Friday, September 20, 2024

PF to do more Door to Door campaigns this year-Lusambo


The Patriotic Front Copperbelt Mobilisation Committee says it will this year conduct more of door to door campaigns as opposed to holding huge rallies.

This is in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

PF Copperbelt Mobilisation Chairperson Bowman Lusambo says the committee will employ door to door tactics because they have more advantages to sell the ruling party’s manifesto.

Mr. Lusambo, who is also Kabushi Member of Parliament, told ZNBC News that the ruling party does not want to endanger the people of the Copperbelt at rallies but will engage voters one on one in their houses.

He adds that during the door to door campaigns, the PF Copperbelt Mobilisation Committee will explain all the developmental projects government is implementing in the region.

Mr. Lusambo said the people of the Copperbelt have witnessed the massive development in the region and they will rally behind President Edgar Lungu during the general election.


  1. Politicking and electioneering is the only game PF have known since coming to power in 2011.Fix the d@mned rotting country first.

  2. Better teach people about Gods Kingdom. Read Daniel 2:44 and learn what will soon happen to governments and ask yourself why this will happen.

  3. I can’t believe the results of the just ended local government bye-elections! I think those people still voting for PF must be very backward. They are lagging behind. They do not know what they are doing

  4. You idyots, what’s honorable about Lusambo? you should even be ashamed to take mango from your child to give that thug Lusambo in name of honorable. Some of you be even offering your wives to suck his small d!ck, ati ba honorable.
    That piece of sh!t has damaged PF on copperbelt, now want to resort to terrorise beating up people like it did during covid-campaing.

  5. If I recall this should be the first time in our country’s history that a political party in government has played politics from the get-go. I guarantee you the performance of our professionals in the civil service has been close to zero save for a few thieving ones here and there expending some energy scheming on swindles and embezzlements while their policy directors play politics like they are still in the opposition.

  6. Super spreader of covid in people’s homes, and to tell them what when you have virtually brought the economy to its knees

  7. The upnd are now panicking because they know that bro lusambo means business. For us we don’t spend time ranting like a headless chicken on social media like the upnd leader. Social media doesn’t vote in elections. 1 person can create a million accounts.

  8. Can a PF cadre have a one on one conversation with someone with opposing views for more than 2 minutes before they start screaming ATI UYU ALANDA ATI TABAKAPITE, most people they will be visiting in homes will risk been cited for defamation of character of their most high, I JUST WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE SNITCHED ON FOR REFUSING TO TALK OR LISTEN TO THEIR VIEWS.

  9. Yes in terms of political mobilization door to door is more effective than public rallies. It gives an opportunity to engage the people although not all doors will be open. But please allow other Parties to also mobilize. At the moment any opposition members, except for MDC that, that try to gather even in the privacy of their homes risk being arrested or attacked by PF cadres. This isn’t good, please stop it. As PF you have been campaigning right from the swearing-in ceremony. The biggest threat to PF is PF. The in-fighting will cause a lot. So I wish you well

  10. don’t play with guns my dear lusambo, you are one person who is very evil and i will not let you step to my door.

  11. PF campaigning door to door? Whats the Campaign message? Amidist Corruption, Bankruptcy, Mis governance, lawlessness etc. Who will believe these lies? Good luck!

  12. Bola naikosa kuli ba PF. Electorates please receive any financial gift given to you , it is your per diem for the inconvenience caused at your door step for PFs unsellable stories of development and false promises.

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