Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Let’s not Trivialize Economic Recovery Programme – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has advised Zambians not to politicise the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) for the country.

The President says the programme to recover the country’s economy is not meant for government alone but that everyone must be involved.

President Lungu has further urged everyone to put politics aside and work together to make sure that efforts being made in recovery of the economy are successful.

The President has welcomed the idea of continued dialogue with stakeholders and government on how best the programme can be achieved.

“Dialogue between the private and the public sector is what I have been calling for all along. And as we were doing our ERP we did involve a lot you stakeholder groups. This programmes are not owned by the State they are owned by all Zambians. Let’s remove politics from this thing, let’s talk about the economy and the nation,” advises the President.

Speaking when he met with a team from the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) at State House in Lusaka this morning, President Lungu said he is delighted that some are willing to meet with him and discuss best possible ways of regaining the economic situation of the country devoid of politics and that’s the way to go.

The Head of State regretted that Zambia has a lot of brilliant ideas which are not being put to good use yet other countries are benefiting from them.

“The idea of working together to implement the economic recovery programme is very good. There is nothing hidden in the document. The Problem that we have is of a pull him down syndrome. As long as it is Edgar in there u want him to fail then you go in and succeed but what u are doing you are killing people, you are killing the economy and you are killing all the prospects that you have,” the President said.

And President Lungu further emphasised the need to embrace value addition saying the country already has established markets in nearby neighbouring countries.

He said Zambia has an advantage of exporting products to other countries as the country is rightly at the hub of the region.

“We are talking about industrialisation, Zambia is rightly at the hub of the region, and all neighbouring countries are our market. Right now we are saying most of our maize is being smuggled in neighbouring countries so why can’t we say let us trade with them, let us give value addition here, add value to maize and send it as a finished product that’s how it should be,” the President said.

Meanwhile, ZACCI President Chabuka Kawesha said his organisation is confident that with elements of monitoring and evaluation, the economic recovery programme will yield results.

Mr. Kawesha stated that ZACCI wants to be part of the solution and the monitoring and evaluation framework indicating that all the 28 chambers across the country have started submissions to see how best the country’s economic recovery can be addressed.

He further outlined sectors such as health, agriculture, education and mining as areas that can be considered as some enablers and impact measures by both government and the private sector within the first 100 days of the implementation of the economic recovery programme.


  1. It’s too late yama the collateral damage is already done, it can’t work! just think about packings and go next year.


  3. If you want the economy to recover you need to do the following which have detoriated during your time as president.
    1) load shedding. It has killed most industries, farms etc.
    2) high cost of energy which is electricity.
    3) the high exchange rate. This is because of uncertainty in how you deal with your investors. Ever since pf came into power since satas time, you have been threatening investors e.g the mines. Also flip flopping on tax regimes. Therefore any new person who wishes to invest in the country will hold back because of this uncertainty. Restrain your ministers from talking rubbish.
    4) the only decent finance ministers i feel have been the current and mutati. The rest were a disaster for this country.
    5) corruption.
    Plenty more.

  4. You want the nation to work as one yet you head the most segregative GRZ that has divided the country like no other times with your open tribalism, political oppression, corruption, and murder of citizens

    Lungu , you are a total failure

  5. You want the nation to work as one yet you head the most segregative GRZ that has divided the country like no other times with your open tribalism, political oppression, corruption, and murder of citizens

    Lungu , you are a total failure

  6. Very vital message. Those with ears and who think with their brain will understand. However those who think with their tribe like the upnd supporters will continue ukutalika because to them only their tribal demigod can do the right thing. It is for this reason that they will never rule because one tribe cannot win an election. Zambia is bigger than one tribe or arrogant thieving billionaire

  7. You were advised not to borrow recklessly- what was your response? Don’t you think if you are other plunderers listened we wouldn’t be requiring recovery programmes? We require these largely because of your failure to maintain the economy you found and arrogance when people tried to advise you! Do you think Kampyongo, Lusambo, Lucinda, Nakachinda, Siliti sorry Siliya, Nonde, Olivia, Musukwa, Ham… etc can help you fix the economy? You pick a losing team and expect to win? Get your head examined first before attempting the impossible!! Solution is put credible people to manage national affairs of which the economy is a key pillar then we can start talking.

