Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The church should uphold the Zambia’s Christian Declaration, the Government has done it’s part-Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina has urged the Church to continue teaching good values and principles at all levels of society to promote peace and tranquility.

Mrs. Wina says Zambia is a Christian nation and as such it is expected that good Christian values and morals are upheld.

The Vice President has indicated that government has done its part by undertaking a number of measures that include declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, declaration of October 18 as a national day of prayer as well as establishing the ministry of national guidance and religious affairs.

She said this through the Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Reverend Godfridah Sumaili, who represented her at a fundraising service for the construction of the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Bethlehem Sub- Congregation Marapodi Consistry in Chipwalo village in Kabanana West in Lusaka yesterday.

“Allow me to take this opportunity to thank Almighty God for the peace and tranquility that this nation has continued to enjoy. It should also be noted that some of our friends around the world so not have the opportunity to live in peace. Therefore, it’s very important to ensure that we jealousy guard it,” Mrs. Wina noted.

The Vice President said it should be acknowledged that the growth of the church is always a joyous moment because it means that the word of God is continuously being preached, heard and has warn more souls to Christ.

And the Vice President stated that it is gratifying to note that while the Church and government are different in their nurture and purpose, one thing they have in common is that they serve the same people in the defense of the dignity of every person created in the image of God.

“The Church and State in Zambia also share a wide range of concerns and effectively collaborate for the common good. It is against this background that the Patriotic Front appreciates the contribution the church has continued to make to improve the wellbeing of the Zambian people,” she said.

Meanwhile, UCZ Reverend Joseph Chinyanta said the church has been called to promote peace and unity among the people regardless of their tribe, political affiliation or status.

Rev. Chinyanta has since called on members of the Church to go out there and preach peace and not to allow confusion to reign even as the country head towards elections in August next year.

Rev. Chinyanta further indicated that the Church decided to construct a new sub – congregation to cut on long distances the members used to cover to get to the main congregation.

And Headman Chipwalo said construction of a sub Congregation in Chipwalo village is a noble cause as it will serve souls.

He said the traditional leadership will support the church by ensuring that a suitable plot for the construction of the church building is found.

The Headman also urged members of the church to desist from criticizing developmental projects government is undertaking but to appreciate and suggest new ideas and how they can be implemented.


  1. This is a religion from the Middle East and is part of a trinity that includes Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Strictly speaking there’s no religion called Christianity. Jesus Christ founded no new religion. His own religion was Judaism. Modern nation-states cannot be based on one religion or one tribe as they’re made up of plural societies. At law, anyone is free to launch a new religion and it must be allowed to recruit membership. Modern life is all about diversity.

  2. Ati government has done its part. What are functions of a government. Among its duties is to maintain law and order through the police and other security agency. How has the government fared in curbing political violence? Churches can preach peace, values and morals but it just ends there. If people dont want to do the right thing and break the law who should punish them? Is it the church or government. Why as leaders you want to run away from your responsibilites. That’s why you say the opposition needs to be talked to over political violence when its their ( opposition) members who are victims. Who has the instruments of power. You dont know what it means to be leaders.

  3. I laugh when our leaders mention of Zambia being a Christian Nation and urging pipo to uphold high moral standards. Well that said its on paper only. The govt should not say they have don enough the rest is the church to do its part. Ever since the christian declaration, a lot crime being committed by some section of clergy, indecent dressing, corruption, murders, prostitution, thieving at levels unheard of etc. the list is endless. Its up to the Govt. to enforce the declaration of Christianity like is done with Islam. A declaration without being backed up enforcement is as good as trying to grow hair on an egg.

  4. Larry Mweetwa, a mere Zambian serving in British Army, was denied entry in his own chriatian Zambia on his visit to his own village in Choma.
    Christians deporting own SDA church members

  5. I agree, the PF Government has done its part of erasing the declaration Christian nation replacing it with satanic nation guided by satanic verses. Christianity says by their fruits you will recognize them. What fruits has Zambia been producing under PF? Murder. Tribalism, Hatred, Jealousy. Corruption, Theft, Constitution Abrogation, Illegal and Satanic detention of political opponents, Violence, Gassing, Zambianizing of Foreigners and children to rig elections. The list is endless. So well done PF! Congratulations!

  6. Why we are slaves is because we love to be enslaved. We are made to love slavery by biblical teachings that are repeated to us from a young age that say we must be slaves of the white man.
    Even the Bible tells us to be good slaves and to obey our masters. We are told to wait for judgment day when things will be reversed and we are happy with this. Meanwhile the enslaver takes all our wealth leaving us with his religion. We declare Christian nations in the hope his oppressive religion can save us. We remain poor awaiting the white man’s heaven

  7. Yes the Government has done it’s part. In baiting the church with the declaration. Indeed in using the Church to legalise itself to the church’s followers. After using their bible the same way the white man used it to dupe the black man about how good white people were the present day politician can go about stealing from the voters.

  8. Zambia is a blest nation and better we all appreciate what FTJ. declared indeed he was moved by God , and so did he declare this noble declaration this declaration has promoted godliness and it has worked wonders .
    Many people may not see the impact that it has effected on Zambia , prayerful people who call up on the name of the Lord God comes through to save them from their troubles , salvation is not ending on the soul salvation but is inclusive saves people from illnesses saves people from calamities that trouble the godless nations , saves people from evil activities that trouble people in nations that forsake God. The benefits of giving God in your life are vast , this also makes leaders to answerable to the people , now you can see that even people like one opposition leader…

  9. Yes Government has done its part by stealing, making corruption free for all, muzzling free speech and liberal TV stations such as prime tv, not granting permits to opposition members , etc etc. Now its time for the church to do its part.

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