Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba has launched a cassava growing project in Senior Chief Mwamba’s Chiefdom in Kasama district of Northern Province.
The programme called Ichifwani concept for cassava is aimed at boosting the growth of the cassava sub sector in the area.
Mr Mwamba said the organization will help farmers find market for the crop and also provide them with market information.
“This organization will give our farmers the technological know-how especially the market information, “he said.
He noted that the cassava is a growing good crop that is used in industries and for production of alcohol.
Mr. Mwamba explained the need to support the growing of the crop adding that the ministry of agriculture has also projected cassava to be a multi- billion kwacha crop by 2024.
He said there is need to bring economic value to cassava farmers so that they can get economic benefit out of their farming.
“We need to bring economic value to farmers righty where they leave we do not want them be exploited and our duty is to help the farmer” he said.
Mr. Mwamba said this shortly after demonstrating the planting of the crop in Chief Mwamba’s Chiefdom.
Meanwhile, Senior Chief Mwamba has encouraged headmen and people in his chiefdom to embrace the project.
Stating that he expects all people in his chiefdom to start growing the crop by planting at least a Lima each, the traditional leader noted that the project has come at a right time when he is trying to fight poverty in his chiefdom.
He said this project will also help to eliminate hunger in his chiefdom adding that he does not want to see people going
The senior Chief who also addressed village headmen and their subjects at Mwamba Primary School said people should this time to earn money and educate their children.
“This project that has come to help us, and it is not only here but the entire chiefdom and will ensure that it is rolled out to all the zones in my chiefdom” he said,

Good initiative. However, I am always circumspect when it comes to Emmanuel and always feel he has ulterior motives. Every now and then, especially when close to elections, he resurfaces in the media and builds a profile of sorts. I bet he has his eyes on a parliamentary seat in Northern province. Anyway he has done his stint in the diplomatic service (South Africa and now Ethiopia/EU) so it is probably time to come home. He is relatively young, so retirement is really not an option….not yet.
Good job Emma..
Lets race my friend. My field is month old.
I smell something
We know there are slow learners, we know there those that are ignorant as well as the gullible ones, but we will repeat in case one day it sinks. HH never ever requested any body to accompany him to Police, no matter how much you deliberately mislead yourselves, HH is a brand and even if he was summoned again today supporters will come again on their own, in any case again for those who may want to learn, there is absolutely NO law in Zambia that stops supporters from going to offer solidarity to their leader, if this is difficult to comprehend I can translate into vernacular so stop misleading yourselves again and as usual that the cadre was in a wrong place. Democracy, please learn the meaning of the word
This should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves. How many of us have gardens, but not shouting on top and calling the media that we have launched a project. Everything in this article smacks of politics. Nothing else.
The article here is cassava growing in Kasama spearheaded by the Mwamba, nothing about upnd irrelevancies.
Isn’t this clown an ambassador? What is he doing in the country? ?
Wht cassava growing knowledge does Emmanuel Mwamba hv which is superior to the people of Northern province?
Great work ambassador. Continue doing what you do best. Opposition leader like hh can learn a lot from you but he is busy killing people that son of a beech