Friday, March 14, 2025

Resisting leadership is refusing the Lord’s authority, say Archbishop Gallone


THE Apostolic Nuncio to Malawi and Zambia Archbishop Gianfranco Gallone says the political sentiments by Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu are not only worrying but a concern to the Catholic establishment.

“The Church has been a proponent of peace and unity among its congregants and the entire nation. Our resolve is to reach out to all persons with message of reconciliation but the political path taken by our brother (Archbishop Mpundu) is not only divisive but also a misrepresentation of the teachings of Christ our Lord and the Holy Father,” said Archbishop Gallone.

The Papal Representative said the Catholic Church is known for preaching love and unity because that’s what Christ commanded Faithful ones to do. He said the Holy Father is known for his love everyone.

“In Rwanda, some of our Faithful brothers had abandoned their calling and started preaching hate, that was the beginning of trouble,” he said.

Archbishop Gallone advised retired Archbishop Mpundu to remember that whenever he speaks, he is being quoted as an Archbishop of the Catholic Church.

“My brother (Archbishop Mpundu) has a duty to our Lord, the Holy Father and the Church to preach love and not sowing the seed of division. The Church leadership must adhere to the Holy Writings when it comes to respecting authority,” he added.

“That scripture (Romans 13 verse 1) is a commandment from above. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Edgar Lungu in Zambia or any other leader worldwide, leadership comes from God. Anyone who resist those in leadership resist what our Lord has himself appointed,” said Archbishop Gallone.

Archbishop Mpundu had described President Lungu as a crook and that the ruling Patriotic Front was trying to use frivolous means to eliminate Hakainde Hichilema from the 2021 race so that the one crook remains in front.


  1. A statement must come from within yourself not after being poked or pressured to do so.
    Even Pharaoh was a leader. But some people had to flee from his leadership.
    Proponent of peace and unity? How can this be achieved when we let some persecute others. We have to work towards peace and not just preach it.
    There’s too much politically instigated violence and hate speech why should people keep quiet because leadership is from God. If so why doesn’t the same leadership seem to have Godly characteristics.
    Remember Pharaoh was also a leader.

    • We shoukdnt be surprised. He comes from a religion that encourages slavery. Just read Ephesians 6:5 and Colossians 3:22 These verses implore slaves to be obedient to their masters with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. We must all remember that the catholics once ruled the world so such lectures would have fitted very well into their leadership

  2. Let Archbishop Mpundu declare interest in joining UPND, then he can meet these politicians in the ring. Otherwise am Catholic and do disappointed with him!

  3. I don’t think this statement is genuine, the bishop is the citizen of this country and he has every right to comment on national matters. all I know is that the church speaks on behalf of the oppressed and poor and the bishop is doing just that.?

  4. Is this meant to imply that Tyrants and Dictators draw their authority from God?

    When Moses led the Israelis out of Pharaoh ruled Egypt, was he going against God’s authority?

    The nuncio sentiment is misplaced.

  5. The Bible says Leadership comes from God.I am a Catholic but this is one Bible teaching that I have great difficulty with. Does it mean Christians should accept bad Political Leadership, Corrupt Leaders, Leaders who murder citizens to retain Power, Leaders who rig Elections, Military Coup Leaders etc? Does Archbishop Gallone accept Cruel Leaders who mete out injustices on Citizens ? Does Archbishop Gallone support the elimination of Political Leaders by a Satannic Political Leadership in Power? Retired Bishop Mpundu was commenting on Real issues on the ground in Zambia. Archbishop Gallone should be told that unlike in Malawi these Extrajudicial killings in Zambia are State Sponsored. As Christians we believe in a Just and Merciful God.

  6. What kind of God would support the work of tinpot dictators? This same word of God was used to subject us to colonialism and slavery. If truly what this nuncio is saying is the position of God then we serve a very wrong God, I would rather align myself with the Islamic God who doesn’t tolerate such nonsense

  7. Am Catholic and I don’t agree with what Archbishop Mpundu does. He is bringing the entire Catholicism in public ridicule. As citizen, let him speak but not quoted as Archbishop of the Catholic Faith

  8. Emeritus Archbishop Mpundu is going after silver and gold, hence wanting to become relevant to UPND type of politics. He is being used as a political voice. The same with that Cleopas Lungu, he is smelling the silver. Soon he will deny Christ our Lord

  9. Mpundu just realised he missed so much of politics during his years as Catholic priest. He is now trying to catch up with that lost time

  10. Mpundu just realised he missed so much of politics during his years as Catholic priest. He is now trying to catch up with that lost time.

