Monday, March 24, 2025

Kampyongo is irresponsible and incompetent to hold the office of Home Affairs Minister-KBF


Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo is irresponsible and incompetent to hold the office of Home Affairs Minister. This is according to Kelvin Fube Bwalya, pop[ularly known as KBF.

Speaking on a live Hot FM radio interview show on Friday, Mr Fube called for the dismissal of My Kampoyongo and questioned President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s decision to continue shielding Mr Kampyongo despite a popular view that the Minister had lamentably failed to run such an important ministry.

“Mr President, why are you shielding Kampyongo? What’s the shielding? What is so special about Kampyongo? If you need him, at least do some transfers. Do some reshuffles, and move him to another ministry,” he said.

Mr Bwalya attributed the failure to properly apply the Public Order Act (POA) to the extremely low calibre of the current political leadership.

“But this what we have been accustomed to now because this is the kind of Minister we have. How many times should people be killed before this Minister is fired? He is my young brother, I know him but he is just irresponsible. He is incompetent. He must be fired,” Mr Bwalya said.

KBF who is also a criminal lawyer and renowned political strategist regretted that it was evident that the Home Affairs ministry had become too big for a person of Mr Kampyongo’s calibre, observing that every time a ministerial statement was coming out of Mr. Kampyongo’s mouth, there was alarm and wondered why the nation should always panic every time he speaks.

“Honourable Minister, kwata akamukanwa. Amano yaba mumatwi,” Mr Bwalya advised the Minister.

“The other day, he was talking about foreigners who have come into the country. He has no evidence. He is just talking. He wants to alarm the nation, all the time,” Mr Bwalya said.

Answering to a question on the Public Order Act, Mr Bwalya explained that the POA was a pre-cursor to economic prosperity, adding that the order of the nation and the peace in the nation was always important.

“We cannot just be putting things out there that people must do what they want, there must be order in the nation,” he said.

Mr Bwalya observed that although the POA was a very important piece of legislation, in its current form, it needed a bit of amendment because of the current political dispensation the country finds itself, stressing that there was an urgent need to amend POA to suit the current circumstances.

Mr. Bwalya is of the view that Zambia was currently using an archaic law for modern times and explained that the purpose of the POA was to regulate behaviour in the public so that peace prevailed.

“Now with the protests that you are talking about, for example; name one window pane, one glass that was broken, one public property that was damaged, one car that was damaged by those people that were rioting or protesting, nothing! Why did the Police shoot? Why did they use live ammunition, why? There’s no reason,” he observed.

The POA was an important piece of legislation because it prevails where there are situations of conflict. If two political parties are in the same environment, the Police must know how they are going to deploy the two factions so that there’s peace between those two groups of people and also to know that whatever they are trying to do, there should be peace from other people, meaning collateral people. That should be very important, he explained.

“You as a standby or a passer-by must not be inconvenienced because there’s a political rally somewhere. Let them have their political rallies,” he said.

Mr Bwalya reminded Zambians that the Supreme Court had already ruled on this matter as to how the POA should be applied. He said all people needed to do was just to inform the Police that on this date, they will be having a meeting and ask the Police whether they have enough Police officers to police the area where such a meeting would be held. If not, the Police can advise and give alternative dates when such a meeting can be held and how it can be conducted.

The police would just want to know who the speakers are, how many people are expected to police that area to ensure that peace prevailed.

In terms of economic prosperity, Mr. Bwalya said the POA was also important because it puts people who are not part of politics, who are running businesses and other things so that they should not be interfered with but also that their properties will be protected.

“That’s important. The POA cannot just be thrown away, no. It can be reviewed but right now, we have a Minister who doesn’t even understand what that POA is supposed to be doing. To him, he thinks it’s supposed to be there to suppress the people. The Minister wants people to always live in fear,” he said.

Asked why the PF under the leadership of President Michael Chilufya Sata, the POA was not reviewed, Mr Bwalya said it is the calibre of the people who are in government, reiterating the current poor leadership.

“Please understand me, there’s poor leadership. Some of the people who are in government don’t even understand why this law was made, in the first place. They don’t understand what is in the preamble of this Act. Some of them can read but do not understand it. Understanding is different from reading.

“So if you think you are going to have the same mentality when the Police was a mobile Unit, which was curbing riots in the colonial days, and that’s the same training manual you have at Lilayi today, you are living in the past, change the manual, change the mentality of the Police, engage psychologist, train and retrain the Police and make them understand that things have changed. The population is not the same”.

