Wednesday, March 26, 2025

16 year old girl murdered by boyfriend


A 16 year old girl of Solwezi district has died after being beaten by her 23-year-old boyfriend.

North-Western Province Commissioner of Police, Elias Chushi has confirmed the incident in and identified the deceased as Annie Kayombo of Kandemba area in Solwezi.

“Police in Kyawama received a report of assault which occurred on 22 December, 2020 around 23:00 hours in Kandemba compound but reported on 23 December, 2020 at 11:00 hours by Charity Lutonga, 37, who reported on behalf of her daughter Annie Kayombo aged 16 of the same abode who was unable to talk at the time of reporting”, Mr Chushi said.

He said the deceased was assaulted by the boyfriend, a taxi driver named Abraham Ngambwe aged 23 of New road in Kandemba area using unknown object and complained of general body pains though she had no physical injuries.

“Abraham Ngambwe aged 23 a taxi driver of New road in Kandemba caused the deceased to sustain general body pains and no physical injuries were seen as an unknown object was used in the act, docket of assault was opened and arrest was made”, Mr Chushi said.

He said Kayombo was admitted to Solwezi general hospital intensive care unit where she was rushed after being unconscious and later died on December 26, 2020 around 04:00 hours.

Mr Chushi said a charge has since been changed from assault to murder after a postmortem examination was done yesterday, adding that the suspect remains in custody awaiting court appearance.


  1. TV has led to a lot of people having an inaccurate view of what love or a relationship entails. It is same with sex where some men watch some dirty movies and think that is the norm. When faced with reality they don’t get what they expect and lash out causing such unfortunate deaths. Cage that savage fof life

  2. Those are the boys who will later fraudulently join the Police and gun down Innocent citizens under instruction of an equally inept leadership. That’s how the cookie crumbles.

  3. Very sad. 16 is way too young to be in a relationship with a 23 year old, unless the boy makes his serious intentions known and is ready to wait for her to complete school. I agree, too much bad influence on young people through the media. Other parents should learn from such tragedies and be more watchful. Guard your children and don’t leave them roaming about on free range!

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