Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Christian Churches Monitoring Group challenged to provide proof of foreign registered voters


The Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG) has been challenged to provide proof of foreigners being registered as voters by the Electoral Commission of Zamba (ECZ).

CCMG has accused some voter registration officers under the Electoral Commission of Zambia of having enlisted foreigners on the new voters register which will be used in 2021 general and the future elections

But in an interview, Governance and Legal activist, Isaac Mwanza, called on Father Cleophas Lungu and his group to move beyond the making of mere political allegations by providing evidence of foreigners being registered as voters.

“At this point, it is clear the propaganda machinery of political parties is being used against each other and against ECZ. Some party functionaries are giving NRCs and voter’s cards to children and foreign nationals from neighboring countries to pose as persons ECZ registered as voters,” said.

He said it was unfortunate institutions which are supposed to have credibility such as CCMG are falling prey to this propaganda by attempting to give legitimacy through false alarms. 

“At the end of the day, CCMG and its funding international partners will be writing final misleading reports about Zambia registering children and foreign nationals just to discredit our country’s electoral system based on untested allegations and propaganda being made by political competitors,” said Mwanza.
Mr Mwanza said those claiming children were registered or foreign nationals are being registered are failing to provide exact location or finer details of where such practices have been done because that is how the propaganda works.  

“Unfortunately, I must add that the mission for CCMG can now be discerned from the political demeanor and language used by Father Lungu” he said.
Mr Mwanza has advised the clergy to desist from taking political sides and feeding into reports of international stakeholders aimed at discrediting the country.

“Clearly, Fr. Lungu has taken a political side and capitalizing on the goodwill of foreign entities who are funding CCMG to legitimize the propaganda being done by political parties,” said Mwanza 

And ECZ Acting Public Relations Manager Sylvia Bwalya disputed the claims of foreigners being registered stating the Commission can only register eligible candidates who are Zambians and are 18 years and above.


  1. And if they fail to Provide proof can legal action be taken against them. I will personally pay for the legal fees

    • Hikavula Cindundu if and only if!UPND…..full of conspiracies….can foreigners be more than the citizens….just campaign.In gwembe there the Zimbabweans are all over.just campaign,the clock is ticking!Time is of essence.

  2. These PF thieves, and their ECZ surrogate, have hit yet another low.

    They are now calling men of the cloth liars.

    I know who I would believe in this matter.

    Vote wisely.

  3. Let he who alleges provide evidence for his allegations… This are some of the paid up political surrogate organizations…. As long as they are given money …they speak nonsense

  4. I am happy I left this Country. Everything is about foreigners did this and now they are voting. Guys. I am happy I am not a Zambian and I will not ever vote in Zambia. Stop blaming foreigners and improve your economy Period.

  5. Troubles between the white man’s money and poverty is what we see of Christian politics in Africa. These characters have capitalised on our poverty such that even Fathers now dont know their place, they claim politics its part of their mission. Those who make friends with things of this world are enemies of God. Our churches are now for hire

  6. The Father must just take off his gown and collar and join politics. CCMG is being used for political ends but donor money just drives them more crazier

  7. Zambians are an interesting lot. Now even the Church is prepared to speak ill about its own country over the 30 silver pieces of silver from foriegners. Shame indeed. There cant be patriotism without money among the clergy

  8. Even the Bible says it, the love of foriegn money is the root cause of the lose of national pride and patriotism. These people’s loyalty is to those who fund them. Zambia needs a home driven monitoring group

  9. Even the Bible says it, the love of foriegn money is the root cause of the lose of national pride and patriotism. These people’s loyalty is to those who fund them. Zambia needs a home driven monitoring group.

  10. Even the Bible says it, the love of foriegn money is the root cause of the lose of national pride and patriotism. These people’s loyalty is to those who fund them. Zambia needs a home driven monitoring group than these who thrive thru discrediting our country and it’s Institutionz

  11. Personally I trust no one. Church or activist. They are just wolves in sheep’s skin. Just enjoy donor money. Politician worse

  12. Even once credible institutions such as LAZ and CCMG are basing to their observations and comments on social media. These organisation s are becoming lazy. Why cant they carry out their own independent investigations?

  13. Meanwhile, in other headline news: “Three prats in LT photo challenged to explain what good it does to wear a mask below the chin or nose.”

    I honestly have more respect for the the guy at the left who appears fed up and is basically saying “why bother.” The three in the center just look du’mb… like schoolboys wearing ties around their forehead! How serious do they want to be taken?

  14. Trouble is when people with shallow minds think if a foreigner is given NRC and voters card its to their advantage to win election forgetting that the same foreigners alleged to be given those documents maybe a danger both to our Country and themselves. These are the same people who may end up terrorizing our Country and mind you some of the Countries these people are presumed to come from have experiences civil wars and conflicts. Please if people have evidence that such is happening encourage them to present such to competent authorities and not scandalizing them. Its a danger to everyone regardless of your political affiliation.

  15. Zambians, Zambians, let us be honest. Those who have lived in border towns and Villages may testify to this. Most individuals in such places have dual citizenship, they chose which country to belong to at short notice and cross borders. Now zambia is having elections and opportunities to get beer, money and other materials available for campaign purses is an equal opportunity for adventurous individuals to enjoy. Note, Upnd aligned social media and csos are only pointing out the foreign registration in luapula and eastern meaning the flag off pf aligned illegal registration. Let us be honest, there are so many Goba friends who are Zimbabweans and Upnd card carrying members especially settled in mumbwa and Kafue areas. This will not in anyway change the outcome of the 2021 election. Father…

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