Tuesday, October 22, 2024

NGOCC saddened by increased cases of partners’ killings


The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) is deeply saddened by the increased incidences of killings related to misunderstandings in relationships. We are particularly concerned that women are again at the receiving end of these heinous crimes with the recent killing of 21-year-old Ms. Mapalo Masiku, a student at Chitambo Nursing School. The Chitambo incident comes barely a few months after the killing of Dr. Tasila Tembo in almost similar circumstances.

The two incidences and more go further to epitomize just how our societal values of love, appreciation, accountability for one’s actions, respect for life, among others have been eroded. It is totally unacceptable that as a country we should remain silent while families and relationships are being bogged down in abuses and misunderstandings that are now ending up in fatal loss of lives. In our collective community safeguards, time is now that we should all champion humanity and invest in avenues that promote tolerance in relationships and decisive steps to part on a peaceful note when dialogue fails.

As the women’s movement, we would like to appeal to families and indeed communities to take seriously aspects of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, especially that which happens between partners. By and large violent relationships start early on and imminent danger signs most often manifest in many ways. We wish to advise partners to prioritize hearty discussions on matters affecting their relationships and indeed none should accept being treated any lesser in line with human rights dictates.

In all this, NGOCC notes sadly, that women have remained at the receiving end of violent tendencies as we continue to lose many of them in their productive age groups. This is contributing to the nation being robbed of the much-needed human capital for various development related pursuits. It is therefore critical that government, through the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, urgently puts in place a “Reflection Team” to include various stakeholders such as the church, community leaders, civil society organisations, private sector, professional bodies and media to deliberate on key societal values enhancing approaches. Our main principle in this should be that violence of any form is destructive and can never resolve misunderstandings.

Our deepest condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones in these circumstances.

Issued by

Engwase B. Mwale


  1. The incident which happened in Chitambo is unfortunate. I am very much parent to daughters. My own observation is our girl children have become reckless, they in most cases doubling whilst their male friends invest so much trust in them and because of their love for money and other material things they easily switch camps. This leaves the guys in a hopeless and confused state and the result is always fatal. Its so bad for both parents they have lost young and productive lives after investing in their lives for many years. One does not just wake up and tell the other party that its over want to go on with my life. Being ditched by a loved one especially in the 20s or early 30 feels like the whole has fallen on one’s head. I run a pub and once in while pass thru to observe what goes on…

  2. Convalescence to the family of the young girl. A life taken away too soon. These dearths looks like is coming from a spell that needs to be prayed against. All Christians in this nation must pray against this type of deaths. Our children’s must be taught the love of Christ that does not harbor any un forgiveness. Our children’s online and face book time is not helping much, church leaders must teach the essence of best usage of time and the need to be morally correct.The leadership in this nation must be strong to condemn any signs of wickedness and violence especially against the weaker sex .

  3. Zambian men think they own women. Even if she dumps you this can’t justify you killing her. She is not your creature. She is a human being with her own life and her own family. Leave her and get on with your life.

  4. The higher education authority are to blame in all these happenings. They should revisit the curriculum for all higher education is institutions. The higher education it’s a must to have such courses like
    1) Fundamental ethics
    2) social ethics
    3) critical thinking
    These must be compulsory.

  5. Zambians are brought up believing that maltreating and beating someone especially wife and children is the only way of discipline! No wonder those savages are now killing the people they are supposed to love the most. There’s even a Zambian group on Facebook where such i d i o t s are supporting the idea of beating and abusing their kids, if you try to tell them otherwise you get insulted by those inbreeds

  6. Most Zambians are brought up being maltreated and beaten , when they grow up they believe that hurting someone especially wife and children is the only way of discipline! No wonder those s a v a g e s are now slaughtering the people they are supposed to love the most. There’s even a Zambian group on Facebook where such i d i o t s are supporting the idea of beating and abusing their kids, if you try to tell them otherwise you get insulted by those i n b r e e d s

  7. Most Zambians are brought up being m a l t r e a t e d and beaten , when they grow up they believe that hurting someone especially wife and children is the only way of discipline! No wonder those s a v a g e s are now slaughtering the people they are supposed to love the most. There’s even a Zambian group on FB where such i d i o t s are supporting the idea of beating and abusing their kids, if you try to tell them otherwise you get insulted by those imbeciles

  8. The President must start signing warrants of execution sitting on his desk for a number of chaps on death throw to stem this nonsense.

    People are doing this because they know that they will not be executed and think they stand a chance of getting out after some time if “connected” or for supposed “good” behaviour like that woman that killed Ms Chabwera.

    ECL sign of a couple of executions

  9. Most Zambians are brought up being m a l t r e a t e d and beaten , when they grow up they believe that hurting someone especially wife and children is the only way of discipline! No wonder those s a v a g e s are now s l a u g h t e r i n g the people they are supposed to love the most. There’s even a Zambian group on F B where such i d i o t s are supporting the idea of beating and a b u s i n g their kids, if you try to tell them otherwise you get i n s u l t e d by those i m b e c i l es

  10. Kampyongo one of the useless ministers that dont know the relationship between the Executive arm of government and the Judiciary and the Legislature. If he knew he wouldnt be instructing police to do anything. Let police effectively deal with crime such as muder and GBV

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