
    We need transparent leaders..

    • Bruce Mulenga if there could be any person who would give this hope to the general citizenry, then trying them wouldn’t be a bad idea, currently there seems to be no any alternative

  13. I had intended to comment # Sean Tembo but the thread is corrupted:

    I was going to state that any individuals making further accusations pertaining to HH’s involvement to privatisation should no longer. be sued individually, but joined to Nawakwi and Tayali’s cases. This will prevent having a chain of individual litigations but only two.

  14. Oh little Gary is at it again. This is behaviour of some one who has a small manhood and is insecure. From now on we can call those with small manhood as little garrys.

    The upnd know that they can’t win the elections so now they are trying to find crooked ways to block ECL. Whether ECL stood or not, the pf would still win. The upnd need to realise that their tribal leader has been rejected many times. Also their party is linked to tribalism. Instead of fighting the ruling party why not concentrate on rectifying those issues within your party? Its not the pf party which votes for you in elections it’s the people who happen to have rejected you numerous times

  15. Edgar Lungu may not be President beyond 2021, but PF will still be the party in power. Take leaf from MMD’s Frederick Chiluba n Levy Mwanawasa ( God rest their souls )

  16. This is an open invitation for you to become part of the world’s biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year’s recruitment program and Our Annual feast of harvest is almost at hand, *No Blood Sacrifices There is No Religion Higher than the Truth*. We are here to Liberate those who need: – *Wealth, Riches, Prosperity, Success, Wisdom, Promotion and Fame in all Ramification!* Without the Use of any *Human Parts, Dead persons or Killing of your Love ones….. Do you wish to become a member of the *ILLUMINATI [NEW WORLD ORDER]* If yes WhatsApp +16469213648 and say *Yes* to your Dreams…… *Rise to top in just 3days*
    Remember: Distance is not a problem ? ???

  17. The eligibility issue has failed ?Why not encourage people to register and vote than crying foul and doing cheap shorts.If ECL is a nonentity and you are so confident that HH will win next year,why the fuss about ECL.Just start telling us what you will do for Zambians so that we vote in millions for you than wasting our time with such issues .

  18. The opposition in Zambia is useless. He is trying to appease his little god. He should have tabled a bill to cut monetary dividends of every MP and minister. How hard is it to table a real progressive bill? UPND don’t even have a backup president to HH.

  19. Impeachments are not casual. Do not casualize impeachments in the country. It should be a last resort. Next year is election time. There is no need for shadow boxing. Any political party is free to field candidates at presidential level, parliamentary level and councilor level. Respect of rule of law, human rights, and good governance demand a stop to manipulation of democratic institutions. This call for impeach is simply a call for attention seeking. Take time to campaign for elections. Take time to challenge a legitimate ruling party. Take time to fight for political office.

  20. Its an empty threat and Nkombo knows it. He is a typical politician. Diverting to irrelevant issues when he should be focusing on the election not the opponent

  21. Who has cursed this opposition party kanshi? All they want is their small god to go unopposed during next year’s elections.
    Kuti waseka. Kkk?

  22. Who has cursed this opposition party kanshi? All they want is their small god to go unopposed during next year’s elections.
    Kuti waseka. Kkk?

  23. Who has cursed this opposition party kanshi? All they want is their small god to go unopposed during next year’s elections.
    Kuti waseka. Kkk?

  24. Who has cursed this opposition party kanshi? All they want is their small god to go unopposed during next year’s elections.
    Kuti waseka. Kkk?

  25. Who has cursed this opposition party kanshi? All they want is their small god to go unopposed during next year’s elections.
    Kuti waseka. Kkk?

  26. Have you ever wondered why UPND is a tribal team of jokers! Mazoka left UPND as a national opposition party his son Hakaibde has turned into a tribal joke not worth anything. I would be very surprised if HH gets half of the votes he got in 2016 during on coming 2021. We know there are powerful external financiers but one point they forget is that Zambians have a character that is difficult to understand they will not fall for the hidghest bidder. Individuals cans but collectively as a nation, ulabeja. they will not. If money was all, then this young man by the name of Hakainde would have long been president of this nation. Ask me he is still planning all manner of evil to get the presidency. Garry Nkomo is just echoing what Tayali said about his boss (HH) but as usual Garry does not even…

  27. Oppostion without a vision, what is it that you are going to do for us once you form government, the only thing we hear is HH will fix it. you have no idea about running a country.

  28. The worst political happenings in our country where brought about by just a few ill conceived group in UPND who decided that they needed a Tonga political party. They purged all non Tonga and left only Harry Nkombos of this world. That to me was the begging of a party entering the labour period. Obviously when a political party has conceived something empt it gives birth to nothing, as can be seen from the loss of elections by UPND. It is not because the leader is Tonga far from it, those are the lies of a failed group of politicians. The problem is that this political party has nothing. The so called Bemba hegemony is just lack of understanding, in every society there is a tribe that may be preferred to be used or used in certain areas more than others. Bemba happened to be one it doe…

  29. …The so called Bemba hegemony is just lack of understanding, in every society there is a tribe that may be preferred to be used or used in certain areas more than others. Bemba happened to be one it doe not mean that everyone is Bemba. Not everyone in Northern province is Bemba. Not every country is English but a considerable number speak English that is just what it is. You cannot just wake up one day and say that you must rule because you are Tonga No that is tribalism. I have nothing against HH but I dot think he had even half of the qualities of President. Selfish, egocentric, arrogant, false superiority complex self conceited, conman all fit his description. If you take something when someone is sleeping as he put it then you are stealing.

  30. There are only two conditions that must be met before UPND can start thinking of Governing our great nation. 1. Get rid of a tribal IDT at the helm of this party. 2. Create a political party with a national character. That is all. All forms of artificial manoeuvres by the current administration will yield but nothing.

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