  11. Prosecutor Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda were shot dead in cold cold blood by ZPS. Live Ammunition was used and heavily armed Policemen were deployed by ZPS Command with clear intentions to kill. The ZPS is led by ECL. Can we say such Leadership which murder Citizens come from God? Archbishop Gallone of Malawi is justifying Extrajudicial Killings by the Political Leadership in Zambia. The Leadership in Zambia bought all that expensive Military Hardware with an objective to kill all those who are in opposition. Does such Callous Leadership come from God. No way. As Christians we believe in a Just and Merciful God. Satannic Political Leadership in Zambia should be condemned and not praised.

  12. Bishop Mpundu is out of tune,he needs to tone down.By the way he says Zambia is not a Christian nation can I safely say Catholics are not Christians just because some priests have sodomised and molested children? When a child in a Christian home comits a crime does it mean the entire family are criminals and don’t qualify to be called Christians.Zambia is a Christian nation whether ba Mpundu likes it or not.

    • Stop cheating yourselves. Its not like once you call it a Christian nation it will be blessed. Things wont change whether Zambia is called Christian or non-Christian It will continue to be visited by the same problems its pagan neighbours are facing. Superstitions don’t equal blessings.

  13. No wonder I left the Catholic and joined Jehovah’s Witnesses. The new faith is pure and not adulterated by love for worldly politics which is so pronounced among catholic priests in Zambia. They want to be kingmakers for human instead of servants of the true God.

    • Eugene Mulenga even the bishops in Zambia distanced themselves from him, this should clearly tells you that the man speaks in his personal capacity which do not represent the views of the church. Church leadership has rebuked him

    • Ken James he’s castigating a man who has spent his entire adult life fighting for this country. He has survived many attempts on his life all for the sake of this country. Then comes someone who just got an appointment and is excited to be dinning with our oppressors.

    • Eugene Mulenga you guys are blind not to see what is happening??? The catholic church has spoken against all forms of injustice from those in power from the time of KK,FJT,LPM and RB. They always rebuked and challenged these leaders. However, this changed from the time MCS came to power and this has been like that when the rule of law is breaking down. The question is why??

    • Ken James I am very Catholic and I know bishop Mpundu at a very personal level. He has seen me grow and I can proudly say I owe a lot to the church. What you should know is church leadership changes and its change also dictates the direction the collective takes in most of these decisions you see coming from the church.

    • Eugene Mulenga yes it changes and accept what is currently there. That’s why they say that you reap what you sow, Bishop Mpundu equally buried the injustices that was being committed by his in law (MCS) simply because he had easier access to him. If he had reprimanded the man then, probably we wouldn’t have ended up with the incumbent

    • Ken James I think you don’t understand how our church works. It didn’t mean that if he was the head of the council of bishops then he had to bulldoze his views as individual through. Decisions are made collectively and statement in form of the pastoral letter is issued and that is binding on everyone as that’s the voice of the church in this country ultimately. Compare the the council’s pastoral letters then and today’s then tell me more about the church. Today he is a retired archbishop and he is expressing his personal views as an individual citizen as he is entitled to it. As to the reaction from the PF party,we are now used. Anyone who thinks differently,to them he is an enemy. Believe me if he spoke against the UPND the outcome could have probably been even worse. These two parties are extremely intolerant and will do anything to those with contrary views.

    • Eugene Mulenga either way, if priests who are way too junior to bishops can issue statements to the media, who stops the bishop from doing that? We saw that with Frank bwalya, Lupupa and many more doing that. Your excuse is irrelevant

    • Ken James do you know what it means to be in certain position? No one divorces you as an individual from the position you hold. Today the head of the council does not give his personal views but whenever he speaks he does so on behalf of other bishops. The prejudice over the archbishop’s relationshio with the late leader is extremely inconsequential. EL in his personal view held the opinion that ministers could still remain in office and everyone said the presidency did d declare that. If I may ask during that said period,what did you yourself do to change the status quo? You seem to be suggesting the man was obliged to say or do something that could have changed the course of this nation. Frank you say said something,and of course he is in Australia. Antonio said something,you know where he is now. The bishop said something then and he’s still doing so and he’s still at his humble home

