The United States government has praised the Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) for it’s efforts in developing programs that engaged young people in the Democratic process of the country.
Speaking during the launch of the Capacity Training for Youth on Governance for Effective Youth Participation in Democratic Processes, U.S. Embassy Deputy Director of Public Affairs Julien Kreuze said his government will continue to help CLRI and other organizations in their efforts to ensure that youths are equipped with skills for responsive leadership.
He observed that with 65% making the country’s population it was commendable that CLRI has developed a program that does not only deeply engages the youths in their advocacy skills but also learn about responsible civic engagement.
“With national elections approaching in August 2021, it is important to energize and engage all sectors of society. Youth make up 65% of Zambia’s population, and I applaud the leadership and initiative shown by CLRI in developing a program that engages young people more deeply in the democratic process. As part of this program, youth from different political parties, civil society organizations, and other young leaders will develop their advocacy skills and learn about responsible civic engagement.
“To the young leaders in the room who are participating in this week’s workshops, I say you represent the future of progress and development in Zambia. Our goal at the U.S. Embassy is to amplify your actions and initiatives, and equip you to develop as effective, responsive leaders whose work inspires your peers and communities to build a better Zambia,” he said.
And CLRI Executive Director Paul Mundia Hakoola said his organization is aware that the country has inadequate representation space for youths in governance structures as evidenced by the non existence of youths representation at parliamentary and cabinet levels.
He said the institute with the help from the US embassy in Zambia is implementing the project which aims at promoting the participation of youths and women in the Governance processes.
“The Institute recognizes that in Zambia there is inadequate representation space for meaningful participation of the youth in governance structures as evidenced by low representation youths at parliamentary and at cabinet level. The institute is with the support of the US Embassy in Zambia is implementing this project that aims at promoting the participation youths and women in governance processes. Other objectives of the project include increasing dialogue and advocacy skills and also to increase their knowledge on issues accountability and transparency which are key for democratic Governance.
“We take this opportunity to call on all political parties to make deliberate action in ensuring that youths and women are represented in decision making at all levels of their structures and desist from using youths as tools of violence,” he said.
Mr Mundia added that no meaningful development will be achieved if the key stakeholders are not actively represented in the decision making process.
“We cannot achieve meaningful development as country if the key stakeholders such as youths and women are not actively represented in decision making, lack youth and women representation causes a situation where policies and development strategies do not reflect the genuine concerns of the Zambian youth and this misplaces development priorities. The government and political players should take a leaf from countries that used the youthful population to their advantage and develop their countries.
“The 2-day capacity building training we are conducting aims at building the skills of youth in areas of non violence, peace building, issue based advocacy. The training will also enhance capacities of youth on how they cab promotes transparency and accountability in their communities,” he said.
Launch of the two day training was attended by ECZ Chief Executive Officer and other heads of government departments as well as Civil Society Leaders.
Is that complicity or what?
Where will they practice democracy?
Lusaka Times. Sometimes, you should be ashamed of your own actions. Your own Govt has executed people and you’re quiet, can’t even inform the public because you’re scared of being victimised by PF. Dont you have a conscious or shame? One day, the injustice will befall you! Two people have gone to rest with their creator, murdered in cold blood at the instigation of Lungu and Kampyongo and you cant even report this story. Shame on you!
Youths beware!!!
America used the same tactic in:
Guyana, and
Why don’t they get the youths in their country to participate first before looking at peaceful nations like Zambia? They have bigger problems than us. In fact they have a dictator in office who is refusing to leave and looking for ways to overtun the elections. The US should seek help from Zambia on how to be a peaceful nation. We may be poor but that does not mean we don’t have common sense. Atase, stronking biscuit!
It should be vice versa,,,,,now USA needs serious help….look who’s talking