Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Monze Catholic Bishop Hamungole dies


Bishop Moses Hamungole, the Bishop of Monze Diocese and Bishop-Director of Communications at the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) has died.

Two weeks ago, Bishop Hamungole announced to his Catholic Faithful that he had tested positive to COVID-19 and was under treatment.

Born on May 1, 1967 in Kafue, he attended Mukasa Minor Seminary.

After his primary and secondary education, he went to to St. Augustine’s Philosophical Seminary in Mpima Kabwe and later to the Theological Seminary of St. Dominic’s in Lusaka.

Since his ordination to priesthood for the Archdiocese of Lusaka on August 6, 1994, he served in several roles.

He also served as Director of Radio Yatsani and served in the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Lusaka.

Between 2002 and 2008, he had served as Communications Secretary of Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA).

AMECEA comprises; Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Djibouti, Zambia and Somalia.

It is a Catholic service organization for the National Episcopal Conferences of the eight countries of Eastern Africa.

Before his appointment as Bishop on February 10, 2014, he was Director of Vatican Radio in charge of English and Swahili programmes from 2010.

1994-1995: Parochial Vicar of the New Kanyama Parish – Lusaka;

1995-1997: Parochial Vicar of the Railway-Chowa Parish – Kabwe;

1997-1999: Director of Radio Yatsani and of the Communications Office of the Archdiocese in Lusaka;

1999-2002: Studies for the Licentiate in Social Communications at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome;

2002-2008: Secretary for Communications of AMECEA in Nairobi (Kenya);

2002-2009: President of SIGNIS-Africa;

2008-2010: Studies for a doctorate in Social Communications at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.


  1. What a loss to the Zambian Society!! Go well Bishop, Zambia now needs strict measures for this thing, twalapwa, yaambo kusenda nabapatili sure that have a natural social distancing order!!

  2. That’s very sad. This Covid 19 is real and people are getting infected and are dying daily. The Coronavirus knows no Tribe,Religion,Race,Political Party etc. The biggest problem among blacks is Secrey or lack of disclosure on Covid 19 infections.Unless there is improvement in Contact Tracing and Testing infections and death will spike. Let’s hope this disease will soon come to pass so that People can have a normal life. May the Bishops Soul Rest in Peace.

  3. When the day comes,no matter what measures you put in it will come to pass but thanks be to God because the dead depending on how they spend their day while on earth will be raised again and have ertenal life. The man has run his race , condolences to the family and the church.

  4. Rip. Why do so many people die close to elections especially when the upnd become very desperate. It is very strange and scary.

  5. The African Conference of Catholic Bishops was highly against the pro vaccine narrative. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that big pharma or their evil minions had something to do with his death. RIP.

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