    • Eugene Mulenga let’s stick to the topic. The FACT is that the man is retired and his views are personal. The other fact is that he has been rebuked by the current leadership. Al those are facts

    • Ken James that is not alien in this country and its not the first time his own has betrayed him. This propaganda of even coercing an ambassador in the name of the Nuncio to read some prepared statement castigating him is not strange. These are things he has now been accustomed to. When a regime loses legitimacy every different voice should be crashed with the lethal response never seen before.

    • Ken James he has had very few friends both within and outside the church for he always speaks the truth. You can claim to be Catholic as well but that doesn’t mean you will stand with the oppressed. We have known too many individuals who are Catholic yet have been on the side of the oppressors. The Rwanda genocide had too many church people involved,in Hitler’s Germany it was the same thing. Examples are there for all to see.

  14. If Leaders come from God so the Idi Amins of this World were chosen by God to kill their own people? ZPS used live Ammunition to kill Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda so the Commanders of ZPS who ordered these killings have blessings from God? This can’t be. Such premeditated killings by Zambian Leadership should be condemned in no uncertain terms.

  15. Archbishop Mpundu always tried to get credit for himself for ushering PF into power; so he feels disappointed he has not gotten any material benefits after fighting with MMD. So he wants PF out so he can get a better deal from UPND. Am Zambian and Catholic. I don’t think he speaks for me!

  16. Archbishop Mpundu always tried to get credit for himself for ushering PF into power; so he feels disappointed he has not gotten any material benefits after fighting with MMD. So he wants PF out so he can get a better deal from UPND. Am Zambian and Catholic. I don’t think he speaks for me. He speaks for his tummy.

  17. Musolinni, Idi Amin, Emperor Bokassa, Mobutu, Pol Pot , Sani Abacha were all leaders.
    They also killed many of their own people and destroyed their countries.
    Only blind “Christians for Lungu” who dont know their history will rejoice at such nonsense.

  18. Mpundu is a citizen of zambia and his observation is the position of many zambians who are suffering at the of this poor leadership.90% of zambians are saying no to pf leadership a number of citizens have died,why should mpundu remain silent?

  19. When men of God rebuke the political leadership that is not rebellion, speaking out to a leadership that is deaf to the plight of the majority is the right thing to do. The current government has demonstrated un precedented levels intolerance, police brutality and the like. There are a lot more people not happy with this government except for a few that are selfish.

    • Lassie Kakuta its important to be objective when analyzing issues concerning our country. For instance the shooting of the two men. It can be police but again it can be some hired criminals who could have taken advantage of the situation in order to blame others. It is possible.

  20. Let the man be ex communicate the bishop is now carder,let him join politics n be run mate for HH, coz the catholic as speaking on behalf of zambian wat are going thro, spiritual, economically, financial, but not putting zambia in danger.

  21. This Article is “doctored”. There is no way Archbishop Gallone would have remained silent on the killings of Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda. Only Godly Leaders are appointed by God. As Christians we believe in God of Mercy and Justice. There is no way Satannic Leaders who steal elections,kill their Citizens etc can claim to be appointed by God. Retired Bishop Mpundu is a Citizen of this country and has every right to speak on behalf of the oppressed and the poor.

  22. Archbishop Mpundu is bringing ridicule to the Catholic Faith. He must enjoy his retirement in quietness. Maybe he needs to head to a foster home in some country. Otherwise his grey hair does not symbolise any wisdom at all

  23. Archbishop Mpundu is bringing ridicule to the Catholic Faith. He must enjoy his retirement in quietness. Maybe he needs to head to a foster home in some country. Otherwise his grey hair does not symbolise any wisdom at all.

  24. The Nuncio has much wisdom than most of our Catholic priests in Zambia who are desirous of public fame

  25. Every well meaning Zambian knows that Telesphore Mpundu has fallen out of grace with his faith. He is now being driven by political emotions and inducements and one wonders why. Government does not pay retirement packages for former bishops if that’s what he’s been looking for. I have equally warned my brother Mpundu to say age gracefully and avoid receiving political induced gifts from one disgraced and disgruntled failure kleptoh². Mpundu never listens at all. Thanks Gallone.

