Former South African President Jacob Zumba last weekend visited Zambia in an unannounced visit.
He arrived late Saturday and held an hour long meeting with President Lungu on Sunday at State House.
State House sources confirmed that Mr Zuma met with President Lungu but the nature of the visit has been kept secret.
“We know President Zuma was here on a secret mission. We are yet to be furnished with details of his visit,” one source said.
Other sources revealed that Mr Zuma praised President Lungu’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The sources said former South African leader said President Lungu has done a much better job compared to President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa.
“He told the President that he has done very well so far compared to his friend in South Africa who has been locking down the country with no success. President Zuma said your friend has brought tankers and a full military to the cities but cases are still going up,” the source said.
The South African liberation struggle icon later took time to meet the Mvunga family at Bank of Zambia Governor Christopher Mvunga’s farm estate near Chongwe

So what? For security reasons the president is not obliged to divulge details of his meetings. There is no story here.
Instead of worrying about who my boss met with, worry about who your wlves are meeting with when they tell you they are visiting relatives or overnight prayers. Some have turned up to my boat parties
Birds of the same feather ………flock from one captured country to another
Crooks meeting in the dark?
Anyway, it is not against the law for ex presidents to assemble.
Nice one Zuma for passing on tips to Lungu on what it is like being an ex president. He needs to be prepared for it.
Indeed Edgar has done better on this one and I advise him and other Zambians not to listen to conmen like Nervers Mumba who’re discouraging people from taking the vaccine. Nkandu Luo did the same on ARVs and closed down the institution that was the earliest to administer them in Emmasdale. She claimed that she wasn’t going to allow Zambians to be used as guinea pigs. But how many Zambians are now surviving on them? How many could have benefited if Nkandu didn’t try to look like she were intelligent? PF corruption has done more harm than the covid-19 vaccine will ever do
Done better but haven’t you heard your local councils complaining that the cemeteries are full. Full of what? What they aren’t telling you is that they are Full of Covid 19 victims
Why I will not surprised …Lazy Lungu wants the Gupta connect, these are the people Lungu loves who are rotten to the core, how does he think this will pan out with current RSA President?
Another blunder of Lungu’s is here for all to see the appointment of one drunkard cadre Christopher Mvunga….imagine the previous BOZ Governors being shown in the papers with corrupt politicians
Kaizar Zulu be reminded that the State Capture Commission issued new summons and filed an urgent application to oblige Zuma to comply and appear at the inquiry next week.
The former president played cat-and-mouse with the commission since it was set up in 2018 to investigate looting of state coffers during his nine-year presidential tenure.
Ayatollah – As much I dislike Nevers he does have a valid point on the need for due diligence when it comes to the covid-19 vaccines being procured in questionable circumstances by MOH….don’t just take vaccines that are being donated to you which have never gone thorough tests, Africans should be focusing on improving their diets and herbal medicines that galvanise their immune systems.
Jacob Zuma is now a private citizen. His affairs are therefore private. It’s enough to know that he was in the country. The rest is personal and therefore of no interest to news consumers.
When you play the impostor for too long from your flat in UK you start imagining that you are on call to State House. #N3z
Zambians have right to know who
Visits the president and for what
Reasons. The President is not a
Private citizen.
ECL made a grave error in meeting with Zuma. He will be accused of interfering in ANC’s internal Affairs.ANC and Ramaphosa will not be amused by ECL’s actions. ECL is naive to think that Zuma can assist him to rig the August 12,2021 Elections. We shall see!
That is why Mvunga can never make a good Central Bank governor, he is too entangled in the politics of this country to make independent and professional monetary policy decisions
I guess he came to persuade him not to go for infamous third term!
Another Crook asking to live in Zambia so he avoids prosecution in SA ,Lungu will be glad to take his money in exchange for citizenship.
It’s not every one who meets with the president that we will be informed about
Zambia was his home even before he became President
All of them no masks.. Shame
Ze Roberto for what?
Alex Moyo chikala u don’t know the use of masks during this time and age?
Zuma had his KwaZulu Natal mansion improved secretly and Lungu has his eSwatni mansion .These men are two secretive birds of the same feather.
“State capture is not just about biasing public policy so that it systematically favours some corporations over others,” Abby Innes, assistant professor of political economy at the London School of Economics, told the BBC. “It’s also about strategically weakening that part of the state’s law enforcement mechanism that might crack down on corruption.”
“Classic corruption involves individual politicians taking side-payments for preferential treatment in outsourcing contracts, a small deal here, a license payment there,” Dr Innes said.
