Wednesday, February 12, 2025

NAPSA has not, and will not purchase Chrismar Hotel


The National Pension Scheme Authority(NAPSA) has dismissed media reports alleging that the Authority has purchased Chrismar Hotel in Lusaka.

In a statement, NAPSA Head of Corporate Affairs, Cephas Sinyangwe stated that the Authority has not bought the Hotel.

Mr. Sinyangwe stated that the Authority has no intention of buying the Hotel as proposed.

He said this position has since been communicated to Harberton Ltd, the owners of the property.

The Authority therefore has urged the public to dismiss the false assertions made in a report carried by News Diggers with a headline; “NAPSA goes Ahead to buy Chrismar Hotel”.


  1. You stop it NOW and forever. It’s so disgusting, I wonder what other things this PF has done that the public is not aware of. The World is not coming to an end after PF these matters will follow you remember.

  2. Chrismar Hotel is owned by vindlay Findlay the drug Barron, close personal and business associate of lungu.

    Price quoted is $18 million. How much were the mines sold by the Chiluba regime around $25 million.

    This stinks of corruption

  3. Scouser to a failure like you any sort of success will be classed as theft or drug related. It is because poor failures like you are in denial that the problem lies within yourself than in others success. ******

  4. This is pure opposition (ie upnd) desperation. They know 2021 sivintu, so it’s to use the same stale tactics. Diggers, a publication staffed with former post workers is now being funded by cartel affiliates and regime change propagaters, Anglo. As Zambians get fatigued with fake news from such sources, upnd grows ever desperate and are in panic mode-the i.d.!.ots forgot to put up a valid strategy to deliver a wholesome message to Zambians that will inspire them. Ba chimbwi no plan!!!

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