Sunday, September 8, 2024

Minister of Energy disappointed with Puma Oil marketing company for failure to stock enough petrol at its filling stations


Minister of Energy Mathew Nkhuwa, is disappointed with Puma Oil marketing company for failure to stock enough petrol at its filling stations.

Mr. Nkhuwa says in spite of having 70 years’ experience in the energy sector, the company is failing to order fuel in a timely manner, so as to cushion consumers against shortages.

The Energy Minister has noted that Puma’s performance on the market was being surpassed by companies such as Mount Meru, which he said is a new player on the market.

ZANIS reports that Mr Nkhuwa said this when he arrived in Livingstone today, to check on fuel stock levels after the government put up measures to curb the fuel shortages the city and other districts experienced in the last few weeks.

“Puma management seem not to know what they are doing. The situation is disappointing since we need them especially during times when we are experiencing fuel shortages as a country,” he said.

He said he was impressed with the fuel stock levels at all the filling stations except for Puma.

Mr. Nkhuwa noted that most filling stations had enough stocks to last up to six days.

“Oil marketing companies have reserves for their filling stations, while the country has reserves to last up to 10 days, although the ideal situation would be 15 days,” the Minister explained.

He said the fuel shortage was caused by oil marketing companies not ordering fuel due to high landing fees for Zambia.

“So upon realizing that, Government did consultations, and afterwards, we removed excise duty on diesel, reduced petrol from K2.7 to K2.64 and zero rated the Value added tax so that the end user would not get affected. That is why the end user is still buying fuel at the same price,” Mr. Nkhuwa said.

He further assured the nation that a fuel hike was unlikely at the moment.

“We would have increased the price of fuel but we realize that if we increase the price of fuel, everything else will sky rocket in terms of pricing. Government, through President Edgar Lungu, wants to ensure the people of Zambia get the benefit of everything we are doing,” he said.

Mr. Nkuwa however, said the government had no control over the two major factors that led to fuel increase.

He cited the two factors as the kwacha to dollar rate and the international oil prices.

“So when international oil prices go up, it becomes very difficult; the kwacha has been devalued by about 51 percent and a barrel of crude oil was going at about US$40 the last time we increased, now it is about US$53. These are the factors, and there is nothing much we can do about them,” he said.

Earlier, Mr. Nkhuwa paid a courtesy call on Livingstone District Commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane at her office who informed the minister that the fuel situation had stabilized.

Ms Musokotwane however, said the district was adversely affected by the COVID19 pandemic.

While in Southern Province, Mr. Nkhuwa is scheduled to check on fuel stock levels at filling stations along the line of rail.


  1. Your mismanagement of Zambia’s economy has caused the Kwacha to devalue by 51%. So Bwana Nkhuwa stop lying about this oil shortage.

  2. Stop blaming OMC when the whole fault lies with your government for mismanaging the economy. They are also there to make a profit and not charitable organizations. They will only maintain enough stocks if they think its worthwhile not at your whims.

  3. If you dig deeper you will find that there are some opposition forces behind this who are trying hard to disrupt supply for political gain. In the process they are leading to all zambian suffering. They think this will help them gain office but they are just hurting themselves for nothing because it is already written that PF are winning in August. If you don’t believe me then please cut off my manhood if pf lose in August.

  4. Check the identities of the principal owners of puma and you may be very surprised who they support in the political space.

  5. The debt default among other things, caused the kwacha to depreciate, and yes you can do something about it.

  6. Always blaming someone else…when we asked them to reduce fuel they lied to us that they couldnt reduce due to having 5 months of fuel in stock…really laughable …the lies are catching up!!

  7. The mismangment of Zambia by lungu and his PF has exposed Zambia to 2 major factors …….

    The weather……lungu and pf are lucky we have good rains this season otherwise , it would have been game over for him

    And the second is wabboles in the world economy. This one, lungu is unlucky. If the global economy gets any worse , lungu faces a tough time as presido.
    Zambia is at the mercy of the world economy.

    Good leadership can outride both those calamities and stir a country through them…… not us with this champion from chawama.

  8. The economy is in shambles, don’t blame other people for ur failures, pay what is due and fuel will be delivered, u owe another 500 million dollers on fuel, Pathetic F000ls thought a dull id1ot like Lungu can run a country..

  9. Already looking for excuses.Didnt this sorry excuse of a minister announce that fuel shortage would end by the end of last week?Why they want to continue in power in the face of blatant failure beats me

  10. Energy given its political instability causes and economics cannot be left or delegated sorely to others by Government Procurement of energy be it Power of Fuels is such an important part of Governing and It cannot be delegated Energy security concern for Zambia is important to drive and leverage both the economic resources not just for political gain as well Those efforts by puma are noted but its trick to achieve energy security with those looking at the geopolitical nature of energy resources including sudden shifts i market fundamentals that may restrict or impact access to foreign energy resources Well managed this far but a plan B with a Solid Energy IRP plans that will secure and…

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