Zambia Police has called upon the family of the late Joseph Kaunda whose burial is scheduled for today to emulate the family of the late Nsama to have their departed relative buried in a respectful manner and allow the investigations in the matter to be concluded.
In a statement attributed to Zambia Police Spokesperson Ms. Esther Katongo, thanked the family of the late Nsama Nsama Chipyoka of National Prosecutions Authority, for interring their beloved one in a dignified manner without causing any mayhem following his demise on Wednesday, 23rd December 2020.
The statement further said that Zambia Police have received information that some people are planning to cause confusion and attack named public places under the guise of mourning.
Ms. Katongo advised all those wishing to cause mayhem to reconsider their intention, adding that enough police officers have been deployed to ensure that there is no breakdown in law and order during this period and that all those that will be on the other side of the law shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.
However, United Party for National Development Spokesperson Charles Kakoma, has described the Zambia Police statement as scaremonger tactics and wondered where the entire police get such falsehoods as intelligence reports that UPND members are planning meyhem today during the burial of the late Joseph Kaunda.
Mr Kakoma urged Zambia Police to stay away from the funeral service as their presence will just agitate the already tense situation in the country and assured Zambia that the funeral service will be very peaceful if the police don’t come and provoke the mourners.
“Equally we don’t expect provocation from political thugs belonging to the PF,” he concluded.
On Wednesday, Mr Nsama and Mr Kaunda were shot dead in unclear circumstances. The two were shot in different locations at the time UPND leader was appearing for questioning at the police headquarters.
Mr Nsama was shot dead at the entrance of the restaurant where he went to have breakfast while Mr Kaunda was reportedly shot near the premises of the High Court ground.

Who defines peaceful and dignified funeral.
Let people mourn their way. Don’t dictate.
Police should stay away and leave mourners alone,they should only guard strategic places,not roads or grave sites those are public.
Whats the story in the pictures ba LT, were these the only family members or friends in attendance 5 out of the 7 pictures are of the same pipo. just asking
It’s called hardcore witchcraft, why should police follow paka ku burial, what kind of wizardry is that?
Bunch of hypocrites
Since when did police start giving instructions on how and when to mourn the departed?
ZPS stand accused of murdering PP Nsama and Joseph Kaunda a UPND Member. ZPS shouldn’t interfere with a Family Funeral Procession. ZPS and PF should leave UPND to bury their member in a peaceful and respectful manner. It is ZPS and PF who want to infiltrate their Agents and Cadres to disrupt this funeral so that they can blame the mayhem on UPND and its Leaders. Tempers are high so suspected Murderers shouldn’t Police this Funeral. Let UPND and Kaunda’s family grieve and bury their Son in peace
Too bad How do you use live bullets sure.zambia
If the police have intel that there is planned riotous behaviour during burial of Joseph Kaunda. why can’t they use preventive tactics if it means postponing burial to another day then that be in interest of maintaing peace. Otherwise the police want to continue with their apertite of shading blood. Even this morning Kampyongo during Kabusha program is on record issuing strong warning of a bad day for upnd members. How does warn mourners who have lost a beloved one in a violent manner to behave themselves or else when their emotions are high. Ba Chasaya busy using public media aggravating the situation, knowing very well how Hon. Kampyongo projects himself like an internal security minister of aphartheid South Africa. HE ECL should consider assigning to.another less sensitive ministry…
Police must stay away otherwise they will provoke the mourners. They are the ones that caused this funeral, so let them keep off. Memories are still fresh. It is painful. Let them not take issues of the heart lightly unless they are really un Zambian.
Intelligence of our leaders will be determined by the way they handle this case. A police statement had 2 big mistakes. There was no need to compare the two funerals. One could have been shot by error but the other is a cadre. No need to talk about enough police availability. The request to reconsider ill intentions was excellent. 1/3
PF blood hyenas at the funeral. Shame
just keep the PF cadres and PF police far far away from the proceedings. It will be a peaceful burial and procession
If the upnd cadres and savages are kept away from this burial then all will go well. @independent you must have a lot of sperm floating in your head because you cannot think straight. Last we checked, the pf were not present when the two lives were lost. Those present were upnd cadres, their arrogant demigod leader hh and the police. So really how is pf considered the issue here? This is the problem when you think with your tribe and not brain. If you continue like this you will die soon because f00ls die young
If they start misbehaving again go there.
The duo were earmarked for elimination when the cadres identified them as spies for another party. Cadres carry guns. Police investigations will reveal as such.
Fi PV Mwankoles, just what manner of wizadry is this, you kill Nsama and line up to see him buried! Nsama’s relatives should have pushed Tasila Lunyo into the grave first to get even with Jameson.
Rest in peace
Never ending… Here we go again with police warnings.
Nsama was not PF, why use him to compare with UPND member?
Even in death, the PF are telling the family how they should mourn the person that they themselves the PF have murdered.
There is no lower insult than this.
You can only push citizens so far.
Change is coming.
There is a time and place for everything. Completely inappropriate and insensitive for Tasila and religious minister to attend this funeral, no matter how well intentioned. Your father kills someone and you see it fit to masquerade at the funeral as though nachikukalipa???? Please do not take the good will of people for granted. And for Nsamas family, please guard yourselves, you have the support of the majority of Zambians. All the PF are doing is to placate you, the president is still enjoying somewhere because he did not think it important to attend. Nakaili, these same finyau will not attend Joseph Kaundas funeral, why?? So disingenuous!!!!
Taking pride to be seen in dark suits looking sombre at funerals that should be making us ashamed as Zambians. Zambians grief together with the affected families and to trivialise the lost lives and mock Zambians as mere expendables to gratify political egoistic agenda by PF government by blaming the opposition parties present a serious challenge to PF government of continuing in office when loss of lives would be avoided. PF government has the instruments of power to bring peace in the nation, yet have acquired powerful weapons to destroy Zambian lives.
Zambians need to think long and deep about the current government.
Rest in perfect peace Nsama. Gone too soon.
Imagine the murderers telling the victim’s family how mourn and bury the person they killed? What kind of arrogance is this? Just hearing tgat statement would make the blood of the victim’s relatives and friends boil in anger. These good for nothing police should be issuing apologies statements not commands and directions.
And look at Tasila and PF sycophants… sitting in nice ‘air conditioned’ shade shading crocodile tears. What are they doing there exactly? It is your father who is pretend president who is supposed to be there you d!mwit!
You were not supposed to be there Tasila.Think before you act .
This incompetent reporter busy highlighting Tasila .. imwe ba kembo mulalyamo.???
Still waiting on who the gasers where..tell us.
Too much acrimony. Let the elections come and go because that’s where all this bitterness is coming from.
How I wish both PF and UPND would be banished from contesting.
So says a Police force that was used to cause the mayhem and kill the two people in cold blood. How ironic and how dare they lecture the grieving family!
Rest assured we coming for you this time.
“However, United Party for National Development Spokesperson Charles Kakoma, has described the Zambia Police statement as scaremonger tactics and wondered where the entire police get such falsehoods as intelligence reports that UPND members are planning meyhem today during the burial of the late Joseph Kaunda.”
I don’t think this is scaremongering. Anyone MUST stay away from charged gatherings especially when someone is being summoned to police on an alleged offence and nothing to do with a political party. Charles Kakoma, if I may ask you, did your child turn at the police station to support the alleged offender, HH? Such are the serious questions you should be asking yourselves.