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Friday, March 7, 2025

President Lungu reiterates call for citizens to guard second wave of COVID-19


The President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu has urged citizens to minimize movements during this festive season due to Coronavirus pandemic ( COVID-19 ).

Mr Lungu explained that it is due to the fact that the festive season comes with travel, both locally and internationally, and conversely, the coronavirus is transmitted through human movement.

“Unlike the years gone by, this year’s Christmas arrives at a time the whole world is struggling to contain the covid-19 pandemic that, since about a year ago, continues to threaten our lives and livelihoods,” the President cautioned.

Mr Lungu has since cautioned against crowding and non-observance of the covid-19 guidelines during this period.

The Republican President made this caution against the backdrop of rising numbers of COVID-19 cases within Zambia, a trend he said that has continued.

He further indicating that if the country continues to ignore the health guidelines, the country shall be back to where it started with high numbers of cases, admissions and deaths.

The Head of State observed that the economy has been hit due to a number of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and its spill in the number of admissions that he said would further stretch government’s ability to manage the cases.

“Last week, I cautioned that we need to revisit the health guidelines after noticing that we had dropped the guard by stopping to observe the COVID- 19 protocols like masking, social distancing, not shaking hands, and washing hands with soap, among others,” he warned.

Meanwhile, the President has advised citizens to give and share during this period especially remembering the sick and the poor those that do not have.

“As Jesus, who we are remembering, says in Mathew chapter 25 – “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!

“ The bible in proverbs chapter 19 verse 17 also says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed”, he said.

The Head of State has further urged the people of Zambia to love one another as it is only through love that this country will be guaranteed peace and harmony adding that Zambians must never renege for selfish gain as one people.

President Lungu said this yesterday in a Christmas message released to ZANIS this afternoon by his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations, Isaac Chipampe.


  1. Thanks for the timely advice your Excellency. We did pretty good with the first wave n we can do likewise on the second wave. Happy holidays everyone.

    • We will talk about Covid later, for now the issue is extra judicial killings. The problem is that organisations that can help are all lame ducks. LAZ, MISA, GEARS, CISCA, Human rights commission all these are lame ducks. Every body knows that the issue of extra judicial killings will die by next week. Look at the Vespers Shimuzhila issue , the student who was tear gassed to death at UNZA by Police, the culprit has not been arrested up to now just like for Frank Mugala, Mapenzi Chibulo and the rest. This cant continue, these lame duck organisations should just disband because they are just talk shops.

    • I agree with you Katwishi, because even in Sudan for Omar Bashir the former President to be indicted to the international criminal court, the initial movement then was from civil society and organisations like LAZ in that country. Here these organisations will just issue statements, that’s their speciality. It ends there, nobody will go to court and see the logical conclusion apart from the one from LAZ where they pushed the court process for ministers to pay back, but how about these lives that we continue loosing at the hands of police. And Politicians and Police even know that by next week this thing will die down

    • Yes, let Covid wait, there are other pressing matters for now, the mercilless killing of citizens is priority, lets sort out this one first. The report you are expecting on Monday will come from the same perpertrators of the killings. The ones who killed Mapenzi, Vespers, Frank, Graziar, Lawrence and others have all not been punished. And it is also not true that because HH was called alone to the Police he should have gone, no all over the world caders feel duty bound to support, you cant fault them. The way PF has failed to resolve the violence in the PF party is the same way caders cant be stopped when they mean something.

    • Yes Political violence and extra judicial killings are worse because they are planned and premeditated. And imagine the President has asked for a report from the same police who ended lives in such tragic circumstances. Surely for the cader going to support his leader as illegal as it may be, should be shot dead. What type of punishment is this? And don’t expect anything when that report reaches the President. The Police IG and Kampyongo will firmly retain their positions, the request for a report is just a show

  2. Lungu has had more people murdered then all his predecessors combined..

    He holds the record of the president under who’s rule the most people were murdered under political circumstances with not a single conviction…..approaching 100

    55 + under his gassing campain alone

  3. Good to see my imposters above. I bet it’s tarino. Anyway in the spirit of Christmas I forgive all those who have wronged me. The likes of tarino spaka and the other diasporans who are too many to mention. Christmas is a time to do good and reflect. Although I have forgiven you it is hard to forget. Anyway 2021 may the best win.

    Merry xmas to everyone.

    From the Zulu household

  4. Edgar Lungu you’re my president whether I like u or not and whether u like me or not. But the truth is I would want to meet u one day to tell u wht none of your advisors can tell u. That position u hold now is meant for u to meet all kinds of people.

  5. Thank you Mr President but it is difficult to observe the covid guidelines because in P H I here in Lusaka we don’t have LUSAKA WATER AND SANITATION WATER for 2 days now. So this Christmas is a terrible one. And no word from any body as usual

  6. Hmmmm , Mr humble president ,

    How can a humble man hold the record of the most political murders of civilians under his rule ????

    Murders with no convictions what do ever ??

  7. I reiterate the call for Zambians to guard against the spirit of division and disunity which is a greater threat to our nation than Corona. Let us continue to uphold the peace that has endowed in our country all these years up to now. Humans are their worst enemy, not disease. We can only succeed and excel as a nation if we come together. Wishing you all a blessed time at Christmas and a wonderful entry into the new year!

  8. It seems like peptrators in this country will always go unpunished. First the ritual killings went quiet, the gassing went quiet the nation was not given any feed as to who was behind the acts alot of pipo mercylessly lost lives and now the killing of citizens continues without the murderers been punished what blasphemy!!!!!!!

  9. The President General. His Excellency, Doctor Edigaa Chagwa Lungu, spreader in chief.
    Where is he going to take Covid next?

  10. Translation: they want a second wave of lockdowns.

    There never was even a first wave of covid19. Everyone can stop saying that ‘this is a serious disease’ now. Stop wearing masks – they’re bad for your health and don’t stop aeroslized viruses indoors, which is where the coronavirus flu spreads, at the end of winter.
    How many people died of covid19 again? 67 at the peak in mid-July. 1410 ‘cases’ (false positive tests without disease or mortality connected to it) out of 17.000.000? There are no effective new deaths. Do not take ‘the vaccine’, It is poison.

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