He said the Zambian population were now free to express themselves and observed that social media was not there in those days.

“So, you can’t hide a lot of things. When the shooting happened, within minutes, the whole country knew what was happening. You think you can hide that? We all saw those police officers arriving. We all saw dead bodies lying around. You think we want to see those pictures, we don’t,” Mr. Bwalya said.


  1. The president enjoys surrounded by incompetent people because himself is one too,these ministers he kept for five years are most of them are just bootlickers on the expense Zambians

    • Michael Kayombo Lwalinya pa Zambia, someone just mentions bootlicker ninshi bena lwimbo. Who is a bootlicker by the way? Ubufotini pa Zambia bwali pitilila.Zambia needs to to go war or ruled by full-blown DICTATOR, it’s amatompwe yabo yakesuka. Always thinking backwards,awe this nation Kuwayawaya fye.

  2. I dont think La7y Lungu agrees with KBF or anyone …in fact La7y is not only the defacto Home Affairs Minister he is also the Justice Minister he is the one pulling all the strings in these departments that’s why he has put dull chaps in there. Remember how he stuck to Aunty Dizzy even when it was plainly obvious that she was a drunk only to replace her when damage has been done….its Lungu’s decision making that has driven this country in deeper problems. I mean there are lawyers in PF that Lungu can appoint to Justice Ministry but he has chosen a man with a Diploma in Agriculture to head…Kampyongo is a former Katondo Street Foreign Currency Dealer and he is overseeing the home affairs dept see the mismatch. ..even the ones with papers like Minister of Finance and Minister of…

  3. KBF is just being tactful , it is lungu , the hiring authority who is incompetent and seriously corrupted and covered in the facial matters of corruption and criminality……

    Lungu knows full well what goes on , violence and intimidation suite him well…..

  4. Muli chipuba imwe Ba Fube. If you have the balls all this time why haven’t you registered your party to see how relevant you are in the Zambian society. Yourself you are an incompetent lawyer.

  5. You can’t tell me lungu does not get reports of the political deaths thst have occurred under his authority ….

    You can’t tell me does not get reports of police stopping opposition free movement and cancelling rallies ……

    You can’t tell me lungu does does not get reports of PF caders attacking radio stations hosting the opposition or attacking anyone wanting to protest …

    If lungu does not get those reports , he is incompetent and a danger to Zambia ….

  6. Even ECL is incompetent – Kwacha depreciated ,depleted reserves ,inflation is high ,starvation and cholera all on his watch.

  7. Very true, the id1ot has katondo street mentality which he can never be rehabilitated from, the chap is dull of course in PF he is very intelligent in their to ma dull minds. The worst president on earth Chi colour Edgar supports all the inappropriate this this dull PF minister does


  9. Hehehehehehehe!
    Fube ni kelenka.
    Kelenka tekuti mumucetekele.
    Putting on smart jacket does not make you a political figure.
    I don’t like kids born yesterday taking to the presidential candidacy. Try member of parliament we see if you’ve got solid b’alls.
    Kelenka ni fube. Fube ni kelenka! What a political novice!

  10. Who put talk time into this man? It seems this year he is on heat. Talking uncontrollably. Unfortunately these are the politics of frustration and desperation. Kbf thought the presidency would come to him automatically. His arrogance didn’t realise that it’s the people and the party who choose their leader. Go and cry in the baby corner you ka kbf

  11. With the mess in the country, for those who may not know that economically Zambia has been declared a junk state, and you want KBF to be quiet. Almost all countries have the public order act, only that in Zambia it is abused by the Police at the behest of a minister of home affairs

  12. Ever wondered why this so called KBF never landed a ministerial post since PF come into Power? You have answers for yourselves. One useless and talkative chap with no liver. Let him form his own party and prove everyone wrong that he is popular and can win an election.

  13. People listening to KBF ask yourself why the late Michael Sata did not appoint this man to any position.He has a lot Garbage to even dream of the highest office that’s why no one in PF is taking notice of him apart from some people in opposition who think he can pull a few strings but I would say wait until after August that’s when real drama will unfold. The

  14. LM – Veep is as useless as a picture on the wall she is happy to enjoy salary and tell lies in Parliament.
    As for former Currency Street Dealer Stephen K everyone knows that he is also head of PF panga militia but he has got too greedy know has fallen out with the thugs BUT La7y Lungu still maintains him in a sensitize position because the appointment authority is corrupt …the solution is to get rid of La7y by PF or the voters for the good of our country.

