Thursday, February 20, 2025

President Lungu should be lauded for his timely and decisive action to clean up the Ministry of Health


By Tobias T. Banda

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has proven to be a real statesman in the fight against corruption and should be lauded for his timely and decisive action to clean up the Ministry of Health which had become an embodiment of the evil vice as exumed by the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) and the recently exposed Procurement scandals resulting in the recalling of various medicines and medical utilities.

In the past few weeks the Nation has witnessed the firing of the Minister of Health Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, Permanent Secretary for Administration Ms. Kakulubelwa Mulalelo, the Managing Director of Medical Stores Limited Mr. Chikuta Mbewe and many others who were directly responsible of handling health care services on behalf of the Zambian people in the Ministry of Health.

These firings have come as a result of the revelations of mismanagement of procurement processes which saw the Ministry of Health Procure alleged expired medicines, unfit medical kits, torn condoms, flawed pregnancy test kits and many other medical utensils which are essential for treatment and other health care services owed to Zambians.
The unwarranted mismanagement of these important services and processes caused a lot of fear, anxiety & uncertainty among many Zambians who ended up calling on President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to make changes in the management team of this Important Ministry in order to save the many lives of Zambians who are dependant on Government for proper health care services.

Being a responsible and listening leader, H.E President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has heeded the genuine cries of the masses and has since taken stern action to fire everyone that was involved in the eminent mismanagement of such important public services which border on human life.
By so doing President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has demonstrated once again that he is a leader who detests corruption & wrong doing and is ready to defend the plight of the Zambian people who elected him into office with fear or favour.

It if for this reason that I am saying His Excellency’s timely action to clean up the Ministry of Health should be lauded by all well meaning Zambians. Truly when a good deed is done it is important and logical to give applause and credit where it is due. And in this instance President Edgar Chagwa Lungu deserves our applause for standing with us and puting the plight of Zambians first.


  1. Chilufya; So Kalya ka paimenti mwaipwishe ninsova kale elo nakambi kaleisa.
    President: Nomba ninshi washable amakondomu ayabola??
    Chilufya: ala bosi fibaiche napele impiya ifibena komanda.

    • Can he clean up religious Affairs ministry as well where Father Lupupa wants elections to be rigged. Prima facie case here, Police must show keen interest here, hopefully the Father has already been rounded up

    • Timely? My foot, the issues of Chilufya have been around for a long time. The only thing which is making these changes is the year 2021, otherwise Chilufya would still have been around? Utterly hopeless of tha leader (president) we have. How did we get to this level. We were told the guy’s legal practice was barred because of thieving, and we said, fyakale! Well the spots cannot be rubbed off with soap!

  2. Timely when damage has already be done. Isn’t lungu the one who was defending Chilufya when everyone was accusing of him of stealing. Lungu locks up those who oppose corruption now he was forced to act after public outcry, a little too late especially when the big fish are protected by him.

  3. There’s still a dispute here. It’s not settled yet. It will only get settled if a court draws a conclusion on wht really happened.

  4. Blame Lungu in the 1st place for hiring bad people he’s forced to fire in the end.It means Lungu didn’t do proper due diligence.

    • Imagine congratulating someone who creating these problems due his inept leadership….just Imagine how much money has been lost through corruption

  5. The decision of the president to fire some people from the ministry of health is not timely and decisive. The nation lost money and a lot of people have been exposed to substandard and unsafe medical kits. People had been complaining about the corruption at ministry of health for a long time but the president even at the time the minister was charged with corruption, he dismissed public concern contemptuously, saying ” I won’t fire chitalu chilufya just because people are talking he is not guilty until the court finds him guilty”. Which court found Hon Chilufya guilty for him to have fired him now? The president only acted because, he could no longer pretend all was well at MOH after News Diggers continued to expose more dirty at MOH.

  6. Leadership and arrogance are always at variant to each other. The ones to lauded are those who exposed the corruption at ministry of Health. The president knew or ought to have known what was going on. Why didn’t he act earlier? The system of government works in such a way that the president is made away of a lot of things through intelligence briefs. How can we believe that a news media with limited resources got information earlier than the president who has the proper and functioning intelligence apparatus.

  7. Firing Ministers and Officials for corruption is not enough. They must be prosecuted for the alleged corruption activities otherwise it will be seen to be a cover up for corruption involving the Presidency. These Ministers and Officials should clear their names in Court. Corruption is a Cancer which needs to be eradicated thru Prosecution.

  8. Unfortunately for Edgar the general perception is that he’s very corrupt, he’s only firing perceived opponents. Why didn’t he fire Charles Banda who authorized the capture and transfer of black lechwe to private ranches without any proof of payment? He hasn’t said anything about the mukula cartel report. He’s wasting our time

  9. This Tobias praise worshipers has no objectivity or shame by ass licking the president. Had ECL been decisive he woul have fired Chilufya a long time ago preventing the expired drugs & defective condoms being distributed in our society. Its sickening reading statements of these minons seeking attention from the naked emperor.

