Military Police in Lusaka have apprehended the murder suspect of late medical Doctor Tasila Tembo.
ZANIS reports that Zambia Army Brigadier General Genoh Muke confirmed that the suspect whom he identified as Lieutenant Nigel Musonda Mwaba aged 33, of Plot number 3827 Balastone, Lusaka West was apprehended around 16 hours at Memorial Park in Lusaka.
Brigadier General Muke said this was after a tip off from members of the public who contacted the army of his presence at the private cemetery.
The senior army officer said it was at this point the Army commander issued a directive to the military police to find the suspect and have captured.
Brigadier General Muke pointed out that the suspect is currently detained in police custody awaiting court proceedings.
The late medical doctor went missing on October 24, 2020 around 16 hours and her body was discovered on October 27, 2020 at 13 hours by police.
Since then, a manhunt was launched to find the suspected killer.

Kanganja and his boys have been sleeping all this time; waiting for directives from above as usual. What a bunch of useless cadres. Shame
Well done military police. I was actually very worried that he had taken his own life. Now he will have his day in court.
Excellent job by our competent men in uniform . Remember that you can run but you cannot hide. This advice also applies to all those diasporans who have a habit of insulting our president and government because they think they are invincible by virtue of their geographical location. Let me warn you that the day you return you will answer for your crimes as we are aware who you are
Do people who do such nonsensical things think they will get away with it? The world becomes a very small place when you are a criminal.
The Chinese Will soon take over HIPC Zambia.
Job well done the wicked shall never go unpunished.
Ba kaizar Zulu it’s just a matter of time you will be answering for your own crime becsuse they are waiting for you we haven’t forgotten.
Kaizer Zulu, Bally is coming and everything gonna be alright. You are reading wrong books and that is why you think your language is an act of patriotism. You sound like a son of a dictator.
John and Venus, this is not about Kaizer but Dr Tembo. Focus on the news item and make wise comments.
Thank you to our Military personnel for capturing this evil man. Hope he rots in jail and faces the wrath of his crime in there. No Presidential pardon for evil people who kill others and deprive their children of a parent. He must pay for his evil deeds!!!
It was a mismatch. I don’t know what the doctor was thinking, but hey, that is becoming the norm these days as women pass 40 without a man, they fall for young turks. Unless the culture of pestering women to marry is dealt with, we shall see more of such things. Marriage is not for everyone. Witchdoctors also should be caned for attributing singleness to some bad aunt or uncle who is bewitching the single woman. Even some false pastors are ‘delivering’ single women and ‘releasing’ husbands.
Why are some people talking about kaiza Zulu but the issue is of Dr Tasila and the suspected murderer of a boyfriend?
Job well done
Men in uniform
Even kaizar Zulu…. The most useless and foolish fool is here preaching the law??…. Zulu just know that your says are numbered and with or without your president you will rote in jail we shilu we….
The Saint, u’re devilish. Are u trying to justify Dr Tembo’s murder? Liberal thinkers believe that two adults who enter into a relationship should be at liberty to do so and also to end it if it fails. The modern world would not hv emerged if liberal thinkers did not influence society in the right way. The church and its advocacy of the devine right of monarchs to rule would still be conducting religious inquisitions and there would hv been no right to vote.
He must be tried and if guilty must be hang by the neck until pronounced dead by a qualified medical practitioner.
All those asking why people are replying to my comment, is it my fault that my comments attract attention? Isn’t the point of this forum to facilitate discussion and debate? Why are you so scared of me ? Useless
@Kamwi, the capture of that murderer is symptomatic of how Kaizer Ze zulu and all those have dehumanised Zambians will be captured and answer for their offences – remember KZ is public number one enemy
Thanks men
The army did what police failed to do because they (police) were too busy following opposition leaders.
May the law take its course. Thank you Millitary Police
It’s becoming embarrassing to call yourself a Zambian these days. Dr Tasila Tembo’s head was cut off from her body Boko Haram-style. Imagine the kind of pain she must hv endured at the hands of this savage! I had expected this to cause outrage from my compatriots. It wasn’t forthcoming. Not even from her fellow Christians. I hv compared this with how Sky news reports outrageous murders in the UK. They give the story wide coverage for an extended time. Not in Zambia, the world’s one and only Christian country.
Peace keepers are now becoming useless to the country….who will save us???? If our own authorities are killing us………..this are people who are making the name of authority to look shame in the eyes of civilians
Presidents in Africa have too much power and at home zero power.
It is sad for Tasila family. They lost a hero
Please!!! my heart bleed when Zambians are quiet about such a heinous act.
Tasila was a woman and surprisingly women organisations are quiet, sad. The media houses are too busy with politics.