Tuesday, October 22, 2024

ZNS to supply country with local made shoes


Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Bright Nundwe has hailed the Zambia National Service (ZNS) for taking up the initiative of running a shoemaking factory in Ndola.

Mr Nundwe was impressed with quality of shoes being manufactured when he toured the factory in the city’s industrial area.

Mr Nundwe commended ZNS for always being exceptional in their works throughout the country citing the areas of agriculture, security, and road works among others.

“ZNS is always smarter in the manner they deal with things. They have ventured into several economic activities in the country and Copperbelt in particular,” Mr. Nundwe said.

He added such initiatives have a blessing from government because they can help government to save a lot of money the country has been spending on the importation of footwear among other products.

Mr Nundwe noted that the products also have potential to increase foreign exchange in the country and help to strengthen the local currency when exported.

And ZNS Officer Commanding for the shoe manufacturing factory, Bright Chanda said the concept was birthed in the early 1990s but only got actualized six months ago when the government bought the shoe factory from MALAR industries at a cost of K3.3 million.

Major Chanda said the factory is able to produce 80-100 shoes per day with 8 working hours but has the potential to produce up to 1500 – 2000 shoes per day.

He disclosed plans of purchasing modern equipment and machines to enhance productivity and further improve skills development for the workers.

Major Chanda said the factory endeavours to become the major supplier of military, safety and school footwear in the country and possibly the region.


  1. That’s good for ZNS, I hope they’ll be supported when their shoes hit the market. I also appeal to ZNS to help us disarm PF cadres. I’m afraid that things might get nasty as the infighting intensifies. From where have these goons gotten the firearms?

  2. If I was PRESIDENT. I would invest heavily on ZNS.

  3. Let me see the quality of the shoes first, then I will comment, especially that there is too much rhetoric in this country, government officials say anything

  4. Yes government officials too much hot air just talking and talking is the order of the day, that is why when sharp Wynter was SG of the PF, he use to hold ministers accountable, a minister gives a speech big headlines in the news, following day, Wynter would spring to action to say but that is not in our manifesto, that is just from your head, but it is now free for all

  5. ESPECIALLY, Industrial Shoes (or workwear shoes in other words).

    AND then MULUNGUSHI TEXTILES IN KABWE to supply all service men and women (ZAMBIA NATIONAL SERVICE, police, army, ZAF, PRISON SERVICE WARDERS, ETC). AND also to supply industries with work garments. Employment creation as easy as ukunwa menshi.

  6. And then sponsor the college graduates to Ethiopia to go and learn the shoes designing skills.
    Ethiopia is also very good at that apart from the airline business.

  7. Meanwhile they are being supplied with imported boots and uniforms. They have failed to run the tailoring section of Mulungushi Textiles were their uniforms and other garments were manufactured

  8. Its surprising how you are quick to hail ZNS for making shoes when you are giving million dollar sub contracts for road construction to your proxy brief case companies. I mean ZNS has Architects, Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers and Quantity Surveyors but you still ignore them to the point where you give GRZ inflated contracts to the Chinks…now here you are saying made in Zambia products such hypocrisy.

  9. Another pipe dream. How could ZNS possibly manage to make and export footwear and earn foreign exchange ! Wake up please and look at Mulungushi factory in Kabwe.

  10. Some of these takeover by GRZ supported institutions like ZNS are just a manifestation of corruption being shielded in takeovers of likely failing private firms!Why did Malar sell the factory and who evaluated it to arrive at K3.3million? How viable is the business with respect to open competition from cheaper Chinese imports?Here money could have changed hands

  11. Good idea I hope it will work, Yeah, we need to promote and encourage more our local product. and what about kapiri glass factory? we need glass bottles and other stuff related to glass products because plastic products will be the thing of the past in future because they are not suitable for our health and environment??

  12. This is what we expect when we say use your initiative. It does not surprise me that the comments above, from diasporans like f00lish tarino, are negative about this development. It is because these diasporans lack discipline and are lazy that is why they chose the easier option to runaway to diaspora rather than work hard here in Zambia like our friends have done. Congrats and well done for this achievement.

  13. Show us pictures, not stories from a politician looking for votes next year. Wht didn’t they produce these things 5 years ago? Election stories, this

  14. What nonsense ?ZNS a military organ making shoes constructing and farming at the same time what next? This is NOT China of Mao 1950’s. Stop the bs pf you failed. Enough get out.

  15. It’s a good idea but disappointed with the working hrs ? We 24hr we have so much youth who can do shifts not 8hrs that’s luck of ambition, This is not a ka Temba It’s Zambian National Service.

  16. Just from the speech i can tell Zambia is still far with having Ministers/Leaders of calibre to fit the global business acumen….Ba Nundwe, it’s not about President Lungu praises all the time….talk of how good an idea that is in terms of value creation for our local raw materials…(if at all it will be local), employment for locals .. development of designers coz design is a talent but needs enhancement with skill,…talk of the market….and for starters it’s a doom of failure coz really you can’t start making all manner of shoes at once…do a survey for your market and segment the niche products accordingly…make some profit then diversify your products….(look at trade kings, they started small on product range, not that you have to copy their strategy, but that’s how it…

  17. ZNS is suppose to display the kind shoes they’re manufacturing instead of parading themselves. “Ati shoe manufacturing factory” when all machinery and raw materials are being imported from other countries. This is being done after 56 years of independence . What this is going to mean is that when there’s no forex at BOZ then the plant will suspend operations just like what is happening at mulungushi textiles.

  18. ZNS should be involved in bigger and more important national projects like reforestation , water harvesting , constructing rural security posts and clinics, building and repairing bridges in rural areas etc
    The manufacturing of shoes should be left for our young and local Zambian entrepreneurs.

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