Thursday, October 24, 2024

2020 challenges should give us renewed hope for the future– President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has called on Zambians to reflect on the exceptional challenges experienced in 2020 as well as take advantage of the opportunity to celebrate the successes scored in the country.

President Lungu remembered 2020 as the year when world economies faced grave encounters, Zambia inclusive due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic and the impact of climate change, among other disasters.

Among notable challenges, the Head of state listed high inflation, exchange rate instability and high interest rates, low levels of electricity generation and the negative impact on key sectors such as education and health in Zambia.

He added increased food prices, low levels of support for programmes under the social cash transfer, reiterating that most of the challenges were worsened by the impact of the virus and climate change.

In his New Year message to the nation, in a live televised address on ZNBC Television, the Head of State reminded that even during the hard times, his government remained resolute to ensuring that Zambians are well served through implementation of interventions aimed at managing COVID-19.

The President indicated that government does not seat back to watch the harsh environment destroy the country’s development.

“We are grateful to the Almighty God who has enabled us to reach this far as we end the year 2020 and enter the New Year 2021. This is the moment we look back and reflect the unique challenges we faced together as a nation, it is an opportunity to celebrate our successes with renewed hope for the future,” President Lungu stated.

The Head of State indicated that government has rolled specific measures among which includes an integrated health response in order to manage the adverse effects of the pandemic, the emergency social cash transfer as well as the K10 billion COVD-19 stimulus package among other empowerment initiatives.

He also hailed cooperating partners for supporting government in a multi-sectorial approach to combat the further spread of the Coronavirus, which is evidenced through the country being ranked the fourth safest country to travel to during the virus by a world travel site.

He implored citizens not to take the peace and stability that the country continues to enjoy for granted, saying that the country is a beacon of peace in Africa.

President Lungu assured the nation that a number of COVID-19 vaccines will be available in 2021 which is an advantage for all humanity, thus boosting economic growth.

The Head of State listed various strides that government has scored such as infrastructure development which has increased health facilities, schools, roads, communication towers and increased electricity generation, thereby improved the living standards of many Zambians.

He said as the country goes to the polls during the 2021 general elections, he guaranteed that democracy will be exercised through free and fair election.

“Let me however sound a word of caution, intimidation and violence have no place in our democracy, they are an affiant to our democracy and Christian values that teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves,” the President commented.

The Head of State stressed the need to find other ways of enhancing revenue in the country by finding better ways of utilizing the mining sector.

He indicated that governments’ focus being on gold mining, the country has witness an impetus economic growth.

President Lungu called for urgent efforts to solve the issues surrounding Mopani and Konkola Copper mines so that the mining industry could move forward.

The Head of State reiterated that achieving economic recovery in 2021 depends on the actions taken as a country through the contributions of various partners, announcing that government will do its part.

He emphasised that it is through collective efforts that will accelerate the recovery of Zambia’s economy.

President Lungu acknowledged that with the constant increase in the rainfall pattern comes water bone diseases, hence implored the citizens to maintain cleanliness at all times in order to avoid diseases such cholera and dysentery.

He warned that those who will not maintain cleanliness should be booked by the local authorities in an effort to enhance the culture of sanitation in the surroundings.

“The progress we have made thus far be the solid foundation for even greater achievements in 2021 and beyond. As we enter 2021, it is important that we embrace hope for our future in our hearts, clarity of purpose in our minds and determination in our actions, there is so much hope,” the Head of State echoed in his message to Zambians.


  1. My president I agree with you. so much wisdom in your new year message. We have had a very challenging year just like other countries in the global economy but we should be thankful for the little that we have and for the blessing of life. We wish our friends in opposition will join us in unity to celebrate the positives we have had given the very challenging year the world has had. It has been very disapppointing to hear constant complaints and harsh criticisms from people that are no longer zambian or reside in zambia. Im talking about the upnd diasporans. Whilst diasporans of other nations supports and sell their nation abroad, the zambian upnd diasporan is filled with self hate and has given themselves a goal to shame our beautiful country. Anyway, as I party away on my bottle of Eden…

  2. We have had a very challenging year just like other countries in the global economy but we should be thankful for the little that we have and for the blessing of life. We wish our friends in opposition will join us in unity to celebrate the positives we have had given the very challenging year the world has had. It has been very disapppointing to hear constant complaints and harsh criticisms from people that are no longer zambian or reside in zambia. Im talking about the upnd diasporans. Whilst diasporans of other nations supports and sell their nation abroad, the zambian upnd diasporan is filled with self hate and has given themselves a goal to shame our beautiful country. Anyway, as I party away on my bottle of Eden Mill single Malt whisky, I wish all our people a prosperous newyear,…

  3. …, including the hateful upnd diasporans. I love you all even if you hate us. I am christian before anything so i choose to forgive you and hope you will repent. Time for me to dance! happy new year

  4. There is so much hope, really! Was he serious or was just joking? Not so long ago, the Kwacha was fetching around 12ZMK/Dollar but now its going around 21/dollar. Looking at the rate it is falling, i cant ague if some1 suggest that it will reach 25 by June, yet the President is seen hope. Prices of goods and services are increasing at an alarming rate,yet The President is seing hope. May be in a fools paradise

  5. Hopefully the last new years address from the “worst presidential office holder” in the history of Zambia.
    God help us.

  6. Independent go and cry in your little corner and ask for mummy to give you belle. You ka angry under 5. We are celebrating here. Eating drinking with some of your relatives whilst you are there in diaspora working night shift pa nye

  7. KZ

    “….Whilst diasporans of other nations supports and sell their nation abroad, …”

    Do those nations governments execute their citizens in cold blood for having opposing views ????

  8. Please La7y Lungu sit down everyone including the kid on Wall Street knows that Zambia’s economy was doomed way before even we heard of covid-19.

  9. Lungu , 2 citizens have just been executed in cold blood under your comand ,

    Before that , more than 55 innocent civilians were burned alive in our towns by fellow Zambians for the first time in our history , again under your comand..

    And you expect business as usual ??

  10. Lungu our Zambian economy has been continuously hopeless since 2015 though.Then add cholera,Covid 19 and teenage pregnancy crisis all on your hopeless watch.

  11. A future without you as resident of this you brought a lot of division your hatred for fellow human beings is beyond comprehension.You have destroyed our economy which was booming during Mwanawasa.May the good Lord demote you just like the way He demoted Nebuchadnezer.

  12. Some Zambians make me to wonder! Ati you have destroyed our economy! First of all when you talk about the economy what brings growth to it,is what you export and not import, This county we can’t even manufacture toothpicks how then do when grow the economy machineries have been stolen out of this country during privatization.. This is why the government desires to revamp industries that got destroyed during privatization. Eg Kawambwa tea is up and running, The aim and desire of the pf government is to restore the dead industries in this country. That is why they have IDC..Don’t listen to ba 10point plan, without a party manfestio

  13. A new year message to al lZambians from me, ‘ Please do away with that rotten nut’. Zambians deserve better!!!!

    I am hank you and may the almighty God bless Zambia.

  14. Lungu will be thinking how and where to steal from. This thief needs to be voted out.

    $27 billion debt needs to be paid. As for KZ you should be ashamed of calling yourself a Christian, more of an Atheist

  15. Clown award for 2020 goes to Lungu.

    He is now trying to use subliminal messages saying corona causes the economy to collapse.

    These are wasted years indeed.

    This man had everything going for him when he came to power.

    The only thing he has achieved is making himself and his friends filthy rich. At the same time, he has made the average Zambian very poor.

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