  26. It’s tough retiring in Zambia. Most Zambians across social divide want to end up in politics and not at farms. This unfortunate scenario has made old clergy, rich crooks, specialized Doctors, old chiefs and other professionals succumb to politics for survivor. They defy the insults and disgrace in politics and are reduced to opportunistic lives. The situation is dire. What is at the end of a priest’s life cycle. Former bishop, okay but what next?

  27. Mpundu is not a problem but the ego he carries. Certainly, he is losing respect of everyone by joining political battles on behalf of HH

  28. When the quoted person hasn’t mentioned the subject. The Apostolic Nuncio did not mention Archbishop Mpundu. Someone just cooked up the story.
    “The Church has been a proponent of peace and unity among its congregants and the entire nation. Our resolve is to reach out to all persons with message of reconciliation but the political path taken by our brother (Archbishop Mpundu) is not only divisive but also a misrepresentation of the teachings of Christ our Lord and the Holy Father,” said Archbishop Gallone.
    Taken by our brother, which brother?
    Please don’t insert people you don’t like.

  29. The Catholics supported Sara because he was catholic- their own. These bena Mpundu and Cleopas don’t do that but they are torn between supporting a Freemason or supporting someone like Lungu from different denomination

  30. These men of the cloth say things that are difficult to comprehend just like the Bible is so difficult to understand fully. We know how the bible has been used in the past to justify oppression of people based on things like ethnicity. Some righteous people have fought such evil leadership. Throughout history, wars have been fought to remove leadership even the bible has examples of evil leaders who were fought and conquered by the righteous ones. Should Israelis have stayed in captivity? Should Hitler have been left to rule the world?

  31. Catholicism and true worship is being diluted by so many factors including behaviour of Catholic priests without exception. The Catholic priests are dividing their members apart!

  32. It is clear that the Nuncio is out of step with reality. I do not think he has the context. While it is a universal truth that the crucial role of the church is to advance peace, it is an abrogation of the call for the church to remain silent in the face of unspeakable atrocities being committed by governments against citizens. The Church is the first line of defence for the defenceless. The church in our society is a site of struggle against poverty, oppression, corruption, bad governance. In the context of rampant corruption, poverty, atrocity, the voice of the church is crucial, yet the Nuncio is dead silent on the shooting of Nsama and Joseph in cold blood. But the stance taken by the Nuncio is unsurprising, he represents the interests of the elite while his grace the Bishop has always stood for the quest for peace and solidarity with the oppressed class.

  33. Retired Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu has every right to speak out against injustices in this country. Archbishop Gallone cannot silence him for speaking the truth. God appoints Godly Leaders and not Satannic Leaders who kill innocent and unarmed Citizens. There was no need for the Riot Police to use live ammunition to kill peaceful Protesters. Leaders who kill Citizens to retain Political Power will meet the wrath of God. The writing is on the wall.


  35. @Martin Choomba, worldwide and in Zambia, they are different. The Catholics in Zambia and Africa love the media so much.

    Point is what Nuncio G has said. Mpundu has lost his mind and needs Deliverance

  36. We have always known there was something wrong with Mpundu, right from before Sata. His utterances have tended to be rather queer. This dressing down is, in the main, long overdue.

  37. “….The Church leadership must adhere to the Holy Writings when it comes to respecting authority,” he added”

    With attitudes like that , Hitler , Amin and other murderous despots flourish…

    These attetudes were there to con the natives into submission while there lands were being plundered

  38. These attetudes were there to con the natives into submission while their lands were being plundered

    ” the leader ship is from god “

  39. “….The Church leadership must adhere to the Holy Writings when it comes to respecting authority,” he added”

    With attitudes like that , Hitler , Amin and other murderous despots flourish…

    These attetudes were there to con the natives into submission while there lands were being plundered

  40. This ***** must take his irrational and inward oriented compulsion to himself.Mpundu is 100% plus correct because he’s speaking for the oppressed and despondent majority poor citizenry.

  41. The truth hurts. What Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu is the Gospel Truth. The ECL’s main objective is to prevent HH from standing as a Presidential Candidate in 2021. This ECL is determined to do by Hook or Crook. HH’s was about that and a piece of land legally purchased in 2004 in Kalomo. The main reason is to remove HH’s name from the Ballot Paper. That must be resisted at all costs!

