Saturday, September 21, 2024

NGOCC encourages Women to join politics ahead of the forth-coming general elections in 2021


The Non- Governmental Organization Coordinating Committee (NGOCC) Executive Director, Engwase Mwale has called on various political parties in the country to adopt as many women as possible in various political positions in the forth-coming general elections in 2021.

She said her organization will hold political parties accountable for failing to have 50 percent women representation in their various portfolios.

Ms. Mwale said this during a stakeholder meeting with different political parties in Mulambwa ward of Mongu Central Constituency of Western province.

Ms Mwale said gender equality was the prerequisite in sustainable development and that political parties need to exhibit and include women affairs in their political agenda.

NGOCC Executive Director said her organization has carried out a coordinated campaign strategies that is involving women to participate in politics.

Ms Mwale said political parties should co-exist in order to conduct peaceful elections and agree on modalities to adopt more women especially those who have been active in politics.

She said NGOCC has observed with dismay that previously political party leaders have made pronouncements of adopting many women but that is not the real picture in many political parties.

Meanwhile, the adopted Socialist party candidate for Mongu Central constituency, Christine Musole complained that many women aspiring for political position positions shun competing favourably with their male counterparts due to rampant violence in political parties caused by carders.

Ms Musole said there should be a creation of good political atmosphere that will accommodate participating individuals so as to enhance a clean environment for all Zambians in the political dispensation.

And Western province UPND Youth Chairperson Mbangu Mbangu has also bemoaned the low participation of women in politics in the province.

Mr Mbangu said women fear to join in active politics because the political field is full of men who have continued to instill fear on women in many political positions in the country.


  1. More women have joined politics and been appointed to high public offices under pf than at anytime in the history of Zambian politics. Thank the pf and vote pf

  2. Female Charity Katanga should be appointed Minister of Home Affairs, and not that post she just got to be in charge of counting bullets per kapokola.
    Kampyongo has fallen from grace, he can’t even walk freely in his streets of Gomora of Zambia.


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