Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Stephen Kampyongo shocked and humbled by Peter Sinkamba’s Gesture


Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo has said that he is humbled and at the same time shocked by Green Party President Peter Sinkamba’s gesture to pay part of the money he owes the treasury for staying in his ministerial office after the dissolution of parliament in 2016.

Mr Sinkamba last week paid K55, 000 to the government out of which K30, 000 is for Mr. Musenge and K25, 000 for Hon Kampyongo who are among the 64 Ministers that overstayed in office after the dissolution of parliament.

Hon Kampyongo has commended the opposition leader for the gesture which he says shows that people appreciate the role he has continued to play in the governance of the nation.

“I think for me at this point what matters most is that Mr. Sinkamba has shown appreciation for my service to mother Zambia and as such has opted to pay the money I am owing the treasury even when he is well aware that I have at no time refused to acknowledge the ruling of the constitutional court and pay the money as ordered,” Hon Kampyongo said.

Speaking in an interview, Hon Kampyongo said that he would further be engaging Mr. Sinkamba to understand the genesis of his gesture.

He said that engaging Green President Sinkamba so as to ensure that it does not appear that he is unable to execute the ConCourt obligation.


  1. A sign that even mr sinkamba has confidence in our government and its leadership. He acknowledges that it is human to sometimes get the rules wrong but what matters is rectifying them and learning. We thank you Peter for being mature unlike those in upnd who have chosen to politicize this. That is why they lose elections

  2. Insoni ebuntu, this gullibleness you are exhibiting will one day come back to haunt you, how does someone pay without notifying you of his intention and you declaring interest? This bribe must be returned forthwith, stop fooling us, you overstayed in your position and illegally got paid monies that you were not entitled for. As you yourself have said several times, no one is above the law, you broke the law, hence you must demonstrate that you are a law abiding citizen by paying back from your pocket. People who steal chickens and goats are sentenced to years in prison without remorse, yet the minister of home affairs wants to hide behind a dagga smoker, shame.

  3. The Green party members don’t want Sinkamba any more because he has not been releasing any money for party mobilization but he is releasing money to bail you out, and I am sure you are shocked that he has paid for you because you know you can afford to pay for yourself

  4. Sinkamba should go away with the PF. We don’t want him. The party is as dead as Marijuana. Look at all the economic stats, everything is down

  5. Your expression is facial saviour, damage already done. In my view, Mr Sinkamba had consulted both of you before paying on your behalf.

  6. No one sufficiently informed will be fooled by this. Stephen Kampyongo never complained of difficulty in re-paying the sum of money the court ordered. Peter Sinkamba can put a nice spin on it but the politically-aware will continue to hv their doubts. Yes, it’s Peter Sinkamba’s money and he has the right to choose how he spends it. But the informed reserve the right to question the morality of the decision he has taken.

  7. sinkamba is a fool. How do you pour water into Zambezi River. Then you leave your bucket empty. These chaps have more money to pay. We shall take them to prison next year, They were supposed to pay with interest.

  8. This is just a gimmick these two fellows are either former school mates at Kenneth Kaunda or Isoka Secondary Schools. How can the entire Stephenson Kampongolo fail to repay PF GRZ the mashiling paid after dissolution of Parliament? For Munyengu Musekabantu yah it looks like the man is limping. Any way its either these guys have been giving each ma contracts. Well, Petros Sankalimbanja has a lot of cash. May he started growing and exporting what he initiated. In Zambia anything is possible. I hope BIG Enorol Pearce Kavandula would come to the rescue of sister Jenalla Kaputula she compalined that she needed time to repay. Its obvious Petros has repaid on behalf of Kampongolo and Musekabantu based on WAKO NOWAKO. Have DOOG YAD AND GOD BLESS THE AHNDS THAT GIVES.

  9. I hope Sinkamba has gotten the message. This shows why Mwine Lubemba at one time lamented that Zambia lacks critical thinkers

  10. While I may not agree with growing marijuana for financial benefits without looking at the destructive side of it, I believe that Peter Sinkamba has demonstrated civilized politics that we need in Zambia. This is the kind of politics that we need in our country and Peter Sinkamba has just demonstrated to all of us. Shall we all ask God to fill our hearts with supreme love that transcends ideological and political differences. Love your friend disregard of which political party they belong to. We are all brothers and sons of the soil and remember we have no other country to go.

  11. Bwana Stephen Kampyongo, Peter Sinkamba has every right use his wealth in any way he deems fit. However, to announce publicly to Zambians that he is paying K000s on behalf of minister Stephen Kampyongo and Musenge is unredeemable sin to majority poor Zambians. Stephen Kampyongo has the capacity to pay back the money he illegally earned as minister while majority poor Zambians can not afford a decent meal, unemployed youths lack empowerment support or students meet their education fees. As political leader vying to rule Zambia, it has clearly demonstrated a misjudgement of colossal proportions on his part and relegates his manifesto to the burial ground of his political dreams – RIP.

  12. Sealed!! How can Kampyongo arrest Peter Sinkamba, for anything? Peter is free to smuggle ubunga and even free from his Marijuana censorship.
    Let’s what the new DEC boss will do about this public money laundering.

  13. Of course this is a shock because you can easily pay for your own sins. We are not surprised that you are surprised sir. Infact we would be more shocked if you fail to pay in full – let Musenge get the rest of the money and maybe you should also pay for those minsters who are out of employment. Sinkamba could have smoked badly when he came to decide to pay for you – so dont take him seriously.
    How can a Minister fail to pay K60,000 if some thugs can say what is K2million kwacha????

  14. DEC, ACC and ZP need to investigate this, something fishy here. Simkamba made it clear that you and him are best friend, why the shock then? How can we allow this, a known advocate for ganja is paying big moneys for Kampyongo who has the police under his command?

  15. Ba Sinkamba, instead of paying for the me your potential voter sure!!!! Think twice mwandi….am waiting for you please.

  16. These sil ly Lungu ministers are just showing us how reckless they are with taxpayers money hence enjoy a lavish lifestyle …if it was their money they would have been mindful but they know their boss is equally useless Chamwama bu m. Can you imagine Tanzanian President would tolerate such stupidity.

  17. Does the ministerial code of Zambia allow for people in office to receive such gifts? Kampyongo says that he is shocked by this bribe but our Police should investigate it.. It could be money laundering.

  18. Paying for a vulnerable former Deputy Minister is very understandable but for a full and serving Cabinet Minister raises some questions???……..These people in Government have made a lot of money or maybe Kampyongo and Sinkamba agreed on something?

  19. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Unbelievable! The amount of s!lliness that pass for national governance in tjis 4th world sh!th0le of a country is shocking. Whichever way you look at this Sinkamba ‘gesture’ which equals bribery and money laundering doesn’t make.
    There are literally thousands of innocent men and women who are thrown in jail every day in Zambia for lacking bail money and if Sinkamba was really serious about helping out, he would be going to post bail money for these people.
    And whatever source of this money, does his supporters allow him to do this? S!lly!

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