Tuesday, October 22, 2024

New Drug Enforcement Commissioner sworn in


President Edgar Lungu has implored senior government officials who take oaths and swear to bear true allegiance to the Head of State, and preserve the constitution, to live by their word.

President Lungu indicated that government officials should realise that the oath taken is a serious commitment, which is aimed at guiding officers in the execution of their duties for the benefit of the citizenry.

The Head of State was speaking at the swearing in ceremony of the Drug Enforcement Commissioner Musonda Simwayi and Electoral Commission of Zambia Member Ndiyoyi Mutiti at State House.

Addressing the Commissioner, President Lungu observed that while the world grapples with the Coronavirus pandemic, fraudulent activities such as money laundering which have the potential to destroy the economy have also worsened.

The Head of State noted that this is the period when people are advised to carry out their activities such banking, on-line but officers end up involving themselves in surreptitious activities.

President Lungu pointed out that the key role that the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) plays in the early detection of clandestine activities, hence was confident that Dr. Simwayi will utilize his experience in security, investigation and certified anti-money laundering expert to bring sanity in the sector.

“I expect you to use your vast knowledge and skills as a law enforcement officer to review or strengthen existing legislation, where appropriate, as well as initiate the development of progressive policies and strategies that will help to improve the performance of the drug enforcement commission,” President Lungu told the Commissioner.

He stressed the need for the Commission to effectively enforce the law on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances as well as money laundering activities, while promoting a diversified and inclusive economy.

Meanwhile, President Lungu explained that his government is committed to identifying and promoting deserving women to positions of authority in various institutions, hence the appointment of Mrs. Mutiti as a Member of the ECZ.

“It is my conviction that your appointment as commissioner at the Electoral Commission of Zambia will be well received by the women movement in the country as it signifies that their appeal for more women to be appointed to such positions is not in vain. This will also add impetus to my government’s commitment to make progress in the attainment of the southern African development community (SADC) 50-50 gender parity,’ the Head of State indicated.

He challenged Mrs Mutiti to utilize her experience in public office to positively contribute to the mandate of ECZ, and the overall management of the electoral process, as the country gains momentum towards the preparations for the 2021 general elections.

He assured that government will provide the required resources to the Commission to enable effective undertaking of the electoral process adding that various parties have high expectations of the institution as the elections unfold on August 12, 2020.


  1. Congratulations on your appointment but I personally feel that ACC and DEC should be disbanded as these institutions are serving no purpose.

    These institutions have allowed the corrupt and the well connected to roam the streets freely.

    The money that these institutions receive yearly from government should be put to good use elsewhere.

  2. Congratulations. We wish you well. Carry out your role without fear or favour. We know there are lots of drug dealers within upnd.

  3. The musical chairs go on. From Immigration to diplomat and now to Electoral Commission of Zambia chair warmer. Nothing personal against Ms Mutiti, but where in are her skills for these portfolios and if she was doing very well in any of them, why was she moved? This movement of persons is done to keep them subservient to the almighty appointing one. They serve the President and not the people of Zambia.

  4. It depends on the motive behind firing. Is it to make the institution better or to have a user-friendly person.
    Allegiance to head of state takes precedence over constitution and state. Now I have an idea why the other one was fired.

  5. Why do they have to bear true allegiance to the Head of State, Why not just to the state. The heads of state we have hadare too corrupt for one to bear allegiance to them

  6. Didn’t the constitution say when there is a presidential petition the incumbent should stand down and hand over the powers to the speaker. But Others should uphold the oath of office and preserve the constitution while others should not?

  7. DEC has had no Chair only acting chair. Then after years and years of being useless, Lungu now appoints a woman to succeed the a young woman who was acting all along. The Women folk have not gained a position, it’s just a substitution after 90+ minutes.

  8. @Upnd cadre from Ngombe compound lsk
    Read the article again!
    It’s not a woman substuting anothor woman at DEC but at ECZ. Mutiti is just replacing the late Deputy ECZ Chairperson Annette Chirumba Nhekairo merely as commissioner and Musonda Simwayi, a man is replacing Anita Mbahwe, a woman, as Drug Enforcement Commission Commissioner.
    So women folk have actually lost one position!
    I can see you must have been bad at COMPREHENSION!

  9. @Upnd cadre from Ngombe compound lsk
    Read the article again!
    It’s not a woman substuting anothor woman at DEC but at ECZ. Mutiti is just replacing the late Deputy ECZ Chairperson Annette Chirumba Nhekairo merely as commissioner and Musonda Simwayi, a man is replacing Anita Mbahwe, a woman, as Drug Enforcement Commission Commissioner.
    So women folk have actually lost one position!
    I can see you must have been bad COMPREHENSION!

  10. Huh?
    @Upnd cadre from Ngombe compound lsk
    Read the article again!
    It’s not a woman substuting anothor woman at DEC but at ECZ. Mutiti is just replacing the late Deputy ECZ Chairperson Annette Chirumba Nhekairo merely as commissioner and Musonda Simwayi, a man is replacing Anita Mbahwe, a woman, as Drug Enforcement Commission Commissioner.
    So women folk have actually lost one position!
    I can see you must have been bad at English COMPREHENSION!

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