Sunday, September 8, 2024

Grabbing Voters’ Cards from Eligible Voters is Undemocratic and a Criminal , UPND tells off PF


UPND National Chairman, Mutale Nalumango says the tendency by known PF elements of grabbing voters’ cards from eligible voters in the 2021 elections is undemocratic and a criminal act.

Speaking on ABN Today Bemba programme yesterday, Ms Nalumango said the trend was unacceptable and called on the police and ECZ to take action.

“Don’t allow anyone to get your voters card. It is criminal and sinful for the PF to be grabbing voters’ cards from registered voters. If you allow them to do that, they are stealing your democratic right to vote,” she said.

Ms Nalumango further added that the staging of the registration process during the rainy farming season had disadvantaged many rural citizens most of whom were farmers and depend on farming for their livelihood.

“We have made a mistake by putting the exercise during the farming period and most farmers are finding it hard to queue for days to acquire voters’ cards when they have to go out and prepare their maize fields. And what has made this situation worse is a situation where PF cadres are grabbing voters’ cards from them as well as chasing them from markets if they don’t have a voters’ card. The best thing that we were supposed to have done in order to protect our people from being inconvenienced is making the process quick,” she said.

The UPND leader said the allocated number of days for the on-going voter registration exercise scheduled to end on 12th December were not enough to capture the targeted 9 million voters as she questioned the closure of most NRC centres in the country which in the process desfranchises would be voters.

She has since appealed to the elections body to increase the number of days for voter registration.


  1. – PF government issued NRCs to Zambians underage
    – PF government cadres were charging Zambians money as they queued to get NRs
    – PF government said will register 9 million Zambians within 1 month
    – PF government said were a non violent party when 2 MPs of their own party are on record to have been beaten by pf cadres
    – PF government cadres beat up police men in uniform without any arrests – state house shields them.
    – PF government cadres are now grabbing voters cards from innocent Zambians
    What type of Zambians do we want to be seen or known by others

  2. None stop thuggery ………is there anything lungu will not tolorate ???

    From wanton extortion of citizens in public spaces by his thugs to out right being an accomplice in mass murder during their gassing spree ???

  3. @ Kaizar Zulu December, asks: “Apart from charmaine are there any beautiful women in upnd? I am asking for a friend”

    So ironic that an extremely ugly chimp like you; with a bad stench of odour is looking for an imaginary beauty queen!! The country has serious Debt problems and idyo.ts like you are always thinking of with your Dic.ks! When are you ever going to be serious in life; Cant you see how your no vision has driven the country to the ground. What a terrible mistake of ever having monkeys in charge of our country!

  4. Just a humble non partisan reminder. If you have registered as a voter, please do not waste your vote on noise makers. Don’t just use your ears to judge character, use all your analystical senses. Try as much as possible to help followers of noise makers so that their vote counts for something. Queuing up long hours only to give you vote to a noise maker? Please have some love for yourself and above all the country. Let us all register to vote and above all let’s vote for credible leaders.
    # This is a non partisan msg/ 2021#*

  5. It’s like defeat has been smelled in some camp, let’s just call off the 2021 elections! Many people are fearing to get permanent retirement after August 21! Any things are in front of where we are going! Nacilapitafye bane


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