Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambia Police Service to Impound all Buses that Ferried UPND cadres to Police Headquarters


The Zambia Police Service has instituted investigations to impound all buses that were involved in ferrying cadres to police headquarters in Lusaka when UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema was being interrogated.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says more than 32 buses full of cadres were spotted last week Wednesday.

Mrs. Katongo disclosed this to ZNBC news in Lusaka.

And Mrs. Katongo said the loss of two lives during the commotion that happened last week is regrettable.

The Zambia Police Spokesperson said the public disturbance could have been avoided had the leaders of UPND taken heed of the advice earlier given by relevant authorities.

Mrs. Katongo said the Public Order Act regulates assemblies, public meetings and processions in the country.

She said section 5 cap 4 demands that persons intending to assemble or convene a public meeting, procession or demonstration should give police notice of their intention to do so.

Mrs. Katongo said this provision does not exempt those that want to give solidarity by gathering in a public place.


  1. Iam sensing one party state has now advanced. Sata used same buses and taxis , no one impounded and the police are rapidly campaigning for HH again simply because those buses were hired and paid for especially that business is the bus and taxis drivers will take the story to stations and we will see how PF shall campaign in stations. Sofar inter city is upnd but under fear of victimisation.

  2. What law covers what you intending to do?
    Honestly, instead of arresting people who fired live ammunition, you are impounding buses you heartless people!
    We call for justice for Zambians you killed you evil people! Instead of protecting us, you are killing us!

  3. This is what Archbishop responded to saying ‘it is the freedom of Zambians to move where they want.’ Which Constitution are you using? Under your watch, two more people have been killed.

  4. PF police are cleansing their dirt gamec by impounding the busses.

    The damage is already done and just release the them.

    We have known that you wanted to fix an innocent soul but things went wrong.

    Edgar Lungu is the main culprit here and we sort him out.

    The revolt is beginning in the ruling PF. You shall see and hear beginning February most PF mps and officials leaving Edgar Lungu alone.

    Zambia is not Uganda or Zimbabwe. The 2001 drama shall repeat itself.

    PF must cleanse itself right now and for else you will remain without a candidate.

    PF must go!

  5. The entire police command agreeing to such resolutions and going ahead to punish them in the media, this will be something you shall regret ever doing, every sane persons knows buses have always being used many times to ferry cadres and for them it’s business irrespective of which party hires them. Business of buses cuts across political barriers… Be warned and don’t take your political fight to the stations because bus drivers have almost the same influence as artists

  6. Only dull minds can do that. Those people were doing business. They are in transport business. Just give us a report . Among your officers who killed the two gentlemen. That’s what we would like to hear. We are not kids anyway.

  7. Pf and zp should not take Zambians for granted. Bus owners run business. Any one who will impound a bus for ferrying cadres will be breaking the law. There is no law that allows police to impound a bus that was legally hired to ferry people to a destination. Unless the buses were hired for the purposes of committing a crime. Let us for once be serious, why should so many people die and suffer just to ensure that a very unpopular, repressive regime remains in power?

  8. … will be impound shoes, clothes inclusive nama “bamba” from all those who gave surport to HH on that day.
    The suff from Malawi is highly potent because goats urinate on it before packaging and exported. Keep away from it.

  9. But this government kwena! Why are they like this? They are targeting the wrong people. They should go for the trigger happy cops who fired the live ammunition

  10. I’m not with zp on this one but ba upnd where are your lsk based supporters? And 32 buses! So much for the wind of change you are preaching!

  11. I wonder how many families whose livelihoods depend on those buses will be affected. Starting from the women who order and resale vegetables at Soweto, the bus drivers and conductors, the Council and it’s employees who depend on revenue from bus station fees & charges and the general public! Should we keep blaming COVID19 for our ailing economy with such irrational decisions??

  12. What is wrong with ZP, there is no sense in what they want to do. How many times has PF ferried cadres from all over the places to where they have rallies?
    What has the buses gat to do with shooting of innocent people, they are just showing failure to bring out the truth in the matter and trying to divert people’s attention….
    Anyway she is just told what to say.

  13. Leave the busses alone, arrest the killers, start thinking rationally. were there any buses at the police killing of Frank Mugala, Vespers Shimuzhila, Graziar Matampa, Mapenzi Chibulo, Lawrence Banda and others. Why blame busses now

  14. These guys!! Do they even listen to themselves??? Everything they do is zigzag, chipantepante. Every day they are doing criminality instead of bringing sanity. You want to impound all the buses? For what and who does that?? Don’t you know that maybe those buses were not for the upnd but just hired from independent people?? Why are you being an enemy of the people everyday?? The pf are just using you and you will cry if another government comes in. Mukazipenda nama months remaining. Why are you turning Zambia a police state every day?