“Full-on state capture is where corporations can influence the nature of the legislative process, and political actors allow them to do so for private gain. The whole policy-making structure of the state becomes commodified – something that…
Those who smell a rotten fish with the ‘private’ visit are equally justified as those who don’t. However the sitting president is at work 24/7 and answerable to the people. The press secretary is obligated to explain the visit to the people and not only the side comment on handling of Covid-19! Maybe Zuma has stashed some of his wealth in Zambian banks and came for its safety reassurance!
@Tarino Orange, there’s no one who’s manufacturing vaccines in Lilanda, all are being channeled through WHO so what are you and Nervers talking about? The first batch won’t even be available to everyone. They’ll be for the vulnerable like the aged, those with underlying conditions etc. Why should they be denied because of a false prophet and conman?
Ayatollah – You are very naïve…so those people you mentioned are not humans or Zambians ….you are more than happy to listen to a software engineer in the name of Bill Gates but look down on your brother who is telling to exercise extra caution….I mean would you trust anything procured by Chilufya and his PS who gave you defective condoms and surgery gloves via a company that didn’t have a license?
The president has a right to meet with friends of high profile like Zuma
The whole policy-making structure of the state becomes commodified – something that politicians are willing to sell.”
If traditional corruption means slipping a bribe to every police officer that catches you speeding, state capture means paying to have your car fitted with police lights so that no officer dare stop you from speeding again. Rather than paying to get away with breaking the law, you pay to make the law work for you.
This is serious if the Head of Treasury is close to a corrupt thug like Zuma how safe is our money and like the Honeybee debacle we will also discover that Zuma visited Lungu….everything is connected to this stumbling block called Edgar Lungu.
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zuma is welcome but not mu7 of Uganda
January 16, 2021 At 3:04 pm
“..Jacob Zuma is now a private citizen. His affairs are therefore private. It’s enough to know that he was in the country. The rest is personal and therefore of no interest to news consumers….”
Yes, but lungu is not a private citizen and any thing he does while in state house can impact the country , we have the right to know which criminals lungu is meeting , no , ????
Zumas main purpose in Zambia was to visit the the ill RB.
May God grant him strength to get well.
With Elections in August 2021 the timing of Zuma’s visit to Zambia is strange. The relations between Zuma and Ramaphosa appear strained. ECL is too small to mediate in ANC Politics. That begs the reason why Zuma met ECL. Now that ECL’s Godfather in Uganda is back in Power he can now use M7’s Template to rig the August 2021 Elections and retain Power in Zambia. If Zuma encouraged ECL to force his way for a Third Term in Zambia then he lacks Vision. It is a grave mistake 4 ECL to assume that “if M7 did it in Uganda why can’t he did it in Zambia?”. Times have changed in Zambia. Most Zambians want a change of Govt. ECL rigging 2021 Elections will make Zambia ungovernable. The writing is on the wall.
@tarino, what proof do you have that the medicine is contaimineted? Or are you depending on the fake infor of the fake papa? Jz is free to visit zambia dont you know that he lived here before becoming president.
Zuma = Corrupt former president = Guptas
ECL = “……” = Findlay
#akapS, you’re the only that has said something sensible on this thread.
He’s a messenger of good news telling his Excellency ECL that there’s life after State house approving Zambia’s democratic principles.
akapS: Jacob Zuma has the right to visit Zambia, the same way I visit South Africa. As for seeing the Mvungas, the visit was about the Ngoni (Nguni, Zulu) fraternity. It’s understandable. Zuma has also graced the Nc’wala traditional ceremony at Mtenguleni even before he was president of South Africa. I don’t want to engage in too much speculation.
By the way, how is “ala bi” bwezani mwebantu? Chileefwa..
Amidst State Capture Zuma Corruption issues in RSA we may be surprised to learn that the Ramaphosa Govt has sent Zuma on a Mission to Zambia. Zuma must have told Lungu the Pitfalls of seeking and forcing a Third Term. South Africa recognises that Lungu has been Elected and sworn in twice and therefore doesn’t qualify to stand 4 a Third Term. If Lungu defies the South Govt’s advice he will end up being prosecuted 4 Corruption post his
Rule. The RSA Govt wants a free,fair and credible Election on 12th August 2021 in Zambia. They want Zambia to maintain its record of a Constitutional Democracy.The RSA Govt doesn’t want to see a violent and disputed Election in Zambia in 2021.The writing is on the wall.
There is more to Zuma’s visit than what meets the eye. The timing of Zuma’s visit is interesting. Zambia is heading 4 General Elections in 8 months time and PF is holding a Party Convention in February 2021. Lungu’s Third Term Eligibility must have been on the Agenda in the Lungu/Zuma Meeting. Lungu has been advised not seek a Third Term but will he listen? Time will tell.