Tuesday, October 22, 2024

President Lungu launches the cashew planting season in Mongu


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Department of Agriculture in Mongu District of Western Province to advice farmers on the best crops that can be intercropped with cashew nuts.

President Lungu said it is important to bring out the value of intercropping when sensitizing the cashew farmers to avoid having scenarios where fields are intercropped with products that take long to grow.

The President was speaking today in Sefula, Mongu District when he launched the cashew nut seedlings distribution and planting for the 2020/2021 planting season.

President Lungu said since cashew nuts takes about three to four years to grow, there was need to intercrop it with crops such as groundnuts and beans that are able to cover up for the labour force by producing food within a short period of time.

And a cashew farmer Si’galamba Kandiyana has thanked government for the initiative of providing free seedling which has enabled her to improve her livelihood.

Ms. Kandiyana said government should aim at reducing the poverty levels in the province by spearheading income generating projects such as the cashew that will benefit many vulnerable people.

And a lead farmer from Sinamunyambi Women Cooperative Namakau Sitali said the group is grateful with the cashew farming project aimed at reducing poverty especially for women and youths.

Ms. Sitali said the cooperative has benefited a lot of skills from the project such as the acquisition and management of planting materials, management of free seeds, crop storage and exposure of exchange visits to other countries such as Tanzania.

She however mentioned that climate change has greatly affected the growth of the crops as most of them have dried up in the past due to drought.

Ms. Sitali appealed to government to assist them with boreholes on their farms to enable them expand their fields.


  1. How many times are these morons going to launch cashew nuts planting season …5 years ago they got a loan from AfDB surely now we should be ripping the rewards of that investing but all we are seeing is this la7y bum Edgar on campaign every weekend…I mean how goes away without his wife every weekend.

  2. How many times are these mor ons going to launch cashew nuts planting season …5 years ago they got a loan from AfDB surely now we should be ripping the rewards of that investing but all we are seeing is this la7y bu m Edgar on campaign every weekend…I mean how goes away without old hen Ester every weekend.

  3. Muna Dekhane – Every 5 years they go to Mongu to talk about cashew nuts even borrow money in the name of cashew nuts.

  4. My president there is so much development going on. You are very hardworking sir and the people will thank you by voting for you next year. I had a vision last night which showed me that PF will rule for a minimum of 70 years.

  5. KIKIKI Cashew plantations Launched 20 + years ago ………. and failed
    Mongu abounds with trees …….. Experitise not available

  6. DJ – How old are you? KK was a head of state not this PF playboy cadre La7y Lungu who tours to run away from his wife, KK toured with his wife Betty

  7. DJ – How old are you? KK was a head of state not this PF playboy cadre La7y Lungu who tours to run away from his wi.fe, KK toured with his wi.fe Betty

  8. What a useless peace of sh1t, nothing to do coz he distroyed everything any way, worst useless president on earth, even a dog is better than this sh1t

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