  15. The Police are trying to give an impression as if giving solidarity is an offence under the law IN Zambia when not. We even know that even if notification was given for cadres to offer solidarity the Police were going to deny them as they have been fo0lishly been stifling democracy for a long time now. And UPND has structures, it is not HH who organized the buses, the structures felt duty bound to organize buses, and no bus ever killed anybody. Just go and arrest the killer cops, remember even in previous killings by Police no cop has ever been arrested

    • Loveness Bana Thando Mkandawire I think and know that you are a great mother…your caring for Zambia is so great am following you ooo keep up the great work one day I feel you will be heard……????I cry for our children where is the Zambia….that was so peaceful…….??

  16. Please do not do that. Deal with the shootings and tell the nation how this matter will be avoided going forward. Buses transport people, they do not pull triggers.

  17. What crime did they commit? This level of stupidity and ignorance should be muted come 2021. The right to lawful assembly and association is enshrined in our constitution. Just because the police are cadres and partisan does not make their actions lawful they are actually infringing on our human rights.

  18. There is definitely a very serious problem with Zambia police. Can Zambia police now please impound all those chiefs that accompanied Chitotela or is it Chitalu Chilufya to court.
    You people should be talking about arresting of the killers not ma rubbish aya.

  19. Now it is confirmed. We have the ZP as a PF Militia. They have been a militia since this PF regime came into office. The ZP are daily creating rules and laws that only exist in their own rotten heads with their supremo thug in statehouse. These killings are well rehearsed because we have all seen some of these militia dressed up in Sniper suits, known as Ghillie suits in order to impose their own sick government onto Zambians via guns and bullets. Their buying of all those machines of war was not to make them ready to defend Zambia from the invasion of foreign soldiers, but to herd Zambians into slavery while they ate and dined our stolen loot and the foreign illegal loans that they shared among themselves.

  20. What law would the Police use to impound the 32 buses? What crime did the Bus Owners/Drivers Commit? Did the Drivers of these Buses give the Police orders to use live ammunition to kill the two victims. Ester Katongo is desperate to find a Scapegoat for the killings. The ZPS Command should accept responsibility for the shootings and apologise to the Nation.

  21. In great east road we owez have buses interrupting traffic full of pf cadres and even on top of buses and now just a few upnd well behaved sympathisers ati impounding mr lungu God sees everything and time will come after you ,enjoy the moment as it lasts

  22. Impounding the buses Vs apprehending the Murderer.
    Use that valuable energy to bring the killer to book. That’s what people are interested in. Please dont work against the interests of the people.

  23. It’s a good move bcoz pipo were busy saying cadres just paid solidarity yet there were being mobilized and provides with transport and when tayali said hh is to be blamed he got insulted we need to know who hired and paid for those buses is the one to blame the deaths of inoccent lifes

  24. Lives are being lost because of this under five politician. They don’t care who dies until they start loosing their close associates. HH has assets in South Africa and elsewhere, the blind just follow. He is safe and could cross borders anytime and they will remain here suffering.

  25. Lives are being lost because of this under five politician. They don’t care who dies until they start loosing their close associates. HH has assets in South Africa and elsewhere, the blind just follow. He is safe and could cross borders anytime and they will remain here suffering.

  26. But why impound buses? They
    Were not pre warned not to ferry
    Supporters.Just catch officers who pulled the triggers.Why give
    Guns to disperse crowds?Lastly
    Zambians are very fearfull that
    One canister of teargas can make
    Any crowd scatter.

  27. Trying to see the sense in all this…impounding buses then what? Trying to frustrate opposition support is not the way. Can’t take people s liberties and freedom to express or conduct livelihoods and businesses and expect to things to pleasant. Highly inappropriate behavior from an institution mandated to uphold the law. SMH?

  28. To serve yourselves further embarrassiments find the killer/s and give the nation the answer’s want to know not all these unnecessary and unprofessional attitude you projecting.Dictatorship is creeping in faster than you’re required to Do.

  29. Mawee Eloli Eloli, is she a comedian?? Looks like she has watched a lot of comedies, the buses used were not armoured buses Esther!!

