Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu Gives Police IG upto Monday to Produce Report on Yesterday’s deaths


President Edgar Lungu has directed the Inspector of Police, Kakoma Kanganja to use every resource available to fully investigate the murder cases in a circumstance in which the two victims were shot yesterday.

Mr Lungu noted that the Police force must investigate the matter as quickly as possible and that a report must be availed to him by Monday, 28th December, 2020.

In a statement released to the media, Mr Lungu gave indications that the deaths of the two Zambians would have been avoided indicating that it seems the country have cast aside the values believing in politics or politicking must be this country’s daily bread.

“My heart goes out to the families of Nsama Nsama Chipyoka and Joseph Kaunda, both of whom were killed by an unknown assailant or assailants yesterday in Lusaka. I am grieving with the families of these victims. My sincere condolences to the families,” the President said.

The Head of State explained that it believed that it pays to spend time at police stations and courts, as cheerleaders of politicians, even over cases that we know little or nothing about.

He said he was saddened that even after being cautioned against going to the police station, many in sponsored transport traversed adding that there was a sign that many have become pawns in other people’s games.

“Yesterday’s incidents were totally unnecessary to put it mildly. An individual, in his person, was called by the police to answer charges, and yet we saw multitudes of uninvited citizens thronging the police station.

“ What was that about? In the meantime, a situation was created for mayhem and we end up with lives lost,” the President questioned.

Mr Lungu clarified that no one is above the law including himself saying that for as long as he is a President, he will not allow anybody to usurp criminal justice.

He said Nsama was not just a prosecutor or a lawyer, he was a husband, dad, son, brother, nephew, uncle, cousin of people who are grieving today and equally, the loss of Joseph, a young man, full of life, taken away because of political activism.

The President warned that Zambia is a haven for peace and that not one will be allowed to turn this country upside down.

“This is the time for all of us to reflect as a country about the Zambia we want to live in. This is not what we are as a country. This is alien. What unites us is stronger than what divides us,” he emphasized.

Mr Lungu has since appealed to the public to stay calm as investigators do their work and resolute against crime and say, no, to political chicanery and demagoguery.


  1. Iwe ka lungu , close to 100 people have already been murdered under political circumstances…

    Stop shedding crocodile tears when you sense the mood of the country is against you and your brutality

  2. The issue of HH having people escort him to the police station should not arise. Winter Kabimba went to the ACC offices with a huge entourage when he was summoned, which led the ACC unable to interrogate him. No one was shot or teargas fired. Dr Chitalu went to court with a huge entourage with campaign materials, which led the matter to be postponed. No one was shot or teargas fired. An entourage showed up at Intercontinental hotel to disrupt a discussion on bill 10 in full view of the police, no teargas, no gunshot. An entourage entered central police and assaulted officers and left, no teargas, no gunshot. Let’s be sincere and we will build consensus.

  3. The PF police had cooked up a more sinister charge that would have kept HH locked up until the new year ,

    This farm charge is only as an excuse they used at the last minute as locking up would have inflamed the situation more…..

    We did the police not state the reason for this call out to avoid in necessary tension ? They did not state the reason because they had a more fake serious charge

  4. The PF police had cooked up a more sinister charge that would have kept HH locked up until the new year ,

    This farm charge is only as an excuse they used at the last minute as locking up would have inflamed the situation more…..

    Why did the police not state the reason for this call out to avoid in necessary tension ? They did not state the reason because they had a more fake serious charge

  5. The video clips going around showing armed police pointing guns at citizens is foiling their intentions of trying to blame HH for the deaths….

    That is what we mean when we say more video ……

  6. No one trusts these PF caders in police uniforms…….

    If they were intrested in peace , they should have simply said what that call out was about……
    But because they had intentions of locking up HH under some other charges , they did not state the nature of the call out.

    Had they told the nation why they were summoning HH , none of this would have happened

  7. To the family of the late brother Nsama Nsama, take a moment and look to God for your strength. This is very hard and unbelievable turn of events when your hero woke up in the morning to go serve the nation yet never knew that it was goodbye. My soul cries for the demise of your soul.

