Friday, September 20, 2024

Sunday Chanda wonders where HH’s insatiable appetite to sell national assets is coming from


Patriotic Front Media Director Sunday Chanda is dismayed that UPND leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema has continued to mock and disparage expert advice from security wings.

Mr Chanda in a statement said it is worrisome that Mr Hichilema has continued to trivialize the issue concerning the selling of the presidential Gulf stream even when Military experts have explained that the Zambia Air force (ZAF) Gulf Stream G-650 is a military asset mandated to transport the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces and cannot be sold.

He said this is supported in line with other services performed by ZAF established pursuant to article 192 of the Constitution as read with section four of the Defence Act Chapter 106 of the laws of Zambia and clearly evident that this has been in force since Zambia’s independence in 1964,

He said it is unfortunate therefore that Mr. Hichilema has chosen to trivialise the expert military explanation and remains insistent on selling a prime military asset.

“When there is clear and unambiguous guidance from highly trained military aviation experts that have clearly and categorically explained that a national military asset- the jet used by the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces of the Republic of Zambia cannot be sold because it is a classified military equipment, and this would be contrary to Section 227 of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia and Section 49 sub-section one of the Defence Act, the UPND leader chooses to mock military experts,” Mr Chanda said.

“Even when it is explained that this particular military asset is expected to be in service not less than two decades as was the case with the Challenger 604-Jet acquired in 1991, Mr Hakainde Hichilema of UPND chooses to trivialize security matters by insisting on selling a prime item of the Air force and aviation security” he added.

Mr Chanda wondered where Mr Hichilema’s insatiable appetite to sell national assets coming, from adding that he should perhaps tell Zambians whether he has found a ready buyer and who that is.


  1. Its coming from the need to sell off extravagant assets that where purchased with out foresight.
    Ba Monday picture this how do you purchase a gulfstream 650 for flights on begging missions.?

  2. Sunday Chanda, if there is anyone who should not be talking national issues it is you. Sunday Chanda wonders where your and your govt.’s insatiable appetite to embezzle public funds.
    Time is coming when you will answer to us the people, this time is for you to continue ukwisusha amafumo yenu.

  3. ……so it just has to be them alone to enjoy national resources and not anybody else?? Its like the Mukula story! While there was a national ban,a few of them enjoyed trading and hence no competition.Its better those assets which benefit a few individuals are sold and we share the benefits.People with bald heads,awe sure!!

  4. Ba Monday Chanda you see dull you are when it comes to economic management. You go around the world to beg for assistance from well wishers little do we know that you are actually planning to buy such an expensive aircraft for one individual at the expense of very pressing issues and now here you are trying to justify your foolishness. That plane should be sold whether you like it or not. You people in PF should sometimes be having a sense of shame and pity for the people of Zambia. Surely in a country where people are waking up as early as 01:00hrs just to have access to a dialysis machine at UTH then you even have the guts to to start defending such foolishness?. Just look at he’s even smiling, one can see that dullness is all over his head. Surely a Poor country like Zambia going for such luxury at the expense of school going children sitting on the floor in class rooms, others under the trees, our hospitals don’t have the essential equipment needed to save the lives of the people and yet we even have a Monday justifying such extravagant expenditures…. Trust me no matter what you try to say about HH on the sale of that Presidential Jet…. I for one support his idea of disposing it off because actually the one who recommended the purchase of that plane to the Zambian government is the one whose selfishness is out of this world but the whole blame is on President Lungu coz really how could he sunction the Purchase of such an expensive aircraft mwebantu sure nangu tapasoswa…. Ba PF Mulekwatako uluse… Have pity for the common Zambian who cannot afford 3 meals a day, Children that are learning under trees, people dying in our hospitals because of lack of medicine and necessary equipment to treat them.

  5. Almost every Zambian wants it sold..its holding alot of money which can be used for important things…manje kaya winangu afuna akayendenacho ku chawama kaya???

  6. Sunday Chanda has got it all wrong. The Plane and ZAF are 100% owned by GRZ. ZAF has no say in the acquisition or disposal of a Presidential Plane. If HH is President of Zambia under a UPND Govt there is nothing to stop his Govt from selling that Plane if that Govt so decides. The decision to acquire or dispose State Assets lies with the Govt of the day. ZAF is a Dept or an Arm of GRZ and has no decision in the disposal of that Plane. Advice by ZAF is welcome but advice to Govt can either be accepted or rejected. It follows therefore that an HH Govt can sell the Plane if it so wishes.

  7. Their unhealthy obsession with HH is insatiable.We want only politics of ideas ,benchmarks and calibrations.

  8. Hh is a conman. Even if you sold that jet today, how much would you raise?? $20m?? Our national budget is over $1.5bn, then what?? How does hh, if he became president move around, in a ZAF Buffalo aircraft?? It’s the same tactic he is using on his supporters to please his funders so that should he assume office, these funders can get their hands on our assets and leave hh an extremely wealthy accomplice. Haven’t you heard the same story about ZESCO from hh that PF are mismanaging it??

  9. Politics of personalities is getting Zambia rotten to the core no wonder economic indicators under PF have been heading south.

  10. Forgive him, he doesn’t know how govt works for he has never been there before let alone coucilor,mp,minister or Ward chairman.Luanshya mayor is more knowledgeable in governance than this good for nothing kaluza of elections.By the way which election has he ever won!

  11. This short list is vital for many Zambians to see and know, 1. Ba Sunday chanda. 2. Ba Antonio mwanza . Ba chilufya Tayali. These three can only put food on their tables when they demonize HH without HH their pockets would be zero percent.

  12. doodad should be gotten rid of . Its a stringent measure to save the state from insolvency. If a state asset cannot bring money in the treasury then it becomes a liability according to Robert Kiyosaki.

  13. A fully grown up man leaves his home to go to work and his job is to talk about HH. What a waste of a human being.

  14. Once a crook, always a crook. That f00l hh sold this country for peanuts during privatisation. It looks like he has some unfinished business

  15. iwe kamudala if he sold this country during privatisation, who is your new owner after the british gave you political independence?

  16. At least it’s not an appetite to embezzle public resources! It’s an appetite to sell in order to resolve another national problem-debt! It shows that he is actively thinking about fixing the national problems and that does not sit well with criminal and terrorist regimes!!!

    • Tom Muumba Ba UPND I suggest that you confine your politics to civil politics and not touching on the nation’s security.Stop arm twisting the Security Forces’ mandate. You will regret!!!!

  17. That jet should be sold we can’t allow one man to live in luxury when the majority citizens are suffering basic needs such as cooking oil and mealie meal are expensive what kind of people do we have in Zambia who always support wrong things no wonder Zambia can’t develop it’s a shame. Sale that jet and put the money in productive sectors

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