  10. This Tobias praise worshipers has no objectivity or shame. He is boot licking the president. Had ECL been decisive he woul have fired Chilufya a long time ago preventing the expired drugs & defective condoms being distributed in our society. Its sickening reading statements of these minons seeking attention from the naked emperor.

  11. Minister Chilufya and PS have been fired for Corruption at the Ministry of Health. So far the Corruption Culprits haven’t been prosecuted which means that the Presidency is condoning Corruption. A fish rots from the Head downwards. So corrective measures must be taken to stop rampant corruption in this PF Govt. The Swedish Govt has threatened to withhold its financial assistance in fighting Covid-19 if corruption persists. The PF Govt must take this threat seriously otherwise all Western Countries will withdraw their donations to the deadly disease. All suspected Corruption Culprits must be fully investigated and prosecuted to clear their names. The writing is on the wall.

  12. Timely and decisive must have a different meaning!! He has had over 4 years to show decisiveness, timeliness and consistency in a fight against corruption. He failed lamentably often arrogantly castigating those who pointed out corruption. Now that he sees elections are around the corner, he decides to pull the wool over our eyes by these token actions. Lets see him deal decisively with the fire engine saga, ghost houses, mukula scandal, gassing of citizens, police extra judicial killings prior to the latest two, tribalistic utterances by his cabinet ministers etc. Maybe then, we can begin to believe.

  13. Lungu is very wise, cool and intelligent. He does things in his own accord. He is not influenced by the mobe psychology. When the opposition is busy insulting him that’s when he is busy working on the ground. CONGRATULATIONS my President. Keep it up. Let those that trust social media as their mouth piece continue doing that at their peril.

  14. Lungu needed the 10 time lapse to dupe people that he fights

    we know his first 5 years he set the standard in corruption. He was stealing like there was no tomorrow for him….

    • The more you keep attacking ECL on corruption allegations while he corrects things, the more you will convince the electorate that your agenda is personal and biased. The electorate will judge you.

  15. People are only revered when they die. Just look at the clowns in upnd who are now praising MC SATA when they insulted him all his life

  16. He denies that there is corruption for nearly 10 years and then he should be lauded for acting so late on what he should have done so many years ago? My foot!
    This is why we Zambians can be misled by one individual for 27 years. You will be singing his praises while on the way to an early grave. Your children will be orphaned and roam in the streets while you are blind to the misrule of your leader.

  17. Lungu thinks by firing he is taking action and cleaning corruption. No it doesn’t work like that. They have to as the law and brought to books.

    Lungu himself is corrupt. Thief by profession. We shall find out when he leaves office how he had accumulated I’ll gotten wealth. Proceeds of crime.

  18. April is round the corner we shall see if Zambia starts paying its interest payments.

    So far two months of payments have not been paid.

    One of the euro bonds mature next year around 3 billion. I wonder how lungu will pay that if he is still in power

    Bring in Scotland Yard to investigate 10 years of plunder/ looting and see the outcome

  19. And our children at a certain school in Luwingu sit on floor with no books.These chaps should not only be fired, should be arrested.A corrupt nation is a curse to itself.There is nothing to jubilate when such people are fired.

  20. cleaning what? when he got the same garbage and put it on the parliamentary budget committee which another maize field for him. lets be serious with governance bane for once. don’t laud Lungu but castigate him instead, he has been shielding criminals who have some dirt on him for far too long now.

  21. Who created the situation? How long were the complaints made about the ministry management? Did the president do it willingly and with speed? What forced his hand to eventually make the decision? Given all this does he deserve to be praised?

  22. Just how low is the bar for a passing grade? To laud the president as a “real statesman” for “timely and decisive action” against corruption only after the problem at MOH was completely out of control and on display for everyone to see is a bit like praising the 12-grader who correctly sums up 2+2 but still has problems with his threes. Imagine. Does PF really want to campaign on its success against corruption?

    • The truth is that the corruption fight in Zambia is more of a political and personal matter rather than a professional matter. It has its origins in the Levy Mwanawasa method that isolated and humiliated FTJ and his compatriots but failed to yield convictions in the Courts of law. ECL is correct in trying to institutionalise the whole process and only reacts on well informed leads and lawful actions. This corruption fight will never be won on social media and foreign intervention but by carefully crafted institutions and laws that embrace local input and intellect.

  23. A little like Emerine Kabanshi. Heads roll only when the people who pay the bills complain, in this case donors. That is because everyone else will have to stop eating if they turn off the money. This is not laudable, it is necessity to ensure that the MoH and its people can keep eating and voting. If corruption were a sincere concern there would be more action with Valden Findlay, where the money from running the Kariba turbines went, GBM’s contract to supply the army with mealie meal when he was minister of defence, de-gazetting national forests, mukula trade and those 42 fire trucks.

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