Thursday, March 20, 2025

Heavy rains leaves trail of destruction in Itezhi-Tezhi


Property worth thousands of kwacha has been destroyed following a night of strong winds and heavy rains in Itezhi Tezhi District in Central Province.

The heavy down pour has left thousands of Itezhi Tezhi residents without power since 01:00 hours.

Among the property destroyed is Itezhi Tezhi Primary School in Masemu ward in Itezhi Tezhi where normal schooling has been disrupted.

Itezhi Tezhi District Commissioner Isaac Nabuzoka has confirmed and visited the school and some of the shops and houses that have been damaged.

“it is a sad development and we will need assistance from Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit(DMMU) urgently” He said.

Mr. Nabuzoka said that District Disaster Management Committee is yet to make an assessment to ascertain the extent of damage caused by the torrential rains.

Extremely strong winds crashed through Itezhi Tezhi during early hours of yesterday, blowing off roofs at Itezhi Tezhi Primary school and disturbing normal learning at the institution.

Mr. Robinson Mingochi, the school headteacher at Itezhi Tezhi Primary School, said he was informed by school guard around 04: 00 hours that the school’s roofs were blown off.

“this is very sad, learning has been disturbed as you can see most classes have been damaged and next week we are supposed to start conducting exams” Mr. Mingochi said.

Some teaching materials of unknown value that were in some classroom have also been soaked and damaged.

“it is a big problem especially that next week children have to start writing examinations” Mr. Mingochi said.

Itezhi Tezhi primary school carters for about 1,590 pupils most of them from Masemu, Chibolya and Lilanda and surrounding areas.

Meanwhile the rains that started around 01:00 hours have destroyed shops and houses leaving families homeless.

A visit to some of the shops found owners had started removing and replacing twisted metals iron sheets.

The number of houses affected are yet to be determined by the District Disaster Management Committee.

The rains have also uprooted a substantial number of trees in Itezhi Tezhi town and left gullies on some roads.


  1. This is a sad development indeed. Fellow countrymen and women, if only we can together fight this global warming by avoiding catting down of trees especially for charcoal, we will save our mother country Zambia from such effects. Actions starts by YOU doing your part and not to wait for others to start then YOU come from behind. Every adult person in Zambia grow a tree and support life and the generation to come. Climate change and global warming is real. This can be avoided. Itezhi-tezhi we are really sorry and saddened with this. We just hope no life was lost.

  2. Aristotle taxes based on businesses obtained through illegal unfair means which led to the very people he claims he wants to serve, losing their jobs and livelihoods? Fuseke from here!!

  3. @Doti Matombe
    Unfortunately, Sir, you have jumped on the poor charcoal burners, who have no other alternative but to do what they are doing on “open lands” by stating “by avoiding catting down of trees especially for charcoal” . How about the endless degazetion of forests? How about the continuous cutting down of trees in urban areas to pave way for massive road developments? Cutting down of trees should be addressed in a holistic approach. If electricity is not being extended to remote ares, then deforestation will continue.
    By the way, charcoal is mainly meant for people in urban areas who are facing erratic supply of electricity.

  4. Floods happen everywhere in cities where there are no trees being cut down for charcoal production. There were no floods in Itezhi Tezhi until the hot water springs were destroyed to build the dam for hydro electric power generation. The Kariba type flooding first happened when the gates were opened and cattle, wild animals and people died. Itezhi Tezhi is not on the plain so not likely to flood naturally. Nature was disturbed to build one of the most beautiful dams in the world. Check it out especially at nigh! The hydro power station is one of the reasons the district was recently moved from Southern to Central Province to diversify the power generation stations. – mostly in the Southern Province. Note too, that the district is in the Kafue National Park where lions still roam…

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