Sunday, March 30, 2025

Illicit beer drinking among youths in Mambwe worry Chief Mnkhanya


Chief Mnkhanya of the Kunda people in Mambwe District says most young people in his chiefdom have become unproductive because they have taken to drinking Kachasu, an illicit local beer.

And the Chief has since asked government to consider enforcing a complete ban on brewing of Kachasu.

The traditional ruler bemoaned wide spread abuse of Kachasu especially among the youths in Mambwe, and said there is need to enforce tough laws that will stop the brewing and consumption of illicit Kachasu beer.

He lamented that many young people in his Chiefdom are indulging in drinking Kachasu senselessly instead of engaging themselves in productive activities such as farming.

“Kachasu has destroyed a lot of lives especially that of young people. It has contributed to high levels of laziness among youths because those who drink it, no longer have the energy to carry out any productive activities. Kachasu is no different from weed or chamba,” he said.

Chief Mnkhanya was speaking when Eastern province Permanent Secretary Veronica Mwiche paid a courtesy call on him.

The Chief wondered why Government cannot outlaw the brewing of Kachasu which, apart from contributing to as brood of unproductive youths, has made young people to drop out of school.

He also mentioned that heavy indulgence in drinking “Kachasu” has made young people to show total disrespect towards their parents and guardians.

Chief Mnkhanya pointed out that there is need for concerted efforts by all stakeholders to help put an end to the brewing of Kachasu if development has to take place in his chiefdom

The Chief also called on government to see how best it can help in reducing the high poverty levels being experienced in the district due to the floods that washed away crops early this year.

He told the Permanent Secretary that his people are hard-working and they do cultivate crops, but due to natural disasters such as floods and drought as well as having their crops being eaten by wild animals, they are now languishing in poverty.

The Chief called on government to find a way of helping to compensate people whose crops get eaten by animals.

Meanwhile, Eastern Province Permanent Secretary, Ms Mwiche explained that alcohol abuse especially among youths is one of the challenges that government is working hard to control.

Ms Mwiche further appealed to the chief to use his authority and come up with by – laws against the brewing of Kachasu.

She also urged the Chief to engage with the Council in the district to see how best the problem of alcohol abuse especially among young people can be controlled.

And the PS added that government is aware of the food problems the people of Mambwe are facing and will do its level best to come to their aid.


  1. It’s shockingly become a “spirit of choice” by many young people in zambia including the urban areas. And interestingly they consume it in plain sight, the consumers include law enforcement officers themselves.

  2. Only people with no self respect and low standards would drink that dirty stuff.These are the same conditions that brought us cholera epidemic a year or two ago.

  3. I remember fractional distillation. Hehehehehehe! Just empower them so we can earn some FOREX.

  4. Drinking, regardless of the type of alcohol, is very unproductive. Myself I was drinking expensive whisky and dom perignon during last two days and two days later I am still battling hangover. During these two days I have been useless and not done any thing productive

  5. But what is Edgar Lungu doing at the hotspot? It’s him with hat on, he likes wearing hats. Kikiki

  6. The problem is there is nothing to do in villages…you can either be herding cattle all day like a 12 year old boy and watching cars and buses go by or drinking cheap wines which you can easily batter trade with 1 kg of sugar. The irony is that this Chief Mnkhanya of Mambwe District in Eastern Province will be the first to clap his hands when Lazy Lungu and his MPs come this year to kneel for votes …he will vote PF regardless of what the say or who the field…he wont listen to any independents out there.

  7. The problem is there is nothing to do in villages…you can either be herding cattle all day like a 12 year old boy and watching cars and buses go by or drinking cheap wines which you can easily batter trade with 1 kg of sugar. The irony is that this Chief Mnkhanya of Mambwe District in Eastern Province will be the first to clap his hands when La7y Lungu and his MPs come this year to kneel for votes …he will vote PF regardless of what the say or who the field…he wont listen to any independents out there.

  8. Ackim Michelo – If it was that easy everyone would be in the beer business, the taxes the hit with no SME would survive and ZB like Trade Kings will make sure they crash you. As someone who went to boarding school in these areas I can attest that there are few things to do especially for a 16 year old apart from chasing girls and drinking…as for ambition most smart A grade kids end up being either a School Teacher or ZAWA Game Wardens or ZP Officers.

  9. In december you gave us this same story with that same picture of this chief who doesnt know what to do about his Kachasu drinking village. Then he went crying to Edgar Lungu’s wife. Isnt there a Police Post in this village?
    ” the Chief has since asked government to consider enforcing a complete ban on brewing of Kachasu.” But Kachasu is completely banned already. Perhaps one of his subjects needs to teach the chief how to enforce the laws?

  10. Mzambia wa Zamani

    No self respecting Germ, Virus or Fungi can survive in Moonshine not cholera not even HIV.

    The some moonshine is more deadly to the drinkers than even Cholera

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