Saturday, September 28, 2024

National Population Policy designed to help Zambia achieve the prosperous middle income status


Eastern Province Acting Permanent Secretary Jodphat Lombe says the implementation of the National Population Policy has been designed to help the country achieve the prosperous middle income status.

Mr Lombe says the National Population Policy has been developed to anchor government efforts towards a holistic, inclusive and sustained development, which are key to attaining middle income status.

Mr Lombe stated that the policy will give a new dimension to development planning by ensuring that population factors are integrated into all development processes.

“The policy that is being disseminated today recognizes the linkages between population dynamics and sustainable development implementation,” he said

ZANIS reports that Mr Lombe was speaking in a speech read for him by Assistant Secretary Llyod Tembo and gave guidance on addressing population issues in an integrated manner.

This was during the dissemination workshop for the National Population Policy and the Zambia Demographic Health Survey reports to stakeholders in the Eastern Province organized by the Ministry of National Planning and Development.

The Acting PS added that the policy will harness demographic dividend and reducing rural urban drift in the country.

And Mr Lombe has observed that the 2018 Zambia Health Demographic Survey Report, which is being disseminated alongside the population policy, is a key tool to informing decision making at policy level.

He said the health demographic survey report examines trends and pattern of iniquities that affect the realization of health and well-being, as well as rights of women and adolescents.

“The analysis therefore, provides appropriate and consistent demographic statistics to inform decision making at policy level and monitor implementation of development programmes,” Mr Lombe said.

He further explained that the survey report specifically provides reliable statistics on issues relating to marriage and sexuality, fertility, family planning, maternal health, HIV and domestic violence, among others.

“This information will significantly improve planning, decision making and resource allocation in health and other social sectors” Mr Lombe said.

He urged government departments and other stakeholders to utilize the documents being disseminated in the drafting of district and provincial development plans.


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