Friday, March 7, 2025

Strong Associations of the Zambian Diaspora will be essential to the sustainable implementation of the Diaspora Policy


Zambia’s High Commissioner to Australia and New Zealand Frank Bwalya has observed that strong associations of the Zambian Diaspora will be essential to the sustainable implementation of the Diaspora Policy.

Mr Bwalya says Government under President Edgar Lungu appreciates the role played by Zambians in the Diaspora to ensure that the country reaps maximum benefits from the implementation of the Diaspora Policy.

Mr. Bwalya says government looks at Diaspora associations as vehicles for promoting trade, investment, tourism, foreign exchange earnings through remittances, knowledge and skills transfer.

He has since urged the Zambian Diaspora associations in Australia and New Zealand to uphold good governance practices and set up strong leadership structures through democratic elections.

High Commissioner Bwalya said this during a virtual meeting with the Zambian Diaspora in New Zealand.

Meanwhile, interim Chairperson of the Association of Zambians in New Zealand, Mwananga Mwandila says his organization would continue collaborating with the Mission in actualizing the vision of the Diaspora Policy.

And, a member of the Interim Executive of the Diaspora association in New Zealand Stephen Mulonda has appealed to the government to consider allowing some Missions to start printing national documents such as passports.

The meeting with the Diaspora in New Zealand was part of the strategy by the Zambian Mission in Australia to step up engagement with the Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand and accelerate the implementation of the Diaspora Policy.


  1. This father frank is on permanent holiday in Australia ………

    Australia is a rich strong country , what has bwalya archived for zambia as ambassodor since going there ???

    • Iam sure Kaizer is gnashing his teeth and wringing his thumbs like a hyena whose meal has just been pinched by a lion.
      Read again Kaizar: Zambia’s High Commissioner to Australia and New Zealand Frank Bwalya has observed that strong associations of the Zambian Diaspora will be essential to the sustainable implementation of the Diaspora Policy.
      Mr Bwalya says Government under President Edgar Lungu appreciates the role played by Zambians in the Diaspora to ensure that the country reaps maximum benefits from the implementation of the Diaspora Policy.

  2. Frank boyi where were you??
    My friend we in diaspora got insulted last year by PF government ministers, through their Spokesman covid-spreader Lusambo.
    Even you Frank you were included as doing nothing, wipping old people’s anuses etc.
    So forget about Diaspora policy, PF balinyela kuntulo ya mumana.

  3. We need all zambian to come together. Diasporans, I am extending an olive branch to you all. I am willing to forgive if you are willing to change your behaviour towards Zambia and its governance. Yes you are allowed to criticize but let us do it constructively. We are willing to learn from you and also share our knowledge for the betterment of this great nation. Last Sunday I became born again and do not want to have enemies. I forgive all my enemies.

  4. The governance in Zambia needs to change in order for a smooth interface between Zambia and Zambia’s part of Africa’s 6th region to positively work for the development of our nation.

    Laws must be laws, and everyone must work on that basis. Simple things like the cost of services and time frames for delivery of the same should not be dependent on choices of servants. Further, the culture of closing public services offices because one office bearer is away must stop.
    In other words, services that must be delivered within 14 working days must be delivered within that time frame.

    There’s too much mukeseko mailo, mukesheko pa Wednesday next week.

    Laws, rules, time, money and promises are things we in the diaspora value if we are move development to the levels that scream 21st…

  5. KZ

    If you want peace with diasporans , can you advice lungu to stop harassing and brutallising opposition and give them free space so Zambians can make up their minds without PF violence and intimidation…….

  6. Who put coins in this boy of moron Frank Bwalya for him to start barking…imagine such imbeciles appointed by Lazy Lungu are representing Zambia in Oz.

  7. I agree with you Mr honourable Bwalya, But the problem I have or we have is that ppl serving in the diplomatic mission don’t acknowledge, support or have the accurate data of the ppl living in the diaspora apart from the one that are sponsored by the government seems are the only one that accountable. but for other vulnerable Zambian citizens with no history of nowhere about We don’t get any first-hand Info feedback on what is going on in our country, We don’t get any invitation or sort of meeting from diplomats in the diaspora to talk about what issues we are facing living in the diaspora. by saying this, I or we, are not asking for any hand out from the government we know how to get around with ourselves that’s why we are here. I think it is inevitable for the ppl in the diplomatic…

  8. Akaps this is what I am talking about. Let us move away from constantly criticising on political lines. I understand that you have a party that you support just like any other zambian. However, constant politicking won’t help us.

    As I was being baptised last week, my pastor said hate begets hate. I have taken on his wise advice and have decided to avoid negativity. Akaps I forgive you and pray for you. I hope you see light before it’s too late.

  9. Our Ambassador!!! To those criticising him, you won’t win!! We in Australia have had the opportunity of meeting and engaging with him because he’s receptive and has a listening ear. The embassy services have also improved with him as our Ambassador. He has a passion for allowing well meaning Zambians in the Diaspora to have a voice and contribute to our mother land Zambia. Only bitter people like Tarino Orange speak bitterness in every situation and see nothing positive in life because they are bitter!!!

  10. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Ain’t gonna work. The problem is the government wants to bring too much bureaucracy with this Diaspora Policy… e.g. to send cash to my relatives or buy land they want me to go through an association here; then through a government agency over there and finally to the intended family member. Unlike other countries, most Zambians in the Diaspora have strong connections with their families and don’t need a government agency to engage with families.
    Just make the environment conducive and easier through good governance; attractive tax reforms; interest rates; policies and processes and remove the corruption culture. Then you will attract Diasporas. E.g. you send a mobile phone to a relative, they want you to pay Duty and VAT even though it is for personal use; interest rate to get a loan…

  11. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …interest rate to get a loan is at 20%.

    Also the government wants to make these Diaspora Associations as government political entities so they can control who does or says what, with the aim of making them PF entities. These are community associations and don’t need directions from some government official how to conduct elections or how they are run. In most cases they are governed by association statutory legislation of the local states in which they are operating. As soon as you bring in political influence and expediency they will fail… Frank Bwalya himself should join a Diaspora association in the area he is based and participate as a member with his family.

    And if you are going to talk about conducting free and fair elections, you might as well start with your own…

  12. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …And if you are going to talk about conducting free and fair elections, you might as well start with your own government at home. They needed to widely consult with this Diaspora and look at the Zambian situation and not just rushing it by trying to copy what is happening elsewhere. The Policy lacks Vision and is very thin on implementation strategies, just a bunch of unstructured ambitious goals with no overall strategy of how to implement it. You need everything coordinated, integrated and aligned to realize those goals.

  13. KZ you are right what we need is level headed people. There is a large number of diaspora people that appreciate the work of the current Govt but also there are some in the diaspora whose job is just to criticise everything. Criticism is good only if it is guenuine and not jus hatred. It is true some of us in the diaspora do jobs that local people don’t want to do, and some of us would not do those similar jobs in Zambia for two reasons 1. Pay may not be good and 2. The stigma associated with those jobs. So yes some of our brothers and sisters in the diaspora do these jobs. The minister is entitled to express his opinion because some in the diaspora think that they know it all. He did once he does not say it everyday like some diaspora chaps who are just sadistic saying the same thing…

  14. Ba father Bwalya naimwe, Diaspora policy? For what? 97% of Zambians in the US are soldiers and security guards serving in Afghanistan. Let them come up with a developmental policy. We will wait.

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