Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) has pledged to support and work with the United Party for National Development (UPND) ahead of the 2021 general elections in order to reclaim Zambia’s lost identity.
And United Party for National Development (UPND) National Trustee, William Banda has welcomed the decision by ZDDM, saying Mr. Kakumbo was an experienced veteran and freedom fighter who understands Zambia’s economic, political, social and cultural problems well.
“I know Mr Kafumbo. He is a freedom fight who can’t be bought. He understands what is happening in this country right now. He wants to see something being done. He wants to see something improving physically and not just mere pronouncements and enticement,” said Banda.
And making the announcement in Lusaka yesterday morning, ZDDM vice president, Charles Kafumbo stated that the only way to take Zambia out of her current economic squabbles was to work with a credible team led by President Hichilema as the country heads towards the 2021 elections.
“Zambians need healing; need hope and need comfort and rediscovery. As we move towards 2021, we need to rediscover ourselves. The continued political violence, economic meltdown and other vices has given Zambians hopelessness. We need to work for ourselves. We need to control our resources. We have gold in my village in Mwinilunga, but look how we are plundering it. We need to take charge of the affairs of our country,” he said.
Mr Kafumbo also visited senior citizen and renowned political activist, Dante Saunders.

Its understood that its only Tekere who can welcome them put of 18 million Zambians
How William Banda a known ‘outdated’ gangster fits in the UPND just baffles me. We all know how violent this old man is. He is mafioso! If you are under 5, ask us and we will recount stories of this gun totting cadre! William ‘Tekere’ Banda, the nickname tells it all
Shi Chilambe its like the UPND cares less about its image.
Shi Chilambe he has been tamed i dont think ever since he joined upnd he has been violent.politics is all about numbers
Shi Chilambe You mean this ka Charlatan/ dimwit is still into Politics? I wonder why he has not served in jail for all his past actions. Very foolish oldman
Arthur Hakalima ok so you are confirming that the old adage of a leopard not changing its spots is fake!
Shi Chilambe can you tell me any of his violent behaviour that occured since he joined upnd
Arthur Hakalima It’s not that he’s been tamed, he doesn’t wield the same power he had.. Give him the power.. He knows with the ruthless PF, any mistake will land him into trouble.
LOL ??? they are humble when in opposition. Just wsitt I’ll he shoots your parent when back I power
Shi Chilambe and they put him as a face of UPND and the likes of Masebo???
Shi Chilambe shoots my parent??what reasoning is this?
Casius Mbalazi recycled ? politicians, they were in UNIP later in MMD and some even detoured to other parties. Shame!
Arthur Hakalima So you are not getting my point of this thug being a known gun totting cadre????? I end here and won’t comment further
Arthur Hakalima UPND is not in power so his violent behaviour is in the gym right now,should the UPND form govt then history will repeat itself.Its the environment thats not allowing but obviously he is incharge of the unruly UPND cadres and he is leading from the back.
Shi Chilambe in life at times u end up joining a team that reforms u into a better or responsible citizen.
Shi Chilambe so when last was William violent compared to the daily PF violence?
Zulu Themba Isaac HH is a leader with principles
Arthur Hakalima wala which principles?
Zulu Themba Isaac if he wasnt you think upnd would still be here?if he wasnt do you think his businesses would still exist like what happened to the post?if he stole do you think he would still be a free man?
Arthur Hakalima you are beung naive right now.
Casius Mbalazi which face?
Zulu Themba Isaac you asked which principles right??
Arthur Hakalima and you mentioned none , just character fails him because hadn’t it been questionable,he would have had the majority mps and formed government looking at what Andy left the party but he has developed a pattern of losing to an extent that he may cone out third in 2021,thee is no presidency for your guy.
Zulu Themba Isaac principles define your character.
Zulu Themba Isaac iwe, mazoka would not have managed this party this far.his popularity would have diminished immediately SATA formed his pf just like any other party that was there before pf.
They are just pairing demons upon demons in this party and the out come will be worse ??
Same question here. These are the guys that helped make MMD unpopular. Put power back in his hands what’s gonna happen?
Significance?? The characters are already UPND, decides to split within UPND to support UPND. I think UPND is just cursed, how on earth does the party only manage to attract *****s?
Kenny Hamweemba If your last statement in your comment is true, how come it has not managed to attract you?
Chishala Patrick Kunda
Simple, I don’t have the rightful characteristics which is “idiocy”, you are enough already hahaha ? ?
Kenny Hamweemba You are already the best at it, the cap fits you very perfectly, no one can beat you.
Keep the title you deserve it.
Who are they?
Brian Gage kikiki. Exactly my question. Lo
Yaba…ati credible team…HH failed to declare interest of some property during privatization therefore he can’t never be credible. I end here.
And William Banda will become Minister of Home affairs….????
@mbalazi wansekesha to say the criminal, Banda will be home affairs minister…….it’s my problem the quality of some people with HH , hopefully he just uses them to dump them later, if he won
Who cares? Those folks with old ideas…and upnd is celebrating. The sign of desperation.
