Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Two arrested for insulting President Lungu


Police in Solwezi, Western Province have arrested two people for allegedly using insulting language against President Edgar Lungu.

The case is believed to have been committed on January 27, 2021 at Kazomba market.

Provincial Police Commissioner, Joel Njase has confirmed the incident to ZANIS in Solwezi today and has since identified the suspects as Victor Sankisa 42, a mechanic and Nicholas Sankisa 39 both of Kazomba compound in Solwezi.

“The two suspects are in police custody and will be charged with insulting language contrary to section 179 of the penal code and defamation of the president contrary to section 69 CAP 87 of the laws of Zambia,” Commissioner Njase stated.


    • How many people were arrested by calling Mwawasa Cabagge? Mwebantu please twapapata even Jesus Christ insulted king Herold “fox – meaning wild pig” was he arrested?

    • That law was not made by Lungu. Instead of reviewing it, opposition MPs are busy wasting time in parliament. As long as it exists who ever insults will have broken the law and police will arrest him.

  1. How many people were arrested for insulting Chiluba, Levy, RB or Sata? Why does he appear to be the most ” insulted” seating President in Zambia.
    He is also the most criticised Zambian president by foreign nationals e.g Lumumba, SA Minister, to name but a few.

  2. Some uncivilized people will never learn that insulting your elders and leaders only leads to you shortening your life and being cursed. Insulting the president is not insulting EC Lungu but is an insult to the office of presidency. So it means all insults thrown as that office are insults to anyone who has held that office and will hold it in future. Let us learn to be civilised in our interactions. Yes you don’t need to agree with this government but there are better ways to show your disapproval. Be mature and seek God

  3. ……why not just put on a thick Rhino skin, move on and focus on good leadership? This earth is not heaven where we should always expect the best of praises from everyone at all times. To be honest, he or she who report insults to the King in reality is the very person who insult the Kingi and deserve to be punished. Earth is a neutral place for experiencing both good and bad, and this is what actually makes the world to go ’round’.

  4. Please such people deserve slow poison.we had serial killers where are they, even these young men and women who have the arbit to insult elders deserve such punishment. Let’s have respect for the head of state.

  5. Any criticism of Lungu is taken as an insult.

    Even when one points out that corruption is bad under Lungu, they get arrested.

    What happened to Mr. Humble ?

  6. This is the kind of Zambia that politicians have created for us. Some think that they can’t drive a point without being vulgar. Just how many people have been arrested for insults on the President since 2016? There’s life after politics and politics is one of the shortest careers. It’s important that we moderate our language, we can’t have a nation where we insult each other everyday. Expressions like utupuba tuletalika, Pamunyoko Chhikala are not good at all

  7. He is useless that is why they insult him so much, the boy is a weak leader and too dull thieving useless worst president on earth

  8. This is what happens when a leader of the opposition political party goes in public and uses insults to campaign. Insulting does not solve any problem but those using insults must be punished accordingly. It does not matter how many people insult the head of state. The narrative that when many people insult the head of state then he is un popula is a very cheap narrative being championed by the under-five politicians.

  9. Please Lazy Lungu stop arresting these people for calling you out whilst your thieving ministers walk free…this is a warning!!

  10. The President is a public figure and it is very normal for some people to insult him as they hv a right to do so. Defamation of the President is an archaic law and must be deleted from our statutes.

  11. You can talk negative it’s ok,but dont insult the presidency,the presidency is an institution that even the opposition leaders need to protect and respect,one day they will be there and then what?
    What goes round comes round.

  12. @AYatollah “politics is one of the shortest careers?” Tell that to Mu7 since he became president Kalusha bwalya a longserving football player started playing professionally and retired leaving mu7 in office. In that period six national coaches retired in Uganda. Zambia perhaps 7.

  13. Why is ECL being insulted every other day?
    During KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, RB and Satas time, these cases and arrests were rare.
    Whats going on?

  14. Just remove that law or open it by saying don’t insult public figures. Then sub articles to specify what insults are. Another law should say public figures should not insult other people.

  15. For crying out loud! Start by arresting LUNGU for insulting women, looting and stealing national resources, killing our economy, murdering our GDP, corruption, fraud, bribery, etc. The list is too long folks. I’ll keep it short, you know where I am going with this. He continues to undermine our democracy. Chap must be voted out this 2021. Hope he has stated packing. He will leave.

  16. RESPECT is EARNED. It is not legislated. The majority of people do not insult their parents even when it is not criminal to do so. The law of defamation was inherited from the colonial British empire. Under monarchies, the king or queen has a divine right to rule by virtue of their birth. Therefore, to wish the monarch ill or to insult them was equivalent to blasphemy. That is why the greeting was ‘God save the king/queen.’ Kaunda didn’t change the shoes, he just changed the feet that wore the shoes. Since independence the same laws continue. We were beaten by whites, now we are beaten by fellow blacks. The boss changed but the rules remain the same. This is unlike what happened in America at independence. They did away completely with British laws.

  17. He is the most insulted because there is freedom. What ecomic benefit is accrued when you insult elders or leaders? Zero benefits. When arrested and jailed you may reform and help the state grow maize in prison farms that way you become productive.

  18. No man is a god not to be insulted. Defamation of an individual is a civil wrong and not a criminal wrong. Please Lord give us a government that will look after the people and not magalomaniac selfish individuals with an exaggerated worth of themselves.

  19. I agree with KK. This is a true sign of too much freedom in Zambia although some partisan (UPND) ‘Human rights advocates’ have always portrayed a wrong picture of Zambia’s record on Human rights who maliciously claim that the free press has been under siege under PF government, a case of Nkonkomalimba Kafunda’s article of 26th January, 2021. There is so much freedom in Zambia that UPND cadres have crossed the line insulting our President like headless chickens with impunity, thanks to our vigilant Police. Do you think HH can pass this test?.

  20. What did they say- the things interpreted as insulting in some quarters are not insults. Example “The leadership ya Ba Lungu is substandard”, is not an insult but an opinion. Another example “Ba Lungu is lying that I have brought unprecedented development”, is merely disputing a statement made by an individual.

  21. They are hurling insults because they don’t want the chosen one on the ballot but they’ll be shocked n will wish the ground to swallow them when the see his Excellency on on.

  22. How many Zambians were arrested for calling Late Levy Patrick Mwanawasa Cabbage?
    Leadership is not for the thin-skinned!
    A leader who is always crying for love from followers will always be miserable and paranoid!
    If you want to be loved as a leader, try selling Ice cream!

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