    I wish to sincerely appeal to HH to relook at his strategy of attending to police summons to police. The primary atitude should be to take that opportunity to show leadership. It’s very important that he takes every opportunity to show leadership. Please pray that God gives you wisdom. It will be important for HH to learn to wisely deal with police with minimal risk of his cadres and the public. I know that people will still want cadres to be there when going to police or court. Sometimes it would be…

    • A senseless killing and weak excuses trying to avert a backfired scheme! As a kid we had this thing with friends of letting off catapult volleys when a flock of quelea flew past randomly dropping some! @ Felcha it is not helpful to ask an already law abiding citizen to stretch out more than the law demands to please those that enforce the law! I am not sure whether I fully get your reasoning that HH has to “relook” into how he responds to summons. Rather it is those who issue summons to a certain “class of the citizenry” who should undertake a reorientation exercise determining how they handle the public. Mind you “Not all animals are equal” and George Orwell’s, Animal Farm has a good lesson for us. Exemplary leadership starts with Lungu, the president thus you cant ask someone…

  8. Mr. Lungu, for the love of God fire this fool.
    He can’t perform. He has no idea how to run the law enforcement. You might as well give the position to your daughter she has a criminal justice degree. I’m sure she can do a better job.
    You are embarrassing us. What’s wrong with you people?

  9. Fire them both actually. The home affairs and the IG gotta go…they are useless.
    I thought you said you are a listening president listen to your people.

  10. When we tell you that La7y Lungu is a dull and weak chap you think its a joke…so you expect Kanganja to report what? Oh its my fault that I instructed my officers to be heavy handed as recommended by Kamponygo and Lusambo. This President is stealing a living and a waste of time, he knew what was going to happen hence even run away to Luangwa Valley…when is he going to take responsibility? Where is Vesper’s Report? Where is Frank Mugula’s Report?

    • Christopher Shanda this is supposed to be done in less than 24 hrs. Who were in that white Landcruiser who started it all? How many rounds of live ammunition did each carry and what’s their balance after the shooting, that’s it! Who told them and gave them live ammunition.

  11. Dweny Mwanba – That will be the end of La7y Lungu and his re-election if concourt gives him a go ahead….Kamponygo is the one who supervises those panga welding thugs in the PF and instrumental in recruiting all those cadres in ZP with his IG.

  12. This is a typical James Hadley Chase crime novel ‘You Find Him, I’ll Fix Him. Asking for a dossier from the same person who committed a heinous crime..

  13. HH’s supporters escorting him to the Police Station is not a new or illegal issue.What is at issue is the use of heavily armed Military Personnel to control the Crowd. How can Policemen or Military Personnel shoot innocent and unarmed Civilians/Protesters with live ammunition? Its Political Cadres inflifrated into ZPS who were used to snipe and shoot the two Civilians dead. These shootings or Executions are Politically motivated. The Powers that be want to use these shootings to arrest HH and remove his name from the 2021 Ballot Paper. Thats their objective. The end justfies the means. The writing is on the wall.

  14. How can you ask for a report from your IG when you have already concluded that it was unknown people who were dressed as cops fired into the crowd, if it was Tayali saying this you would simply ignore it but this is the Head of State with OP machinery at his disposal to give him unbaised reports. This man would rather listen to his Political advisers and Lusambo…its State capture in a kakistocracy. Zambians get rid of this empty suit he is truly weak and very incompetent.

  15. Iwe Lungu, when Chitalu Chilufya was in court against corruption charges, did he go alone there?

    People have had enough of you and your thug friends.

    A change is needed.

  16. When the fly over bridge was been commissioned, only an individual was invited but what did we see multitudes of pf cadres, were pf cadres also part of the commissioning officials?

  17. The demon is asleep to spew vile and horrible comments – you have killed Nsama Nsama Chipyoka “Wakayele”, killed Josephy Kaunda “Wakayele”.
    You may hate us and others, you remain killers of innocent Zambians and their blood is on your hands – Kampyongo, Kanganja, and ultimately president Edgar Chagwa Lungu

  18. Consequences of a failed leadership. I wonder how Alex Chikwanda who endorsed you for this position feels now? Part of the massive resources acquired from China should have gone to real jobs creation and ventures for youths to sustain their livelihood including your cadres, but what we see is infusing of unskilled cadres into public service, yet some of tasks require high standards of professionalism to perform. What do you expect from such calibre? total anarchy anarchy of course. There is nothing wrong with rewarding loyal cadres, but reward them in a manner that contributes positively to the nation and benefits them as well in the long run through such ventures as; farming, trades, work in factories and production camps.