  42. Most Catholic Priests are not content with teaching the word of God. They now have joined the pentecostals in running to become relevant – with either ruling party or opposition. Our church leaders in Zambia are a disgrace to God’s call. Busy fighting for earthly power when Jesus said my Kingdom is not for this earth but the heavens

  43. Most Catholic Priests are not content with teaching the word of God. They now have joined the pentecostals in running to become relevant – with either ruling party or opposition. Our church leaders in Zambia are a disgrace to God’s call. Busy fighting for earthly power when Jesus said my Kingdom is not for this earth but the heavens.

  44. Archbishop Mpundu must be left alone, he is the voice of the people here in Zambia. If the nuncio thinks his Catholic church is being misrepresented then leave us alone. When this government gun our people down with impunity is it the archbishop causing it. When PF leaders preach hate and tribalism against other tribal groupings in this country is it Mpundu causing that. When people who are elected to defend our constitution are the very people now destroying it and you want the Archbishop to keep quiet? Nuncio is you have nothing to say please leave our prophet to speak for us.

  45. The nuncio and Mpundu are both Catholics, the surprise part is, when retired Mpundu speaks, people say he speaks on behalf of Catholics, but when the nuncio spoke who is a representative of the pope people say he has no authority. remember David which he was told to rebuke Saul who had lost favour with the Lord, he refused he said leadership comes from God.

  46. Very true teaching. The evil disrespectful upnd members especially those in diaspora need to abide by this teaching. They lack respect for authority just like their leader. Their leaders disrespect for authority is what Led to the killing of nsama and kaunda. Had they abided by the directives issued by the police and home affairs ministry those two people would still be alive today

  47. It is interesting how some Zambians have quickly condemned Archbishop Mpundu’s stand in defence of violence and oppression of the opposition in Zambia. This same Bishop Mpundu backed the PF regime under late president Michael Sata – then, PF could not protest against the Catholic church as they have threatened today. Bishop Mpundu has realised today how Zambians are tormented by the very party that he supported few years back. So, as a follower of the teaching of Lord Jesus, he has a duty to speak for the oppressed, the poor and those families whose dear ones are needlessly killed by PF regime. Pharaoh was in power when oppression and slavery of Jews in Egypt but Moses spoke to the power of the day ‘Let My People Go’.

  48. God does not choose leaders, he merely provides the providence for them. Neither does he approve their evil deeds. Humans are responsible for the choice of leaders and sometimes they pick monsters. People who want to pick old scriptures including the Archbishop in this story to justify ‘leadership’ without recourse to reality are themselves an obstacle to freedom. The Bible is not about being dogmatic about it’s teachings – they are mere guides to be applied with reason. Some of the edicts were for a different era, not fit for the modern world. Some remain myths. Any right thinking person should be able to discern that God would never approve tyrants, killers and sycophants as leaders over his people. Do you wonder why dictators pick such scripts to defend the indefensible? Because…

  49. … they work on the psychology of the ‘believers’ and the pretentious, that biblical statements should be taken verbatim. As if, you have to use common sense and realism. That is why religion has always been a double edged sword – teaching some good values, but also used as a tool for oppression and enslavement.

  50. How disgusting for one to justify the killing of the two human beings (@KZ) Such lunacy should no longer be tolerated. Unarmed civilians who were not attacking anyone but merely exercising their right to assemble, associate and support – including a lawyer who was out for some breakfast. An idi.ot here can still support the reckless use of live bullets on a people by their own government’s sent tools. How low can you sink, even if you dine at the same table of an ill-gotten feast.

  51. The Nuncio is a diplomat of the Vatican City State.
    Archbishop Mpundu is a Zambian Catholic standing by Catholic principles. When St John Paul II was Archbishop of Warsaw, he was regularly in conflict with the Polish Communist leadership and he supported the democratic Solidanorsc movement and its leader Lech Walesa. Those are Catholic standards. Our Lord himself during his trials told off the leaders and described them as vipers, hypocrites etc. He spoke the truth as he saw it. We laud Archbishop Mpundu for having the courage to speak his mind as Our Lod did during his trials and he always said we are to follow his example.

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