Thursday, September 12, 2024

Government reaffirms commitment to rehabilitate damaged Infrastructure


Government has reaffirmed its commitment to find modalities to rehabilitate infrastructure that have been destroyed by heavy rains especially in Northern province.

Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya says government is concerned that a number of infrastructure in the province have been destroyed by heavy rains.

“ Government is however working hard to ensure that the damaged infrastructure is repaired in the quickest possible time, “ he said.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Bwalya said this after visiting Milima Correctional Facility where some of the structures at the facility were recently damaged by heavy rains.

He expressed happiness that officers at the correctional facility have continued to conduct their duties diligently despite the place experiencing a disaster.

“It is encouraging that despite the challenges you are going through you have continued to excel in your duties.” he said

The Provincial Minister also inspected Milima Bridge where the temporal bridge was recently cut off by the rains.

He expressed happiness with the workmanship being exhibited at the site where officials from the Road Development Agency (RDA) are working on the permanent bridge.

He has since called on the agency to speed up works to help smoothen the flow of traffic.

Earlier, Zambian Correctional Service Northern Province Regional Commander Aspinah Choba revealed that more infrastructure has been damaged by rains in Mbala district.

Ms. Choba described the situation as unfortunate saying her prayer is that the rains will not destroy more property.

“The rains have really affected us this year and we pray that there will not destroy more property,” she noted

Meanwhile, Road Development Agency Regional Manager Simon Chwando said the main bridge in Milima was opened before works were completed to allow traffic to flow after the temporal bridge they were using was washed away by heavy rains.

Mr Chwando has since assured motorists that the bridge will be completed soon to help address the challenges motorists are currently facing.


  1. Infrastructure poorly constructed now damaged is not only in Northern province but through out PF preferred regions. Damaged roads and bridges has remained un repaired for the last 5 years in most parts of Zambia. So, damaged infrastructure in Northern province is now big news. Kikikikikiki.

  2. And this is how our money is wasted building sand roads and bridges that last maximum 2 years if there is no heavy rains….its a rotten cycle ..the brief case PF cadres tenderprenuers are rubbing their hands at this new year gift. If your google the name of every damaged infrastructure with Auditor General Report you will see that project highlighted as having irregularities.

  3. Some chap from Zesco on ZNBC TV news this evening says load shedding has ended, here in Mtendere PHI power went at 16hrs and its going towards 20hrs now and there is power.

  4. You are right it’s now after 22hrs still no Zesco power in Mtendere and PHI from 16hrs, so why say load shedding has ended

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