Friday, September 20, 2024

PF Campaigns heighten in the Miputu ward election


Campaigns in Miputu ward of Masaiti district have intensified with political parties going round the word to gunner support ahead of the February 4th by-election.

And Patriotic Front (PF) Masaiti District Chairman David Kalutwa has implored the electorate in Miputu ward to vote for a candidate that would foster develop to the area and not boarder on political party affiliations.

Mr Kalutwa said Miputu had lagged in development with a poor road network among other challenges due to selfish motives of preceding United Party for National Development UPND councillors.

“We are all on the ground to ensure that the people of miputu vote for the right candidate, who is no other than PF candidate Boniface Mbasela. The ward is lagging in development with a bad road network from the careless attitude of the former UPND councillors who have been serving this word for a long time” he observed.

The Masaiti PF Chairperson indicated that campaigns are going well, with all the ward, district mobilisation and constituency team, all on the ground and working as a team with the support of the PF Provincial Chairman Nathan Chanda and the area Member of Parliament Michael Katambo.

He expressed confidence that the PF aspirant would scoop the seat and that the PF through the area MP was steering development as evidenced by the road works of Kamifungu area, connecting Masaiti and Lufwanyama districts, the construction of a 1 by 3 classroom block at Malembe primary, and ablution blocks at Miputu primary among other development programs.

Copperbelt Chairman Nathan Chanda distributing PF regalia at a campain meeting
Copperbelt Chairman Nathan Chanda distributing PF regalia at a campain meeting

And the PF Miputu ward aspirant Boniface Mbasela pledged to work with the area MP and the local authority to spur development to the area once voted to office.

Mr Mbasela, aged 22, said he was born and breed in Miputu and was aware of the needs and challenges that the people were facing, as such was better placed to serve the people.

“I am grateful to the support from the entire district and province in this by-election, and I promise to work hand in hand with the people of miputu and the PF to deliver development and m make a difference in this area were the opposition UPND had dominated but have failed to develop the place, it time for change” Mbasela said.

Meanwhile, Masaiti District UPND Chairman Shevy Mukabila has urged the people of miputu to rally behind the UPND candidate Godfrey Makasa, saying g he was a seasoned, matured, and right candidate for the job.

“Campaigns are going on well despite some roads are impassable due to heavy rains, but the ground seems favourable for us and the people of Miputu ward are in agreement with our candidate who has also served them under the Movement for Multiparty Democracy” he said.

Mr Mukabila who expressed confidence in the UPND scooping the local government seat added that the campaign ground was smooth with both the UPND and PF teams strictly following their timetables and had not clashed at any point.

The by-election was necessitated by the resignation of then UPND councillor Hosin Mabechi in August 2020.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia ECZ has set February 4th, 2021 as a date for the Miputu ward by-election.


  1. Our work is done. May the best man win. We know that all parties have the wards interests at heart. Therefore when opposition lose, we hope they can work with us to foster development and not against us. In my past life before I was born again last week, I would have thrown insults but not any more. My enemy is now my friend. Amen

  2. And you wonder why people do not believe covid is real. Need I say more?? I just lost a loved one from covid and I am livid with this government that continues to send mixed messages, seriously. This guy thinks it’s more important to distribute vitenge than provide masks and public health education to these women? If for nothing else but for the pain of losing my loved one, PF will not win. Mwachilamo, you are too selfish to care about others.

  3. All these campaigns should have been suspended and elections postponed …even the picture speaks volumes about the blatant disregard for covid-19 guidelines handed out his contaminated religia to unmasked elderly women.

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