Sunday, September 8, 2024

Churches not following guidelines for Christmas and New Year’s Overnight Prayers will be charged, Warns Chingola Council


Chingola municipal council has cautioned churches in area to observe the COVID 19 preventive measures ahead of Christmas and New year’s overnight prayers or risk being charged a penalty fee of K750.00.

ChingolaTown Clerk Kabomba Mutakela said that the local authority has only authorised churches that were inspected and certified by authorised officers to conduct such cross over night prayers.

Mr. Mutakela noted that all permitted churches are requested to worship from the same church premises that were inspected and adhere to all COVID 19 guidelines.

He stated that the churches should also maintain the same number of congregants that they indicated on the approved gathering permits.

The TC further noted that all registered churches are requested to submit details of congregants using the register designed by the local authority.

Going by the Christian calendar , most churches globally assemble overnight to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as well as hold thankful prayers to God on new year-eve every 1st January.

Government in its guidelines against COVID-19 , has re-emphasised adherence to measures against the pandemic such as social distancing, mass gathering and wearing of face masks.


  1. When your wlfe goes to overnight prayers it’s over my brother kiki better you even allow her to come to my Kafue parties

  2. Those over nighters are a way for those pastors to chose which women to shag…

    GRZ should ban those overnights , people should spend the day being productive not sleeping because they went to line up all night for some pastor to be shagged…

  3. It is much easier to control the people in a church than in a bar or night club; but the church is now being targeted and persecuted – we need prayers to overcome this evil covid 19. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. God bless Zambia!

  4. These are like the days of Paul when he was Saul,killing the church congregants or persecuting them.May the Lord come through for the church today like He did the time of Paul and Jesus.

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