Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Joe Malanji hands over his Mercedez Benz car to Kitwe Catholic Priest


Foreign Affairs Minister Joe Malanji has handed over his personal Mercedez Benz S-350 car to Kitwe’s Our Lady of Peace Parish Priest Fr Benedict Ng’andwe.

The car will be for the personal use of Fr. Ng’andwe.

Mr. Malanji who is also Kwacha Member of Parliament where the Parish is located also donated a 30-seater Rosa bus to the Parish.

And Fr Ng’andwe has advised Mr. Malanji and other senior Government officials to ignore those that are speaking ill of the donations they are making.

Father Ng’andwe noted that Mr Malanji’s gesture of giving back to the community in his constituency is purely out of generosity.

The clergy was speaking when he received donation from Mr Malanji comprising 70 Thousand Kwacha to parishioners and a S-350 Mercedes Benz car including a 30-seater brand-new Rosa Bus to the parish.

Father Ng’andwe has since encouraged Mr Malanji to continue with his generosity, stating that God loves and blesses a cheerful giver.

He thanked Mr. Malanji for fulfilling his promise of helping the church with transport, saying the gesture will facilitate movements especially during evangelical works.

And at the United Church of Zambia-UCZ Kwacha East Congregation, Mr Malanji donated a similar 30-seater Rosa Bus and a further 50 Thousand Kwacha to go towards the construction of a new church building.

The Minister also donated over 100 Thousand Kwacha to five choir groups before handing out 1400 blankets and five thousand facemasks to three churches meant to benefit the vulnerable in society.

And Mr. Malanji handed out a third 30-seater Rosa Bus to St Peter’s Catholic Church in Ipusukilo Compound and another 110 Thousand Kwacha towards church logistics.


  1. Joe Malanji has always been a cheerful giver, he continued to give even when he lost to Bornwell Mutale in 2011. Priests endure several hardships. Catholic father’s are even better because they don’t have wives and children. Govt must find a way to help Priests educate their children, some kind of a special bursary. I appeal to Malanji to visit the mosque at Bulangililo and see how Zambians of other faiths are leaving, they’re also his people. He shouldn’t discriminate

  2. Mmmmm……..where are these people getting this kind of money? It seems campaigns are already in full swing

  3. Instead of logical thinking and presenting Bill’s in parliament that will fight poverty,bizzy donating buses,these things will not create employment or lift the poverty level,why did u not sell those assets and set up a eucalyptus oil manufacturing plant in that constituency.

  4. Its all going to be about who doles out the most gifts and cash at the end of day. Its such a tilted playing field. Is the congregation going to be meeting the service and running costs for this merc and is it value for money for the impoverished community? Not looking a gift horse in the mouth but a bakkie or utility vehicle that could be accessed by the community would have better handout. Add Merc; Add 30 Seater Rosa Buss; Add K70,000 for Parishioners; Add: K50,000 for construction of the new church building; Add: 1400 Blankets; Add:5000 face masks; Add: K110,000 towards Church logistics. And Campaiging has’t started yet. Who says poor Zambians have poor Ministers??

  5. If the Catholic church is still the institution I hv known whn I was small boy, then the Mercedes Benz car will be sold and a suitable one bought. Catholics hv never been known for conspicuous consumption. I know the vehicles Catholic clergy and sisters drive.

  6. Don’t be fooled ,this are campaign strategy ba mwankole.
    Also you churches you beg like prostitutes, stop this habbit you have in you heards..
    PK chishala’s song ( na musonda) . You will fail to say NO at the end..

  7. The man has raped the mind of voters in his constituency. He is also requesting for a donation in form of a vote in the forth coming elections. Va mahara vinata kae kale. Come August they should vote for him.

  8. Bufi, iyi benz yakale bane! We have driven it several times on weddings when Fr. Ngandwe was our parish priest at St. peter the apostle in mushili Ndola (twaleashima)? bepeniko bambi, fwebakaya twakana! Benz wasn’t donated, chipe chesu ichakale?

  9. Very sad development. Firstly, a Mercedes Benz is an expensive car to maintain, so the gesture comes at no cost for the Church but after the ownership, the costs to maintain the car now place pressure on the Church finances. Secondly, the optics are just not good, if this could be done in silence without the media, it could have been better even though I retain my reservations over the costs to the Church.

  10. If the priest cannot afford to buy his onw Merc how will he afford to maintain it? This is a high performance vehicle and if not well maintained it will lead to bad things. I hope the priest will sell it and use the cash for good causes.

  11. you will have to admire how the patriarchs of the Bible stood on the word………..

    Daniel 5:16-17

    [16]But I personally have heard about you, that you are able to give interpretations and solve difficult problems. Now if you are able to read the inscription and make its interpretation known to me, you will be clothed with purple and wear a necklace of gold around your neck, and you will have authority as the third ruler in the kingdom.” [17]Then Daniel answered and said before the king, “Keep your gifts for yourself or give your rewards to someone else; however, I will read the inscription to the king and make the interpretation known to him.

  12. [17]Then Daniel answered and said before the king, “Keep your gifts for yourself or give your rewards to someone else; however, I will read the inscription to the king and make the interpretation known to him.

  13. The priest is busy protecting his gift instead of asking the source of funds for such a huge donation. Was there any fundraising activities it just came from his pocket? These are pure proceeds of crime and the man of gold as allowed to be part of the crime. Let him enjoy his stolen share in silence and stop antagonising those morally upright people questioning such corrupt donation’s.

  14. It tells you how much free money there is to eat in Government. Boys don’t want to loose these elections and cannot imagine themselves not being in power by the end of this year. Why three gifts to one Church and one Bishop and why now???

  15. This will be my first time seeing a catholic priest driving a Mercedes Benz. By the way, is it gift to the priest or to the church????

  16. This is pure corruption y didn’t he donated those items last year,some of us who have witnessed this corruption it pains us,but continue supporting these useless donations, if u r cadre continue benefiting alone,if things r better for u keep quite plz plz.

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