Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Edgar Lungu tells Church to counsel opposition leaders as well


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated his call on the Church to continue praying for politicians in the country. President Lungu says the Church has the obligation to pray for and counsel not just the President and government but all the politicians including those in opposition.

He notes that politicians in the opposition are also part of the Zambian political landscape hence the need to pray for them and to bring them closer to God.

The Head of State said this at State House in Lusaka this morning when a team from Bishops Council of Zambia paid a courtesy call on him.

“Counseling and prayers should not be for the President alone but all those who are in politics. We deserve counsel from the Church. We all need prayers,” President Lungu said.

He noted that politicians are just like any other human beings and can make mistakes at any time.

“Keep praying for us we are human beings and are bound to error. Counsel us from time to time,” the President urged.

And the Head of State emphasized on the need for Zambians to work together for the benefit of the country.

President Lungu said it is important for the Zambian people to unite and work together especially when dealing with issues that affect national development.

“That is why when the economy gets affected with issues such as the COVID-19 outbreak, it affects everyone regardless of their political affiliation. It doesn’t choose. And that’s why we launched the economic recovery plan it’s for everybody to make sure that the country’s economy is restored,” he noted.

And Bishops Council of Zambia Vice Spokesperson, Charles Phiri commended President Lungu for the good leadership he has provided to the nation.

Reverend Phiri said the Bishops Council of Zambia is happy with President Lungu’s continuous preaching of peace and unity of purpose across the country through the One Zambia, One Nation motto.

“Your Leadership is unique, it gives every Zambian hope for peace and you continue ensuring that the Zambian people live in the country where there is peace. We are so proud of what you have been doing,” Rev. Phiri stated.

The Reverend also hailed the Head of State for the many developmental projects that have been implemented countrywide including early distribution of fertilizer and seed to farmers.

“We also want to put it on record that the way you have handled the COVID-19 pandemic must be commended. Those that are talking against it must be ashamed of themselves,” Rev. Phiri indicated.

“For Zambia to be recognized among the 6 safe destinations during this era of COVID-19, it’s no mean achievement. It comes with the leadership that you have provided and we want to encourage you to continue. Speak less and do more,” he added.


  1. The church must give counsel to all sides….leaving one will not balance the equation…. that’s why some people end up thinking they can break the law and nothing will happen to them just for political sympathy

  2. Whatever weed this man smokes is causing him to hallucinate.

    Does anyone take him seriously? Anyone??

    He is exactly the type of person the Bible has warned us about.

    As if gassing of citizens was not enough.

  3. Prayer without Action is futile. ECL is the President of Zambia so he must show Leadership and Responsibility. ECL is the Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces. So when the Police shoots dead unarmed , innocent and peaceful Civilians ECL must be held to account. The bloody of PP Nsama and Joseph Kaunda is dripping from the hands of ECL. Spilling of blood of innocent Citizens will haunt ECL for the rest of his life. May the Souls of Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda rest in peace.

  4. Let Christians for Lungu pray for him. If real Christians pray for him, it may just give him serious trouble! That’s why we separate Church from State.
    Someone is admitting failure here.
    He has failed to lead and thinks prayer will help him.
    We don’t pray good prayers for those who shed innocent blood!
    Sometimes fire comes down from heaven when you misuse the Holy Name of God. It’s a sin to take the Name of God in vain!

  5. This little boy in a man is childish.

    He does not know the role of the statesman.

    He must be chased out of leadership!

    PF must go!

  6. Yeah the same church you told off saying if they were speaking against your govt then they should join politics. Lelo ati the church should intervene. Kuti waseka

  7. La7y Lungu is working tirelessly bribing these bishops…the man doesn’t know that he too is a Head of State what is stopping him inviting all the opposition leaders for a meeting at State House. You look at your counterpart in Kenya…you are too much of a coward to do such…plus today is MONDAY where is the Police Report?

  8. Kudos – You seriously take this la7y bu m seriously …really laughable…what have we been taking your empty skull over the years. This man is a joker to him that is done and buried he has no leadership qualities

  9. What has President ECL done in the fight against Covid 19? It is very minimal and we just have to thank God that we were not badly exposed to Covid 19. Actually, it is also just a sign that Zambians don’t travel overseas much and neither is our Country heavily visited by foreigners like South Africa, Kenya and Egypt among others. Let us not create praises where it is not necessary.

  10. The chap lives in his own world called fools paradise. Who brought such a lunatic to public life? Pretending to be a lawyer and stealing from clients was enough on its own but a certain mad man brings him into public office. What an abomination.

  11. I am sorry that the Zambian Pentecostals do not inspire me in their religious approach for they do not show some tough love in advising Lungu’s government! The PF government listens to the Pentecostal leadership more than the orthodox Christians whom government regards as sympathetic with the opposition! The president is ‘ordering’ the churches using his political perch for he is not requesting with the “Forgive me Lord for I have sinned” attitude but rather with the “Lord I am not like that woman there praying” impunity! This Reverend Phiri for whatever reason adopts cadre stance of praises! Church leadership must show some tough love choosing their own agenda as per calling and not get involved in political agenda’s and schemes! Lungu if chosen by God as many lost sheep would…

  12. But u are refusing them to move, attemd church, meet familly and friends, so will the church consel them, visit them in their homes? We dont dont that we are too big as an establoshemnt to be following pipo one by one

  13. Uyu Chi colour no kabolala, mambala with long arms, useless peace of sh1t president, worst president on earth, one ball president not man enough

  14. “President Edgar Lungu has reiterated his call on the Church to continue praying for politicians in the country. President Lungu says the Church has the obligation to pray for and counsel not just the President and government but all the politicians including those in opposition.”-LT

    “The word ‘surely’ is as good as a blinking light locating a weak point in the argument.” Daniel Dennett

  15. A very fair president who is willing to accept counsel even when its evident that the pf party was not present during the unfortunate events that led to the death of two individuals. The upnd were present but continue to refuse to take any blame. How arrogant and pompous can you be. Families are in mourning and all their chi ugly leader can do is politicise the situation. I swear on my life if I meet hh in the street nkamup0n0na chic0I0ur chakwe


  17. indeed lungu accepts counsel but the problem is that he accepts counsel from anyone, such as seer 2, and executes it. it appears as if he himself has no rallying point in terms of principles!!!

  18. ‘We are bound to error.’ Chitambala Mwewa aka Simon Mwewa Lane, where are you? This is an UNZA graduate speaking or was he misquoted?

  19. These people are not fit even to mention the Name of God. They represent the devil including the so called church leaders.

    No church leader has come out to condemn the evil acts of these people, it simply means they are in agreement.

  20. We need a shooting report not those hypocrite bishop who you invited to praise you like God, are you a God or you are a criminal, you heartless ? devil.

  21. We need a shooting report not those hypocrite bishop who you invited to praise you like God, are you a God or you are a criminal, you heartless ? devil.

  22. We need a shooting report not those hypocrite bishop who you invited to praise you like God, are you a God or you are a criminal, you heartless ? devil.

  23. Valid point, Mr. President. Telesphore should counsel kainde on political violence not spending time on Facebook attacking the president and GRZ on personal issues. You couldn’t have put any better, sir.

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