Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Government to Grow the Manufacturing Sector


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, (1a) Christopher Yaluma says government plans to grow the manufacturing sector so as to enable it contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Mr Yaluma predicted that the increase in the manufacturing sector will contribute about 36 percent of GDP while manufactures exports as a share of merchandise will surge to 71 percent.

He said this during the official opening of the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) secretariat offices and signing of an Agreement between Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) and the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS).

And speaking in a separate interview, Zambia Bureau of Standards Executive Director, (1b) Manuel Mutale urged manufacturers to have their products certified with a quality mark that will enable the product to be exported.

Mr. Mutale noted that the commemoration of the Manufacturers week presents an opportunity for the institution to interact with manufacturers.

Meanwhile Zambia Metrology Agency (ZMA) Executive Director, (1c) Himba Cheelo said the institution is doing its best in sensitizing manufacturers on the importance of quality packaging and labelling for their promotion of their good


  1. And who will be owning those factories?? Indians, Lebanese and other foreigners!! Zambians can’t own factories because the cost of capital is too high. That’s what you need to work on, minister. Eg, Zambians in compounds are opening boutiques with Chinese, south African and salaula clothes-empower local tailors with duty/vat free sewing, cutting etc machines/give grants to Zambians interested in setting up textile manufacturing etc. Those boutiques should be selling locally manufactured clothes.

  2. Sure ba kanabesa ba minister wesu? Ain’t this your usual rhetoric to which we are so used to now? Please tell us exactly how you are going to do it from zero

  3. Why don’t they give clear guidance on how they intend to implement this? Manufacturing is a very broad term. Where is the focus area and the government interventions to enable this to happen? Where do I start from without any hint of what has changed to make this possible?

  4. In Zambia some ministries are in deep slumber like this one, surely without a clear road map how will this be done when the locals are not supported? our investment policies too do not favour the locals, tax relief is only for the foreigners while the locals are struggling to pay taxes. When is this Government going to support the locals? Ba Yaluma we are tired of your usual promises. It is meaningless if the locals are not taking part in the process of economic development where the Chinese, Lebanese, Indians are favoured. God help us

  5. I also want to marry Rihana!! Ba PF, if wants were horses the whole country would be full of them. How exactly do you intend to expand the manufacturing base? Definitely not with your policies of punitive taxes, numerous charges, fees, levies, interest rates and high tariffs on electricity and water. Manufacturing has been decimated such that all industrial hubs left by KK are now just empty shells, turned into breeding grounds for serpents. Put your policies in line in order to increase manufacturing capacity, both financial and skills, then you can be allowed to dream.

  6. Forget growing, the already existing manufacturers are grasping with high taxes, loadshedding, road blocks all over the place, all sorts of licences and fees, than the ever increasing dollar. Than there is constant visits by different departments who come to check for this and that. Before 2011 the business environment was much better than now.

  7. Zambian citizen, first of all we as zambians should change our mindset towards work. Secondly who is stopping us from starting up his own small manufacturing business and work hard to grow it over years through consistant hard work and dedication. Do you always need a bank to lend you money? Where do the Indians, lebanese get their capital from. If its from another person, thats because the lender knows that his capital is safe and will see returns. Have we got the same honesty and dedication? Ask yourself. This is what i mean that we need to change our minset first.

  8. How does a manufacturer flourish in a country with multiple taxation system, for example for a car one has to pay road tax, toll gate fees, fuel levy, pay as you earn, and others. Electricity tariffs are very high and over cost reflective, load shedding is also permanently there, inflation coupled with a very high and an unstable foreign exchange for 10 years now make manufacturing difficult in this country, expected result is very visible for all to see, a very high number of unemployed youths in millions.

  9. He’s one of the useless Ministers making empty statements. Do you really know what’s involved in manufacturing? Anyway under PF even someone with a max cool making machine is considered as a manufacturer. You don’t have a serious policy on that so shut up

  10. Should have done this from day one with eurobonds before building infrastructure….

    3/4ers of goods used for the infrastructure building should have been manufactured in Zambia instead of SA and China….this would now have carried on into exports….

    Simple things like cctv and telecom cable trays were being imported.

    What a shame.

    Too late now. All the money is gone.

  11. With the dollar at K22 and rising you expect the manufacturing sector to grow??? Did Peter Sinkamba give you something to smoke?

  12. Sounds good. Zambia has great potential for manufacturing. It has raw materials with which to manufacture goods of high quality to compete on the world scene.
    Few years ago, I was dressing my house in England, with new curtains; and to my surpriss, in a local curtains shop, I found beautiful curtains-fabric of 100% cotton, made in Zambia at Kafue Textiles. I was elated and proud telling the sales lady, that, I was born in a town near where the fabric had been manufactured! And being best in quality & flower design amongst others, of course, I bought a whole roll of the Zambian manufactured fabric to cover the house.
    The moral of the story is that, not so far in the past, Zambia exported quality goods to UK – and I expect other countries too. Why are we now content with importing…

  13. Cont:,,,
    The moral of the story is that, not so far in the past, Zambia exported quality goods to UK – and I expect other countries too. Why are we now content with importing everything – including “salaula”? We are chocking the land with rejects & substandard goods.

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