Friday, February 7, 2025

There will be no personal to holder vehicles for Local Government Directors


THE LOCAL Government Service Commission Chairman Mr. Amos Musonda has reminded Local Government Directors to begin divorcing themselves off personal to holder vehicles noting that the signing of the new Local Government Service Regulations does not allow for such.

In his usual tour of councils to get first-hand information of operations of the Local Authority during a stop at Chingola Council, Mr. Musonda who addressed Directors of Chingola and Chililabombwe Council after Kitwe and Ndola and reminded the directors of the incoming Local Government and Service Regulation, which he notes addresses a revision in recruitment policy, grievance handling mechanism as well as the conditions of service.

Mr. Musonda further cautioned directors not to turn project vehicles into personal vehicles, he reminded the directors that the new service regulations which are meant to harmonize with mainstream government would further not allow personal to holder vehicles but rather have pool vehicles.

Mr. Musonda also reminded the Local Authority officers to stay clear off politics noting that the period was currently ripe for politics. He advised officers to stay clear off adoption processes in parties and concentrate on their roles in elections.

Meanwhile, the Local Government Chair was proud to note that the service commission had ensured qualified personnel are placed in the top offices to manage the Local Authority as demanded by the Decentralisation policy.

He further noted as observed by parliament that Local Government has managed to have qualified female directors in office and further has almost attained a 25 percent female representation of principle officers in Councils.

Mr. Musonda advised both councils to ensure they interpret and implement the employment code of conduct.

He also tasked managements to ensure they get up to date with employee salaries.

The Local Government Chair has then proceeded to solwezi. Both councils have praised his continued interaction with the employees and thanked him for his open door policy.

Mr. Amos Musonda at a meeting with  Directors of Chingola and Chililabombwe Council
Mr. Amos Musonda at a meeting with Directors of Chingola and Chililabombwe Council


  1. A government that understands that austerity measures need to be taken in light of the economic impact of covid 19 xx

  2. Take away that privilege from ministers and Zambians shall be happy. The most wasteful people in the nation are ministers.

  3. Oh! Colleagues, when people have poverty of the mind, this is what amounts to. How can you remove such incentives to such an office? Directors have so much resources to their disposal and one way of retaining such profiles is by providing such incentives other than allowances/money
    In Zambia its oredy evident that corruption is so high and letting such profiles exposed to resources when have no such incentives is failure at corporate decision..

    Mr. Musonda or whatever you call yourself rethink on ts one.

    Respect the office n make based on good governance not just because you not in that office.

  4. What sense will this make when others before them have even bought the vehicles for a song or book value? This is what forced some of us to leave employment only for the industry to come to its knees. The problem is not the directors’ vehicle costs but corruption and theft at offices higher than the directors. corruption and theft at ministerial and mp levels and even above these. So the whole system is rotten to the core. The only solution is to kick the corrupt thieves out and make them account for each and single act of corruption and theft.

  5. Who are you fooling? These are the same baboons who have been hiding their heads in the sand.

    Kakaiza zezulu, always came to the defence of his fellow baboons that all was well.

    Now the country has defaulted in paying its dues and instead of looking for more funds, the chief baboon decides it is time to “donate” the unspent funds for his political fortunes!

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