Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pharmacist calls for withdrawal of faulty syphilis test kits


A Ndola-based pharmacist Jerome Kanyika has advised the government to withdraw syphilis test kits being distributed to health centers countrywide.

Mr. Kanyika is of the view that investigations conducted by pharmacists across the country have shown that the kits are faulty as the don’t give correct results.

“The test kits are giving incorrect and inconsistent results, if you test a sample, the result can show positive on a negative person and vice versa.” Mr Kanyika said.

He noted that patients are being asked to start taking antibiotics which may result in resistance to such drugs and reduce effectiveness of proven treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections ( STIs).

It is disheartening to see the country commemorate antimicrobial resistance awareness week with such situations obtaining on the ground, observed the pharmacist.

Mr Kanyika said the use of the faulty syphilis test kits in most hospitals and clinics in the provincial capital poses a great danger to human life.

He added that government and other relevant authorities must take the supplier of the faulty test kits to book and this should serve as a warning to other suppliers to safe guard the lives of the Zambians.


  1. We are in trouble, what else is fake in Zambia. How can people who call them selves Christians go to this extent of buying faulty kits .
    Ba Dr.Chitalu and your team at the Ministry of Health, you are playing with people’s health. We are still recovering from the news of faulty condoms were sold to the Zambians ,now this?
    How long Zambians are we going to tolerate these thieves who have no shame or conscience. THIS IS DISGUSTING!
    Elo Mr.Kanyika, don’t be surprised that your license will be withdrawn for disclosing this information.

  2. Chitalu Chilufya!!!!!

    This is what happens when greedy people take all contracts to supply medical supplies to the ministry of health.

    On this one, everyone can guess who is behind these fake products.

    Those that will contract HIV or go on to infect STDs to others should sue the supplier of these products.

    Chitalu Chilufya!!!!

  3. Why is Chitalu Chilufya this greedy?

    Has he not stolen enough?

    How much is enough? What does he plan to do with all this money?

    How many people have contracted HIV and STDs? These products have been around for years now.

    What next? Fake ARVs in hospitals? Fake antibiotics?

    Anyone this cruel would not hesitate to gas citizens.

  4. Stop importing stuff. By now you should have figured out how to test STIs locally. Now I understand why accused corrupt leaders still retain their position while attending court.

  5. When all workers begin to whistle blow, government should appreciate concerns and those in authority should be pro active to stop the rot. Zambian lives are at risk and will affect the very people in positions of authority. Government should strive for solutions to benefit the nation

  6. Hello country men

    A study must be backed with statistics. Jerome does not provide that. I would encourage him to be scientific.

  7. A pharmacist talking about testing? Is it not the chaps from the lab that should be advising about test kits vs results ?

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