  15. The British government introduced the POA in Northern Rhodesia. Like many laws, we swallowed them hook, line and sinker when we got independence. The UK has amended its POA to fit human rights. The black African Presidents had no precedence on democracy. Kaunda was called President by name, but he acted and behaved like a monarch. As for Lungu, his weakness as a person is his biggest hinderance. He needs monarchical powers to continue wearing the crown. His seat is threatened by Luapulans. He may change in his second term, BUT who knows how compromised he is!

  16. THE SAINT – Which second term its 2021 now? The constitution is clear …only a dull lawyer can misinterpreted it like he confidently did on advising his dull ministers on overstaying.

  17. Sadly, kbf is behaving like trump of America, accusing kampyongo of all those things but failing to provide a siogle piece of evidence against the accused. SHAME!

  18. @Chitutuma, PF is unadvisable – An aspiring candidate of PF party has to come from a convention as per its constitution. Already PF has claimed ECL is the sole candidate. Both ECL and KBF are lawyers. What evidence do they need to honour their own words. General Katondo Stephen Kamyongo has dented the reputation of PF party – causing death to two innocent Zambians – Kampyongo himself has admitted – lame excuse some PF blame HH. Many Zambians do not buy that falsehood- Advice from KBF – president Lungu should have relieved Kampyongo from his duties as MoHA.

  19. For some bloggers here, be reminded that what KBF is or has been on one hand, is different from the fact that most of what he states here (for me) is nothing but the truth. So take him on that for now. He has not undressed, for you to be diverted to other things he represents.

  20. Its true the police need to change or revise their training manual to meet the current situation. To me the POA is a necessary devil though the current govt has been abusing by applying it selectively. In any case I don’t think the police of precolonial days can be compared today’s because We have a good mixed comprising highly educated and semi educated who can be counted upon but the trouble is highly polictizing the service. The police can’t operate professionally because interfearing by the cadres. Not all cops are but others very professional.

  21. Ba KBF don’t sound like an INCOMPTENT LEARNED PERSON, you are such a brilliant lawyer and I admire you, but unfortunately you have missed on this one. Part of BILL 10 would have dealt with what you are suggesting be done to the Public Order Act (POA) today. Alas the very complainants of POA ACT are the ones who shot BILL 10 down. The same goes for BILL OF RIGHT referendum. The same people campaigned to reject the good intentions of ECL and the PF party for the GENERAL ZAMBIAN MASSES.
    The hate for ECL by a cartel of some of the so called learned persons and a few disowned EX members of the “CLERGY” is something of concern to us well-meaning citizens of this country, I really fail to understand why the hate. Please leave Kampyongo alone, he is doing a good job of maintaining PUBLIC ORDER…

    and PEACE for mother Zambia
    Am one of those and many other people who use the route that was used by the very cadres. We were denied of our “RIGHT “to use the roads. You have well-articulated the Public Order Act (POA) and as you have rightly written, the leaders of the procession should have informed the POLICE of the intention to have a precession but didn’t. In any case the Police knew of the illegal intention and warned the general public not to proceed well before the procession.
    Therefore the leader(s) of the precession should squarely be condemned by sane Zambians including the so called biased HUMANS RIGHT GROUP. The GREED for popularity and the opportunity cost of not heeding POLICE WARNING unfortunately cost the LIVES of one innocent prosecutor and a cadre. May…

    their souls rest in peace.
    Ba KBF please don’t decamping PF but rather support the current leadership, your turn will come in 2026. Just be patient. “SPEED KILLS”

  24. @ Concerned Citizen, with due respect to your opinion, your ingenuity is without merit on issues you state.
    1- Zambians and families of two Zambians killed by police savagely await names of who pulled the triggers, instructor, executors and PF govt strategy on policing un armed civilians. You defend Kampyongo and police action implies justifying killings needlessly of 2 Zambians- beggars belief.
    2- POA – demise (defeat) of Bill 10 should not be a weapon to dehumanise Zambians – Political will can deal with POA and can be repealed
    3- The hate for ECL. ECL is president has instruments of power at his disposal for good of citizens – how is his competency with it. In contrast, hatred for HH will leave it for you to catalogue actions of hate by PF govt and ECL personally is known by the…

  25. The real name for Abedenego Hakaloba is Paul Moonga, please address him as such before he makes you walk naked in Cairo Road of Los Angeles

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