Thursday, March 6, 2025

Zambia records 8,557 GBV cases


Zambia Police Service has disclosed that about 8,557 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were recorded during the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to 7,640 reported during the third quarter in the same year.

Police Spokesperson, Esther Katongo disclosed that the country recorded a 10.7 percent increase in the number of GBV cases compared to the previous quarter.

Ms Katongo stated that about 1, 723 cases involved juvenile victims, representing 20 percent of all victims of GBV.

She added that among the 6,834 abuse cases, 5,121 represented female adults while 1,713 were male adults countrywide, adding that females of all ages have continued to be vulnerable towards the vice as 75 percent of all reported cases were abused in the fourth quarter.

“The fourth Quarter 2020 Disaggregated Data indicates that 1,723 juveniles were abused countrywide representing 20 percent of all the victims of Gender Based Violence. Out of the 1,723 juvenile victims, 1,298 were females representing 75 percent while 425 were males representing 25percent of all abused juvenile victims respectively,” Ms Katongo said.

The Police Spokesperson noted that under sexual abuse, 787 cases of sexual offences were recorded and of these, 622 victims were female juveniles translating to 79 percent, while 163 victims were female adults translating to over 20 percent.

She added that both adult and juvenile males recorded six cases of sexual violence in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Ms Katongo announced a reduction of 128 child defilement cases compared to the third quarter of 2020, as the country reported 586 cases in the fourth quarter, of which 585 were female juveniles and one case of a male juvenile, thereby representing 99.8 percent and 0.2 percent respectively.

She disclosed that Lusaka Province had the highest number of child defilement cases with 257 reported, while Northern Province recorded the least cases.

“Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 257 translating to 44 percent of the child defilement cases reported country wide. Eastern Province recorded 63 cases, followed by Central Province with 62 cases, Southern Province had 53 cases and Copperbelt Province recorded 39 cases of all the reported defilement cases. North Western recorded 38, Muchinga 23, Western 19, Luapula recorded 17, Northern nine, Airport Division recorded one case,” Ms Katongo said.

She stated that the number of rape cases stood at 106 and 13 attempted rape cases were recorded under the reviewed period.

Ms Katongo added that the country also reported 32 cases of indecent assault, 2,363 physical abuse, 480 economic abuse and, 22 murder cases.

She reiterated that Zambia Police will continue conducting GBV sensitization activities in an effort to curb the vice, while encouraging victims to report perpetrators of crime for possible prosecution.

Ms Katongo disclosed that a total of 8,897 people comprising 5,598 victims and 3,299 offenders were offered counseling by officers from the Victim Support Unit.


  1. Extremely depressing GBV data points. It sad to acknowledge that some of these cases have origins in a depressed PF/Lungu economy—the worst economic standing since the founding of the republic. Add gender-based violence (GBV) to worsening covid-based deaths(CBD), PF-Lungu based unsustainable Debt (LPFD) and we have intractable problems in this country.
    The initial minimum first step to address this is to remove and vote out the chain connecting all these traagedies: the deadly virus that is Lungu and his PF.

  2. Any man that beats up their partner is NOT a man.

    They are cowards. Scam of the earth.

    These are the sort of men you would never see fighting another man. They are insecure.

    There is nothing in any culture that promotes this behaviour.

  3. Only backward savages think its good discipline to beat up their spouse and kids, instead of showing them love and care or problems without using violence. Same with Id i o t s who think ‘panel beating’ other people is the only way to teach them how to follow Covid-19 health guidelines.

  4. Only backward savages think its good discipline to beat up their spouse and kids, instead of showing them love and care or SOLVING problems without using violence. Same with Id i o t s who think ‘panel beating’ other people is the only way to teach them how to follow Covid-19 health guidelines.

  5. Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in your innocent age. In Zambia most men abuse and cheat on their wives, so did their fathers, and grandfathers before them, They beat their wives in front of their children, when the children grow up they do the same to their wives. Physical and emotional abuse becomes part of the family’s explicit history. Tht’s why most Zambian men behave like demons.

  6. @ Indigo Tyrol well spoken!!!! I am a firm believer in parting ways if things are not working, I don’t understand why men and even some women resort to violence and even killing a partner/spouse. It’s sad to see in the news that even women are killing men. Could it be that people are getting tired of each other especially when they have to stay home for instance during the pandemic? The courts must also stop forcing people to stay together when they say they cannot be together. Let us be realistic and accept when a marriage/relatiobship/affair has broken down. Every life is precious!!!

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