  8. Boss, you have run your race, badly so. Please go back to Chawama to go and rest. You inherited a decent economy from the MMD and brought it down, other countries have covid too but none has had their currency depreciating by 52% in a single year. All other economic indicators have gone down since you took over, the Police are not allowing the opposition to assemble and you are not censoring them, but the PF caders are assembling. Economic recovery will require somebody with the capacity but definitely not you.

  9. Really laughable..after wasting billions on inflated $1 million per kilometre useless roads with 2 year lifespans…what a La7y B um he is.

  10. Typical of a total loser. It’s time for Lungu to call on the nation to join hands in poverty when it is a handful of known *****s that have done this. Starting with him. Fish rots from the head first. I can not stand this man Lungu. I can not wait to see him after state house. The time will come whether he likes it or not. It is coming.

  11. “The President has welcomed the idea of continued dialogue with stakeholders and government on how best the programme can be achieved.”-LT

    Reading above article one senses the desperation.

    “Then I built my own business and started to have employees, where I began to think that everyone, including myself, needs to be replaceable for a company to sustain its own life.” Unknown

    President needs to convey a message that he does not need that job and and convey message that when you leave the office he can write books, teach, or consult and he’ll be free to do anything you want.

  12. I feel so sorry for Lungu, I think he could generally be a good guy, but look at the people surrounding him, Bowman, Kampyongo, Davies, Nakachinda, Mumbi Phiri, Freedom Sikazwe, surely what can one expect from this team. And again God did not give him wisdom so he sees nothing wrong with the caliber of people surrounding him. Definately God gave him intelligence but certainly not wisdom.

  13. Lungu is greatest accident to have occurred in this country, since the founding of the Republic. See the bios of so-called ministers, and you see five years of wasted development.Very painful. A clueless turd who Zambians needed to have vote out yesterday.

  14. I’ve read through your report baLT I do not see Lungu saying trivialise. He says politicize. Do these mean the same? Can we be given genuine reports?

  15. Lungu stop trying to control our minds. It’s a free country. Politicians should n’t dictate what we do or dont trivialise

  16. Mavis tembo – are you angry of the impostors comments? you seriously believe that is KZ posting from UK under his name…really laughable…oh we forgot KZ uses VPN stuck in one country for 5 years to just post comments on LT. At one time even Bowman Lusambo was commenting here from UK whilst in Lusaka.

  17. I think many people do not understand what politics is. Some people think that politics is vote buying, police shooting down people, registering voters with a selfish motive.

    Economic recovery can not take root without politics. In theory, economics can be void of politics, but never in the physical world. Politics and economics in the physical world is intertwined. Politics is exercise of political power and not vote buying, not registering voters in one region then the other. Selfishness is not politics. Misinterpreting laws is not politics. Not understanding situations is not politics. Name calling others is not politics. Politics is following the laws of the land and interesting them in the right way and not selfishly. Politics is being fair with others. Politics is not…

  18. What economic recovery apart from your personal pockets. No one can talk about something which is not seen but everyone is talking about the things which are seen and felt by all that is the total destruction of the economy.

  19. Some one has rattled tarinos cage. If I am fake as you allege, then why do you appear so bothered by my comments and the fact that people are engaging me? Most people wouldn’t be bothered dealing with an imposter. Why do people engage me more than they do you ? I am not the one using an old name for a beverage that does not even exist. You look stupid

  20. Can someone tell me what qualifications a presidential advisor should possess. I understand that the president should have at least 2 advisors but optimum 4 advisors. Political, economic, security, foreign, strategic and special projects. For a bigger country more than 6. Kaizer please tell us what qualifications should these possess from your experience?

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