  19. Aristotle – Learn to be serious. You can’t compare commissioning a flyover bridge to anarchy and despondency. Loss of life over somebody’s problems is highly regrettable, and if bloggers here think that HH is a victor here, I am sorry.

  20. Tarino calm the eff down. The problem with empty tins is that they make the most noise without understanding what is going on. Anything our president does is bad to you. If hh did the same thing, it would be considered a good thing. This is how tribalists think. F00lish

  21. Mr President always you have got a blind eye to the happenings in Zambia because you have empowered PF thungs caders to be your advisers and look at markets and bus sations who is controlling the revenue collection s. Stop sugar coating us if that statement s and where is Good in your heart and everything has got time and God sees.

  22. This so-called ‘humble man’ knows what this was all about. He is even insinuating in veiled tones that some ‘assailants’ from wherever, were responsible – when when clearly, this is all from his backyard. Pathetic to say the least. He schemes with his cohort against the opposition day and night and they come up with dunderhead plans that are exposed, such as now. They use the Police and other unprincipled individuals as tools, they perpetually unearth trumped up charges that would never stick in any civilized justice system and tragically, some have gone along with this because they have benefited from the thieving or been taken along by the ‘humbleness’.

  23. The government should consider outlawing escorting politicians to police or court especially when the offence has got nothing to do politics. In this case buying of land dubiously by pretence or corruptly has got nothing to do with politics. So hh should have gone alone or his wife or a dad if he has one. Even then, escorting politician to police in a political situation should be outlawed.

  24. As expected – a very shallow, lame and partisan statement. Totally devoid of any statesmanship. As others have clearly written, the problem is not cadres escorting politicians. PF cadres have done so without so much as one teargas fired even when they enter police and beat up police. You had better tell us on Monday who was in that Land Cruiser that started firing teargas and whatever else on a crowd that was so peaceful. Who gave them that order and why? Why did forensics only do their work. on body of lawyer? Also release reports of others brutally slain by senseless action of your police.

  25. My heart bleeds for mother Zambia. Baba Lunu mwachinja zoona. You even forgot how you came to power (In a humble). You don’t even seem to know that it was God who put you in power. Now the people surrounding you and you Mr. President have taken over God’s mission over this country and manipulated everything to your gratifying. The same God who throned you Mr. Lingu is watching and be assured and don’t even think of lying to yourself, HE is dethroning you. You have made Zambians suffer. Are you really Zambian, or you are some thief guy as reported by Jesus who came to sow weeds while Zambians were asleep. Take radical actions to what you’re saying seriously. Lives are being lost and you want to pretend that those poor people responsible are unknown? Surely Mr. President you have…

  26. You are just trying to create tension to justify the use of The Weapons you bought for the Police. Those things were clearly bought to intimidate and Silence the opposition. When did offering solidarity become a crime to the point of using live bullets on the Armless citizens

  27. Lungu Chagwa Edgar is the most incompetent commander-in- chief we have ever had in this country. He has failed and should be retired next year.

  28. These bloody thirsty suckers ministers led by the chief slaughter had everything planned prior to the incident to kill so that they silence Zambians. Now that you have achieved your objective you want a report by Monday on how well you executed the JOB. Why is it that only at UPND gatherings people die????? Mr President you’ve already killed that report will not bring them back to life. You see this is your doing because the Kapyongo mentioned it and you IG is still going to the office? Murderers.

  29. The statement makes sad reading- it is condemning what people came to do and not the people who committed the crime. The person/s who pulled the trigger and those who instructed them to do so are the people wanted here.

    Lungu your job to is to give us the trigger happy cops and the chain of those who instructed them – hopefully it doesn’t lead to you.

  30. Let politicians surmoned by police or courts go alone! what’s the point of creating unnecessary problems? Wrong is wrong, stop quoting wrong history which takes the country backward. Certain practices have to change. Clear instructions were given by law enforcement about this and someone wants to challenge the police. MYSRIP comrades

  31. This ka guy is not fit to rule our country. He is a danger to our country.

    Gatherings and protests are constitutionally provided for.

    The crowd was peaceful and there was no need for Kanganja’s PF Police inflaming the situation by firing teargas at a peaceful crowd.

    Instead of addressing the problem the president fails to disengage from politicking and show leadership. He instead in his usual ways chooses a trivial approach to serious matter – the unnecessary slaying of a father, husband and orphaning children.

    What a disgrace!!!

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