Saturday, September 21, 2024

DEC arrests three for operating a pharmacy illegally


Three people of Chadiza district in Eastern Province have been convicted and fined K3, 000 for operating an illegal pharmacy.

Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Senior Public Relations Officer Christabel Iliamupu said in a press statement issued to ZANIS today, that the trio were convicted and fined for operating a pharmacy without a Certificate of Registration contrary to section 14(1) of the Medicines and Allied Substances Act No. 3 of 2013.

Mrs Iliamupu named the trio as Alice Lungu, aged 25, Neverson Njobvu, aged 27 and Joseph Kandongwa, aged 37.

She said the trio appeared before Magistrate Fred Musaka at Chadiza Magistrate court following their arrest on December 5th , 2020.

And in a related incident, a business woman, also of Chadiza district in Eastern Province was arrested for operating a pharmacy without a Certificate of Registration contrary to the law.

Mrs Iliamupu said Pricilla Tembo, aged 37 has since been released on police bond and will appear in court soon.

She said Ms Tembo was arrested following surveillance and inspection by the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), aimed at curbing the sale of medicines and allied substances from unregistered premises.

Mrs Iliamupu said a consignment of Pharmacy sale (P) and Prescription-only medicines were seized.

The Commission has since appealed to the general public to refrain from illegal operation of drug stores or risk being prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the law.


  1. Jesus had nothing to do with dying for our sins and everything to do with politics. There is evidence that Jesus was a descendant of Kind David and thus the real king of Jews. It’s more than likely that he was brutally murdered because of that.

    Even if you find it hard to believe this, it’s no secret that Jesus’ death was politically motivated. We know he died because of the corrupt leaders of the corrupt society and their sins. It’s that simple, like things usually are. The simplest explanation is usually also the one that makes most sense.

    And the political explanation here sure makes a lot more sense than some elusive notions of ‘dying for our sins’ on the cross and thus ‘saving the world.’ If anything, the world hasn’t been saved, which is abundantly clear by now. No wonder too,…

  2. ……,since dying on the cross could hardly save anything.
    No one can die for your sins to take them on themselves and set you free. That’s a lie!

  3. This should be apply to every street vendors and others who open up trading in every corner of the street without any authorisation or certificate from authority to do business. I’m sure these are not the only victim of a sort, there are a lot of them doing business without any certificates, corner them down.

  4. The problem in Zambia is that we’re still dealing with Laws that the British left, even those that we have amended are a disaster. Medicines are regulated by ZAMRA while psychotropic substances are by DEC. No wonder the Magistrate fined them K3,000 because what they didn’t have is a certificate of registration. There are some drugs that aren’t controlled and you buy them from any Kantemba, That list needs to be reviewed because Zambians are being charged between K80 and K150 as consultations fees then they’re given a prescription to buy coartem at K25! Why not allow them to buy coartem than waste that money on nurses and clinical officers that are running makeshift clinics in townships? Medicine wholesalers sell to whoever even those without licenses can buy so revisit the Law and…

  5. Thank you for the job ba Dec but I’m surprised that u are now operating away from your objectives.point number,
    1. It’s not your duty to handle licenses for chemistry or pharmacy but it is the duty of Zambia medical regulatory authority (Zamra?
    2. Try by all means to readvertise your main objective so that the public can fully understand your functions given that everytime year we have new ages of people entering the society eg grade 12,even others at college level.
    3.Educate us on the differences between DEC and ZAMRA .
    4.Thank you


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