Peter Mongeza nothing we need our Zambia back
Vincent Kyamasengo my friend which Zambia are talking about? Even if Bally come into power if one doesn’t work hard Zambia will remain unknown….
Peter Mongeza do not transfer your failure to Bally. If Lungu has failed who says everyone shall fail? Bukopo ubo
Vincent Kyamasengo I know you can’t argue without insulting. Thanks good day
Peter Mongeza I have not insulted. Anything foolish can be discarded. If your fail your examinations does it mean I can fail too?
Vincent Kyamasengo when discussing we avoid name calling rather we attack the argument that’s all. It’s not that you should agree with me no but bring out points to disagree with my point. Efyo yaba boss.
Peter Mongeza ok the fact is if one failes doesn’t include others as failures as well. That’s why leadership is important. The economy of the Country is so bad such that even those working hard are finding it difficult. Only thieves are surviving.
Peter Mongeza “What working hard are you talking about ?”. Are saying we zambians are this poor because we don’t work hard. Just for once take into consideration a farmer working hard to produce so many 50 kg bags of maize. The farmer takes the bags of maize to FRA, only to be told that payment for his maize will not be done immediately because of some logistical problems.and thereafter payment for the farmer’s maize is only effected after two years @old floor price of maize. Can you still call this farmer lazy. Are you sure please think twice
Mwananzuki Mweene exactly. Them what they mean by hard work is stealing from the Government
Mwananzuki Mweene have been in different countries. And if I compare we Zambians are lazy.
Peter Mongeza say you. Not we. I have been in many president regimes. This one is the most challenging
Vincent Kyamasengo am still insisting “we” the economy is like this because we don’t produce more for export. Even president Sata MHSRIP talked about it.
Peter Mongeza what are we supposed to produce?
Peter Mongeza every vote counts my friend
Vincent Kyamasengo flowers, fish, cassava, green beans, cotton etc for export not only copper. If we do so kwacha will be on demand.
Kelvin Maingaila you are right but remember a game of numbers
William Banda lol????
Anyone who sincerely believes that the current leadership is running our country very well needs mental assistance.
Ba William ba Banda ba Unip???
Value addition?
Kapasa Emmanuel Sikazwe not value reduction
HE reminds me of the late Mulongoti. Anyway, you’re welcome!
Arthur Hakalima well that explains the difficulty in winning elections then.
Zulu Themba Isaac its democracy and the electorates s choice to vote for their choice according to what fits them like good economy,ailing economy, free falling currency,coruption etc
Arthur Hakalima And citizens will happily continue voting in anyone else but crooks.
Zulu Themba Isaac its their choice they get what they deserve and live a happy life
Ba William Banda??? Awe! Then I have to think again about my vote, people twalapumwa!! From this suffering to beating awe ?
Didah Almond , how can an old man beat you naimwe?
All this time when pf has been harrasing and hacking opposition members William Banda has never retaliated.When you are a thug and you join UPND you leave your thuggery where you came from.A Trustee actually is not a paid up job
This is news how? We knew this when they were launching this thing of theirs
Arthur Hakalima yeah and they will continue an honest and unifying life in their pursuit to build a prosperous nation and not regionaly divisive ways.
Zulu Themba Isaac hunger knows no boundaries
Arthur Hakalima its only a process, we all came from the same process and now we are here,our lives have changed,through honesty,dedication,hardwork and most importantly faith that he who created us would reward the hard work in the same vain some of our nationals did it through a mix of deceit and hard work and their folowers illusionaly think they are smarter than 20 million Zambians,its a shame infact double shame.
Zulu Themba Isaac am sure we are not at the same level of debating.??
hh is left only with capacity for queer alliances.
Arthur Hakalima you are damn right.
Yaya hahaha that is 0 votes added to the upnd. I did my even know that such a party existed. Maybe this is the party tarino supports because Upto now tarino cannot tell us who he supports. There are a lot of clowns in opposition
He will b used like a broom to sweep the house.
I clearly remember William’s violent behaviour. He doesn’t deserve a position in UPND. I hope Bally gives this some serious thought.
Arthur Hakalima he changed the topic from a political debate to space physics kkkk.
QUOTE: “Arthur Hakalima wala which principles?”
Principles for stealing when bene batu bagona.
I mean we are all not UPND but we are all voting for UPND, so that development from ZDDM is welcome. Not even the feeble attempt here but a lab technician to destract the momentum will be achieved.
Danny Kasase Chalwe yes bro, emotional inteligence has to be applies.
That’s very good to reclaim our Zambian dignity other than confusing voters with too many parties
William banda a trustee ????
Which party is that? ???
Enough of that bulshit pliz time of dinosaurs iz slowly vanishing ….
Kikikikikikikiki these old folks knows that they are in the extra added time and nothing to lose….they will leave us in problems while they are all gone to rest…..
At one time William banda thought he owns zambia.
But I’m only worried about William Banda being a trustee in UPND, the man mistreated Zambian when he was in government with mmd
Maxwell Malipande I don’t trust this 3 people its a mess there time is gone