  30. Where are the culprits who shot two people to death???we don’t care about the buses deal with the contentious issue at hand then buses story will come later on after the culprits are brought to book

  31. This will be a very good case in court. Is this desperation or stupidity on the part of the police? Are bus owners no it in business? When did it become a crime for a bus to be hired to ferry people from one place to another ? Case in point is so many times people have been ferried to the courts of law to give solidarity to their leaders and we have never heard the police impounding the same buses. Did they carry mukula logs or chamba?

  32. Honestly i feel ashamed to be Zambian in this time & age,so much is not making sense anymore in my motherland,anyone who wakeup on the wrong side of the bed can make his/her on rule’s & law’s & it goes no objections to that is it a free follow of dead ideas or it’s proper reasoning that is lacking here please enlighten me i’am disgusted to say the least.

  33. Is this the REPORT president Lungu demanded to have by 28 December 2020, from Zambia police over their killing of two innocent Zambians?

  34. Madam; go home and cry…the entire Police Departmnt is a wish…Have you failed to solve a simple crime committed by your own. You are an embarrassment.
    Lungu please do your job. Fire the IG and the balloon head Ho Affaires Mini.

    The buses have nothing to do with this crime. This is another scare tactic orchestrated by kampyongo. We can see through that fool. What a shame.

  35. Koma bakapokola besu batulooo mwe! How will this help the murder cases! Abasungu batila locking the barn after the horse has bolted

  36. Now ZP is a partisan organization deflecting from their own guilt of killings . Let’s impound all their guns instead of those buses.

  37. Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo do you know who your PAYMASTER is, Lungu will be gone in a few months. Watch this space.
    We don’t need to remind you that, the more than 200 comments above are coming from your masters. Zambia is a fully fledged democracy, those brutal ideas you are getting from Zimbabwe will cost you.

  38. Have the policemen that got live ammunition in that day retired the unused ones? If so arrest all those that retire less than what they signed out for as your killers is one who fired their live ammunition.

  39. Inspector General of police Kakoma Kanganja has revealed that he is no longer in charge of the security situation in the country as all his powers have been taken over by Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Edgar Lungu’s Special Advisor for Corruption Kaizar Zulu
    Kanganja says he is being ordered on daily basis to release the Zambia Police uniforms to Stephen Kampyongo and Kaizar Zulu for the PF security wings who are not even trained.
    “If you look at the situation in Sesheke bye election violence, these are not my officers. These are PF thugs from Lusaka and Copperbelt who have been given heavy weaponry and police uniforms. They are being heavily armed ahead of the 2021 elections. As police command, we have no control.
    You saw in that video what Mr. Kampyongo saying. He was…

  40. The police should just keep quiet. Such utterances is mockery to the masses when evidence is overwhelming of what transpired. If this is happening for the first time we can understand but the shooting has been recurring.

  41. The days for PF and its cardes in uniform are coming to an end soon. So ladies and gentlemen get ready to answer when the time comes. We only have one Country called Zambia.

  42. @Apst Aubrey Muzaza, I know you mean well. However, I want to point out that the word ‘leadership’ and PF can not be used in the same sentence. Night and day don’t mix. It’s either dark or light. One can never say, it was light at night. It just doesn’t make sense like PF.

  43. This country is has been taken over by a minority;selfish,corrupt,biased and dictatorial individuals ??????Lord come to our rescue.

  44. Barking the wrong tree,madam police spokesperson.A movie showing police running around would be nice to watch.
    Caderism at it’s best.Keep it up Zambia Poor.

  45. Edgar Lungu, Kampyongo, Kanganja, Katongo – if any of you have an iota of a brain please tell me what you are expected to happen when police fired live ammunition at people? I am sure it is not difficult even for a dull lawyer, money changer and corrupt cops to see the result. Honorable thing is to go and apologize to the surviving relatives and to the public. Then accept responsibility for once.

  46. This is how low this country has sunk. Off course led by low life! One thing for sure, we are too slow in Zambia. In other jurisdictions this nonsense would have been put to an end either through civil disobedience or fight backs.

  47. The report was simple IG said he was on leave and it was Bonny in charge. Bonny said he was busy with Bowman requests it was Nelson Phiri in charge, Nelson said he was drunk with Jameson and didn’t know what he did and Ester should know. All that Ester saw from under the Bowman Belly were buses. We need the buses to her memory! Hope this explains the obsession with buses!!

  48. So the repression continues? What was the offence here? Some more rubb.ish being spewed even after the loss of lives. PF transports people all over the country all the time – including providing escort to their leaders to court. Today you murder innocent citizens in cold blood and want to ‘apportion blame’ on buses? What a clueless compromised Police used as tools by equally clueless, visionless so-called leaders

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